What exercise did you start out with til now?



  • MichelleMcKeeRN
    MichelleMcKeeRN Posts: 450 Member
    For the first 10 years of my adult life, I occasionally went to the gym and only did cardio. For the last few years, I have been doing a lot of weight training with a little cardio. I do more bike riding and hiking in the summer too. I can hike for an hour or two and my bike rides are normally 2 hours or so. My body looks WAY better now. Kinda crazy...
  • hmaddpear
    hmaddpear Posts: 610 Member
    I wasn't active as a kid, or an adult really. Then started here in 2013, needing to lose 100lb. Lost 80 of those walking, mostly. Then discovered running. I lapsed on the logging, put on 40 of the 80lb I'd lost, but I did keep running. So there's that!
  • MikePTY
    MikePTY Posts: 3,814 Member
    I went from sedentary to practicing Krav Maga (Israeli Martial art). That's still primarily what I do now. But over time (16 months), I've went from barely being able to do half the exercises to leading the conditioning portion of our classes.
  • BrownSugar174
    BrownSugar174 Posts: 311 Member
    @lorrpb I am so very proud of you! You inspire me!!
  • francinefig
    francinefig Posts: 13 Member
    I joined the Y a year and a half ago with 70lbs to lose. I started out just walking the track, because everything else was too intimidating. I made the rule for myself that I had to show up at the gym and do *something*, even if just walking. I worked up to walking 90 minutes at a time and was losing weight and feeling good. Then, plantar fascitis and sore calf muscles forced me to stop walking one day and I got on an exercise bike instead. Slowly on after that I started doing other things and now I do a large variety of things -- strength, cardio, etc. And I love it. But I still sometimes have days where I just walk because I enjoy it so much. I have always been sedentary before now (or at least unable to stick to anything for any period of time), so I say if I can do it, anyone can.
  • firef1y72
    firef1y72 Posts: 1,579 Member
    When I started out I struggled to walk on the treadmill for 5min at 3km/hr. Now I do the following

    Monday: 30min PT, 3.1mile run, shoulders/arms (around 45min), 30min yoga, 30min tabata, 45min barbell (like bodypump)

    Tuesday : 30min PT, chest/back, 45min zumba, 30min yoga, 45min insanity, 50min boxercise

    Wednesday : 30min sprints (every other week), long run (6-12miles), 45min stretch, strengthen and release (similar to piyo, so based on yoga and pilates), 45min zumba

    Thursday : 1hr PT, 30min yoga, 30-60min cardio (usually includes some kind of treadmill run), 45min circuits

    Friday : 30min PT, 3.1mile run, 45 min total body conditioning class. Depending on how much my trainer has hit my legs I may also do a leg workout. 30min yoga.

    Saturday : either 4mile cycle to 50min bootcamp. Or parkrun. 30min yoga

    Sunday : active rest, 3-5mile very easy paced run with a new runner (around 4min/mile slower than my normal pace). 30 min yoga
  • astridtheviking
    astridtheviking Posts: 113 Member
    When I was a little kid, I did competitive figure skating. In college, I started yoga and then pilates. Now I do pole, lyra, personal training and weights/circuit.
  • Luciicul
    Luciicul Posts: 415 Member
    I started about a year ago, just with the initial goal of getting at least a 10 min walk each day. I was living a very sedentary life and could go days without leaving home, so I set this small goal. It’s not that I couldn’t walk for longer, but that I didn’t have a reason to and wasn’t in the habit.

    Then I increased my walks - some days would walk for over an hour, even two, but other days it was only 20 mins up to shop and back.

    My main goal for the first 8.5 months was on better eating habits, improving sleep, and losing weight, rather than exercise.

    I did try doing yoga a couple times but as I was obese at the time I found even simple poses excruciating because so much weight was bearing down on my wrists. It made me feel like a failure. So I decided I would lose most the weight BEFORE increasing exercise.

    About 3.5 months ago I started the “couch to 5k” running program. It builds up fitness and skills over 9 weeks - starting with walk/run intervals, finishing with a 30 minute steady state run.

    From 3 months ago, on the days I wasn’t doing C25k I started doing yoga (yoga with Adrienne, on YouTube) twice a week.

    I finished the C25k program and kept running about 3 days a week, with yoga on other days. I even ran on Christmas morning.

    At the beginning of this month I started the 30 Day Yoga challenge - so this month I have done yoga every single day.

    Two weeks ago I started using an app to help me do HIIT at home (3 rounds of 7 mins), to increase all over strength and intensity of workouts. So I either do HIIT or run every second day: goal is to do HIIT twice a week but this week I did it 3 times because it was too wet to run.

    At the moment my HIIT workout is at the easy/beginner setting but I can already see improvements, for example - being able to maintain form for longer when doing kneeling pushups.

    Most importantly: I now have a very strong exercise HABIT where I get up and do some form of exercise every single morning.

    I don’t need to be the strongest or fastest at what I’m doing, but I do need to move this body to keep it healthy. By creating good easy sustainable habits, I’m more likely to keep it up for the rest of my life rather than fall off the wagon when life gets hectic.