What I'm Doing Wrong (And Right)



  • MrBrown72
    MrBrown72 Posts: 407 Member

    I work out obsessively.
    I eat right.
    I read the whole post and reply to the actual question.

    I save my calories for Vodka.
    I work out obsessively.
  • cm2two
    cm2two Posts: 194
    Other than not exercising it sounds like you are not doing too bad, which seems obvious since you are losing.

    For me:

    Bad: I drink too much wine!
    I play on MFP when I should be working

    Good: I eat my veggies
    I exercise regularly
    I very rarely eat sugar or non-whole grains.

    this is my twin...
  • mzprettiekittie
    mzprettiekittie Posts: 125 Member
    You doin great! I think the list is a fab idea
  • 1smemae94
    1smemae94 Posts: 365 Member
    Good for you! as for me

    right: i havent had pop in almost a year
    i exercise at least 4 days a week
    i drink at least 8 glasses of water

    wrong: i still eat too much crap food
    i dont exercise long enough
  • You could always try diet coke instead.. it will save you tons on calories and sugar! I am definitly a soda person so its hard for me to take it our of my routine so i switched to diet until i am able to stop drinking it all together.. i swear its like an addiction.. quitting smoking was easier to stop than drinking soda for me!
  • But anway...


    Eating healthier foods
    Tracking my calories, carbs, fats, protein, ect
    Started P90X


    Dont drink enough water, and drink too much soda
    Am not consistent when it comes to working out
    Still eat some bad foods on occasion.. ex we had papa johns meat lovers last night =(
  • auntiebabs
    auntiebabs Posts: 1,754 Member
    When it comes to dieting right and wrong are so subjective.

    It's not about being perfect it's about doing better.

    Small changes that I can maintain. Once those are habit I add another couple of small changes.
    Reducing sugar.
    Reducing portion size.
    Tracking EVERYTHING
    Working hard being honest with myself (Even if I lie to myself I not going to trick my body why not be honest and make choices based on reality)
    Learning the difference between enjoying a treat and indulge in a trigger food which I can't seem to control myself with.

    THINGS I CAN WORK ON IMPROVING (doesn't that sound better than WRONG?):
    Not getting enough sleep
    Getting lazier with tracking now that I've been doing it almost 1 year.
    Not drinking enough water
  • Hi! you have made great progress! cant wait till i have lost that amount!

    what i am doing right:
    - eating more lean protein
    - eating breakfast! (i never used to eat breakfast then i would eat alot later in the day)
    - i have cut out bread and feel alot better for it
    - drinking 2ltrs of water a day (cut out fizzies and caffeine suprisingly easy)
    - So far 45minutes of exercise a day

    What i am doing wrong:
    - still eating sugar and wasting my daily calories on them ( i need tips on beating sugar cravings PLEASE)
    - Sometimes i get tempted to eat what my husband is eating and give in - for me the food part of this change is the hardest.

    Hope this helps!

  • Other than not exercising it sounds like you are not doing too bad, which seems obvious since you are losing.

    For me:

    Bad: I drink too much wine!
    I play on MFP when I should be working

    Good: I eat my veggies
    I exercise regularly
    I very rarely eat sugar or non-whole grains.

    hahaha.... I play on MFP when I shoudl be working, too!!! :laugh:


    - need to push myself a little harder on runs
    - not being uncomfortable at the gym. I pay for this too, so who cares what other people think?
    - macaroni and cheese , just stop buying it cause you can't resist the Cheesiest!
    - Too much wine...haha nope not giving that up.
    - sugar in my coffee. I still feel like i need it to survive

    - exercising everyday, regardless of how I feel when I first wake up
    - logging everything. cheating is only cheating yourself
    - making better choices for myself and my family
    - cooking at home 95% of the time, with fresh ingredients.
  • Bullzyi
    Bullzyi Posts: 15 Member
    -Drinking lots of water
    -staying within my calorie limit
    -eating more fruits, grains, and veggies
    -exercising on a regular basis

    -Still eating candy
    -Still eating fast food

    I think that's about it for me
  • auntiebabs
    auntiebabs Posts: 1,754 Member
    I am phasing out the soda. I have to do it slowly because I get caffeine headaches which trigger my migraines. I am down to 1 Coke a day from 3-4, soon it will be half a Coke per day and then none!

    Try switching to coffee/iced coffee you can have your caffieine and wean yourself off of the sugar by adding less and less.

    Don't switch to diet soda, may have less sugar, but also lots of evil chemicals that'll mess with you.
  • sovannac
    sovannac Posts: 445 Member
    What I am doing right:
    -Staying under my calorie goal
    -Not eating fast food
    -Drinking lots of water

    What I am doing wrong:
    -Munching on sour patch kids before the gym (at least i'm working them off) and eating a few after.
    -Not getting enough sleep
  • My wrongs are the exact same as yours! Just sub the coke for pepsi :) I'm not quite ready to make the leap to no pepsi and I'm managing to stay within my calories most days even with 1/day.

