Progress Pics



  • mlsh69
    mlsh69 Posts: 31 Member
    Great job
  • egbert2016
    egbert2016 Posts: 37 Member
    You are an inspiration. Great work! What did you do to make it fun? That's what I need to do... stop thinking if it as a chore.
  • ReenieHJ
    ReenieHJ Posts: 9,724 Member
    I'm honestly just seeing this!! Sometimes posts go by so fast, I miss them entirely, no matter how much I try to keep up.
    What an amazing difference and posts like yours and others, keep me motivated and inspired, not jealous!! Keep up the insanely good work!!
  • nuzziek
    nuzziek Posts: 69 Member
    egbert2016 wrote: »
    You are an inspiration. Great work! What did you do to make it fun? That's what I need to do... stop thinking if it as a chore.

    Sorry, I am just seeing this now! Thank you for your kind words.

    Thinking of myself as an experiment made it more fun. "What happens if I add a 100-calorie protein snack today?" "What if I focus more on fiber and veggies today?" "Now what happens if I had an extra 30 minute walk at lunch" It's fun to play around with little changes to see it makes me feel and effects my progress. I still do this every day. It's like a game to me.

    Also, having my husband volunteer to join me made it more fun because we did it all together. It's become a joy to bond over this journey together. And knowing he did this to support me means the world to me. (He was never overweight).

    Another reason it became fun was because I started to feel so much better after tweaking my diet to my ideal. For me, this meant mostly plant-based and whole foods, with occasional (nutrient-rich) processed foods. It was like a rush how great I felt. Again, it took months and months of experimenting with foods and listening to my body to find what worked best for me. It's different for everyone.

    Finally, sticking with exercise! I started running, hiking, weight lifting, and doing yoga. (I know, it sounds like a lot). I slowwwwwwly built up to everything. I ran for a quarter mile, super slow. Next week I did half a mile, maybe a little faster. Started super slowly and built like that for each type of exercise. (And introduced them one at a time, after I was comfortable in a groove with the previous exercise I added). I disliked exercising for the first few months and just kept pushing through. At some point, it became tolerable, then a habit, then enjoyable. I'm 100% addicted to exercise at this point. This has been a huge help, not because I'm trying to build a large deficit, but because it boosts my mood and makes me less likely to sit around eating. I have anxiety and used to emotional eat. I found that exercise solved that problem for me without medication. (Again, not for everyone).

    I hope this makes sense and that it helps. It might have been a little ramble-y, but the bottom line is that I listened to body, took things slowly, and did my best to enjoy the ride. Patience and determination.

    I wish you the best of luck and am happy to continue talking if you have any questions.
  • nuzziek
    nuzziek Posts: 69 Member
    ReenieHJ wrote: »
    I'm honestly just seeing this!! Sometimes posts go by so fast, I miss them entirely, no matter how much I try to keep up.
    What an amazing difference and posts like yours and others, keep me motivated and inspired, not jealous!! Keep up the insanely good work!!

    Thank you so much! I truly appreciate it. Feeling amazing.
  • TravisJHunt
    TravisJHunt Posts: 533 Member
    Awesome job! You looked great to start with but being lighter is always better for our health so great job!
  • ahoy_m8
    ahoy_m8 Posts: 3,053 Member
    nuzziek wrote: »
    Thank you so much, everyone!!! It has been a lot of hard work, but I think they key was making sure I enjoyed the process. I really have been having fun with it.

    Fantastic results (so far!) and fantastic attitude to boot. Well done, OP! Awesome inspiring post!
  • nuzziek
    nuzziek Posts: 69 Member
    Awesome job! You looked great to start with but being lighter is always better for our health so great job!

    Thank you so much! :smiley:
  • nuzziek
    nuzziek Posts: 69 Member
    ahoy_m8 wrote: »
    nuzziek wrote: »
    Thank you so much, everyone!!! It has been a lot of hard work, but I think they key was making sure I enjoyed the process. I really have been having fun with it.

    Fantastic results (so far!) and fantastic attitude to boot. Well done, OP! Awesome inspiring post!

    Thank you!!! And yes.. so far! I'm definitely still working hard.
  • Carlos_421
    Carlos_421 Posts: 5,132 Member
    I don't know that anyone was jealous - but a poster who replied to you seemed to imply so. Keep on keeping on, you're doing wonderful!

    And I think they were very far off the mark.
  • emmabrookes1
    emmabrookes1 Posts: 67 Member
    Inspirational achievement! Thanks for sharing <3
  • girlwithcurls2
    girlwithcurls2 Posts: 2,281 Member
    How did I miss this before? Incredible transformation, OP. I agree that you can make it an enjoyable process. I also thought that counting calories and playing around with what I could eat that would be yummy and filling was kind of fun. Eating back 1/2 of my exercise calories was a bonus. I learned to swim about a year into my weight loss. It's been fun (and aggravating, and exciting, and frustrating, and exhausting) learning to swim, but now it's something I really enjoy and I know that it's one more thing in my fitness bucket.

    You can tell from the photos that it took a lot of showing up to get where you are. I think that's why the "try to make it fun" thing is so important. It's much easier to show up for something you enjoy, especially on days when you'd rather not.

    P.S. LOVE the workout clothes! They look awesome on you! :)
  • nuzziek
    nuzziek Posts: 69 Member
    How did I miss this before? Incredible transformation, OP. I agree that you can make it an enjoyable process. I also thought that counting calories and playing around with what I could eat that would be yummy and filling was kind of fun. Eating back 1/2 of my exercise calories was a bonus. I learned to swim about a year into my weight loss. It's been fun (and aggravating, and exciting, and frustrating, and exhausting) learning to swim, but now it's something I really enjoy and I know that it's one more thing in my fitness bucket.

    You can tell from the photos that it took a lot of showing up to get where you are. I think that's why the "try to make it fun" thing is so important. It's much easier to show up for something you enjoy, especially on days when you'd rather not.

    P.S. LOVE the workout clothes! They look awesome on you! :)

    Thank you so much!!! I use Fabletics for my workout clothes.. love them! (Another fun side effect - I have about a million work-out outfits now LOL)..

    Anyway, I wanted to say that is awesome that you learned how to swim! That is a goal of mine. I've always loved the water and swimming but never really learned the correct form/strokes. I've been trying to gain courage to join my local YMCA and get swim lessons. I love the idea of finding a new activity to enjoy that doesn't stress my joints like running does. I'm nervous/embarrassed to inquire about swimming lessons at my age, which is dumb. So, thanks for inspiring me! I think it's time for me to finally make that call! Maybe I'll end up finding another new activity to fall in love with :) Did you take lessons or just learn on your own...?

    Thank you for the kind words. Best of luck on your journey!!! Glad you can relate to it being important to have fun with it :) Keep up the great work :):):)
  • paulaturse
    paulaturse Posts: 7 Member
    You look amazing. Why on earth would you want to lose more weight? You certainly don't need to! What you've done and accomplished took so much work and effort and you deserve to feel proud of that accomplishment. Awesome!