Reaching calorie goals

Mileysoot Posts: 23 Member
I’ve been using mfp for a week now and am struggling reaching my minimum calorie intake. I’ve recently cut out breads and (most ;) )sweets. But I feel like I am never hungry. Help! Should I eat just to reach the calorie minimum, or just eat when I’m hungry? I’m afraid will start stalling my weight loss?


  • CarleyMarie83
    CarleyMarie83 Posts: 44 Member
    AnnPT77 wrote: »
    It's a bad plan to under-eat. It creates unnecessary health risks, and the common scenario is that you feel fine on too few calories until suddenly, you don't. (That's what happened to me.)

    If you're under your calorie goal routinely by more than a small amount (say, 25-50 calories), and that's not getting balanced out over the course of time (maybe a week) by some days over your goal, you're risking under-eating . . . especially if you set a weight loss goal of 2 pounds a week, which is aggressive to start with.

    Once you hit your nutritional goals, especially enough protein and healthy fats, if you still have calories left, then eat something that's less filling, like some nuts or peanut butter, some extra salad dressing on your salad, olive oil or butter on your veggies, or even a small treat food that sounds appealing.

    A calorie deficit is how we lose weight, nutrition is important for health, . . . and adequate calories are necessary for health and energy level, too.

    Completely agree.