    My big right, and why I love MFP is that I have been altering my meals/snacks throughout the day based on where I am for calories. More than a few times since I started up 2 weeks ago I have actually not snacked on ANYTHING after DS & SO went to bed. This is a really bad habit for me (and yes, my SO goes to bed not long after our 3yo DS, lol) and if not for that ugly red number staring at me from my phone, I would be raiding the kitchen for sure! On nights where I've got some room for a snack I most often go for rice cakes, much better than the chips/cheezies I used to eat almost every night...

    Good luck with cutting out that last can of coke! I am in total agreement that it's better to just slowly get rid of it instead of switching to diet.
  • dryfli
    dryfli Posts: 39 Member
    the rights:
    -exercise of some sort almost daily. either walking the dogs 2 miles up and down hills or that and the gym for some crazy psycho butt lifting class.
    -enjoying life at parties etc and not feeling like i am a slave to my weight.
    the wrongs:
    -saving up my cals each day for booze or candy. sigh. i wish they were calorie free.
    -not eating enough veggies each day. i'm good, but could be better.

    i have switched to skinny cocktails, flavored vodka and crystal light or seltzer. have you ever had vanilla vodka and orange seltzer? 70 cals and tastes like a grownup creamsicle. yummy!
    also, to the original poster, try the 100 cal cokes. maybe just a small can will carry you thru the day? 100 cals vs 360...

    oh another wrong. a craving all the time for cocacola slurpees. which i have avoided like the plague.
  • lizziebeth1028
    lizziebeth1028 Posts: 3,602 Member
    So, this may not be of interest to many of you, but I'm going to bare all here and see if it helps to motivate me. I'm doing some things well and some things not so well. They are as follows:


    -I am still drinking Coke
    -I am not drinking enough water
    -I am not exercising enough


    -I am down to 1 Coke a day from previously drinking 3-4 Cokes a day
    -I have not eaten fast food since I began MFP
    -I have been tempted by and successfully ignored cheesecake, Doritos, potato chips...in my house...during the hurricane!
    -I am counting and logging everything
    -I have been to the gym a bit, as well as yoga class and accupuncture
    -I have lost 5.75 lbs since last Monday and gone down 1 point on my BMI

    I'm curious to know what everyone else is doing right/wrong. Feel free to add me if we're not already friends!

    You are doing awesome!! You've made some positive changes in your lifestyle and you're making great progress.

    My good things -
    I work out consistently
    Monday through Saturday my diet is very healthy
    I've maintained a healthy weight for years (would love to loose 5 more pounds tho)

    My bad things -
    I usually drink (2) 8 oz glasses of diet coke a day
    I have a sweet tooth which I tend to over indulge on my pig out sundays
    i definitely don't drink enough water
  • coatsie79
    coatsie79 Posts: 187 Member
    I would say get rid of the soda.

    Unless you don't plan on ever drinking soda again then a soda every once in a while is no big deal.
    Maybe have one every other day or one every few days.

    For me it's not about depriving myself of anything, but knowing how to have the things I like and that are fattening in moderation.
  • what Im doing right

    right.... I log everything I eat, I eat healthy (I think). I workout 99.9% of the time. Im not hungry LOL. I feel great

    wrong.... People will say eat all my cal. I just figured out Im eatin more sodium than I want .I should be happy losin 22 pounds since july 25 but Im not
  • lizziebeth1028
    lizziebeth1028 Posts: 3,602 Member
    I would say get rid of the soda.

    Unless you don't plan on ever drinking soda again then a soda every once in a while is no big deal.
    Maybe have one every other day or one every few days.

    For me it's not about depriving myself of anything, but knowing how to have the things I like and that are fattening in moderation.

    I agree with you! I know diet soda is not good for me.....but it tastes so refreshing and icy cold!! I don't want to have to deprive myself of too many things!!
  • Melaniemj
    Melaniemj Posts: 8 Member
    wow you're doing great


    falling off the food wagon - every weekend take out and ice ream with family
    not always exercising
    not always filling in mfp
    way way too much coffee


    tracking my food intake throughout the week and usually balanced
    healthy eating through the week
    lots of water
    exercising maybe 80% of the time

    Caffeine is my demon my enemy too so if you find a way to go cold turkey please let me know

    again well done!
  • kristlynngirl
    kristlynngirl Posts: 121 Member
    - Staying under my calorie goal
    - Drinking water or Crystal Light instead of diet pop
    - Doing some sort of exercise more or less every day
    - Ordering out a LOT less
    - Eating loads of protein

    - Wasting my calories on junky foods
    - Sleeping too much
    - Weighing myself more often than once a week and getting mad at the scale
    - Spending 160 calories a day on an iced latte from Dunkin Donuts that also costs $4.02 each
    - Eating too much sodium and sugar