"You do NOT have that much to lose!"



  • Iceskatefanrn
    Iceskatefanrn Posts: 489 Member
    When I'm in a conversation with an interested party, I feel no need to hide neither my current weight, my weight when I started, the amount I've lost, or my weight goals. This is MY information, & I don't mind sharing - I am not responsible for someone else's REACTION or RESPONSE to MY information. That's their issue to deal with.

    (FYI, I'm 51 yrs old, 5'3" on a "tall day"... starting weight 202, current weight 182, losing weight and getting healthy on the 17 Day Diet).

    But I love a good one-liner. When someone says "oh no, there's no way you weigh THAT much"... I just say "well, I've been fat since the 6th Grade, so I've gotten REALLY GOOD at dressing to hide it!

    I'm looking forward to getting into my goal weight range (135-140), I know I'll "look" much thinner than that weight. When someone tells me I'm not eating enough, I'm "too skinny", I'm not getting enough nutrition... I'll be glad to say "Well, gee, I had a huge bowel movement today, and as we all know, that's waste product - so if my body is still making waste product then I MUST be eating enough!"


  • lemonadem
    lemonadem Posts: 398 Member
    Thought... Their perception of weight is different from what someone actually weights. Does that make sense??? 20 lbs may seem like a lot to someone... In reality it is only about two pant sizes.

    This is true. I have a friend who is very petite, and people are SHOCKED when they find out she weighs 140 pounds at 5'2" (or 5'3"?). Because to most people, who don't really know what muscle looks like, she looks like she should weigh in around 115 or 120. But she works out really hard and it's ALLLL muscle.

    My trainer is 140 pounds at 5'2", again....all muscle.

    So, as the above poster said.. maybe it SOUNDS like a lot, and they just don't realize that it's not that much of a difference, in a way.

    And to the above poster.I am 5'6" and have lost 21 pounds, and only went down one pants size. But another woman posted this week, and at 5'2" 20 pounds meant 4 sizes for her. So again... it's all different for each person, depending on your build.

    God bless!

    This is so true! I've lost 20 pds and only dropped a pants size also. Being fit for me means being in shape and curvy- I don't mind a scale number, as long as I'm toned and feeling great. We all need to find our version of healthy. I've found that losing weight, working out, and eating right aren't that big of priorities to some people, but they are to me. Thankfully, the people close to me are very supportive, but some people just don't get it because it's not something they put high on their lists. It is definitely a whole lifestyle change to get to a healthy point and stay there, not something you can start and stop whenever you hit a certain goal. Mayabe that's hard to understand too? The commitment of it?

    Congrats on doing it for you though :)
  • Iwillshyne
    I sooo agree. Most of my fam and friends are over-weight and have not come to grips with it being un-healthy, some are very contempt with where they are and show no signs of changing. Other say they wanna get healthy but are not willing to put in the work, so to tell them what I am doing would only result in exactly what you said : Noooo, you don't need to loose weight, expecially THAT much weight. One of my GF even said I'd look like a crack-head if I were THAT small....smh! ...NOPE, It only results in total De-motivation indeed!! Best wishes!
  • babycoconut249
    babycoconut249 Posts: 12 Member
    My parents started noticing I was gaining weight, but they actually encouraged it. They don't want me to loose weight telling me its ok to be my weight since I am hitting 30. No, it is not ok to be this weight at my age with my height!
  • babycoconut249
    babycoconut249 Posts: 12 Member
    I used to get that from people all the time when I weighed 180 but those same people now tell me how great I look at 155. So it makes me wonder, were they lying before or are they lying now?

    Maybe your just awesome no matter what size you are! :happy:
  • Hellbent_Heidi
    Hellbent_Heidi Posts: 3,669 Member
    Yes, but sometimes I wonder if its just because of how I carry it (I'm tall, so its proportioned and maybe hidden well), or maybe they're just trying to be polite. Nobody is going to come out and say...."oh yeah...good idea, you need to drop that much or more" :laugh:
  • sweebum
    sweebum Posts: 1,060 Member
    I have the reverse. After losing 60 lbs, my Grandmother said she would pick a weight of 105 for me. I'm 5'6 1/2!!:grumble:
  • stephyy4632
    stephyy4632 Posts: 947 Member
    Imo its people don`t see the weight correctly I am 183 and while I haven`t told anyone in my family what I currently weigh I have told most that I have 32ish pounds left that I would like to loose and most (GUESS) I`m 150ish now from what they see so me saying I want to loose another 32 pounds seems crazy to them but I just let the comments rool and I have no intention on telling them my true weight as that is my biz not theres

    I know they guess my weight to be 150ish since thats what my MIL said to me when I said I wanted to loose and she was shocked at how much I wanted to loose trying to tell me how unhealthy I will be if I`m that small (which isn`t true at all since my goal weight is in fact 150pounds LMBO) so people image perseption of weight is off imo
  • zarozinia
    zarozinia Posts: 67 Member
    I really try to avoid discussing numbers with people, even close friends, because I'm short and my numbers look small to people who are average sized. And that inevitably opens me up for all kinds of benign criticism about how they'd "kill to be X lbs" when X lbs is what is considered overweight for my height and frame. Or the ever popular "if I weighed X, I'd be anorexic!" Even on MFP, I try not to mention numbers because I've run into that same kind of attitude here.

    I have managed to train my best friend (who is a foot taller than me and considers herself "plus sized", but to my eyes, she looks completely proportional and normal, so I guess I'm not immune to it either) to remember that while I may be trying to lose ten pounds (though, I could stand to lose more like 20 in the long run), that's a pretty significant weight for my frame to be carrying around. A ten pound gain on someone who is 6 feet tall can be barely perceptible in the way their clothes fit. But on someone 5 feet tall, it can mean an increase in two dress sizes. I have less square footage on my body for that weight to go, after all!

    Just trust me. I weigh what I weigh, and I want to weigh less and be in better shape and have healthy cholesterol levels, and I leave it at that. :)