The Diamond Challenge: Round 5: Wk 2 - Little Diamond's



  • Aprilstar480
    Aprilstar480 Posts: 2,910 Member
    Wednesday QOTD:

    What is one habit you hope to pickup or drop during this Challenge? (i.e. water intake, eat less carbs, get more protein, etc)

    I need the accountability. I've noticed if I'm not in a challenge I have a harder time logging all my food and exercise. I want to get into a routine of keeping track of everything without relying on anything else.
  • miss_jamaica
    miss_jamaica Posts: 376 Member
    Wednesday QOTD:

    What is one habit you hope to pickup or drop during this Challenge? (i.e. water intake, eat less carbs, get more protein, etc)

    The habit I want to develop is definitely drinking more water! I would have thought that this would be the easy part, but after months of being on this weight loss journey that is absolutely the area where I continue to struggle! This week's challenge was definitely a selfish one!
    What about adding crystal light to your water?? It adds 5 calories per cup but it's basically flavored water, at least to help you with some of the water intake. I used to be the same way but since starting drinking it regularly I really don't drink anything else. Good luck you can do it ladies!!

    It's so funny that you mention it. I just tried Crystal Light for the first time not too long ago, and Ioved it! I only purchased one little packet, but I drank my water with no hesitation! I think I will pick up a box of those. Great idea! Thanks!

    ...and I don't care too much about the 5 cals. I think it's well worth it to stay hydrated!
  • kimi131
    kimi131 Posts: 1,058 Member
    What is one habit you hope to pickup or drop during this Challenge? (i.e. water intake, eat less carbs, get more protein, etc)

    I really need to get better with my workouts. I don't love it. I've never found that love for working out that people talk about. I've gotten lazy with my workouts. It's time to step it up!
  • blueillusion3
    blueillusion3 Posts: 151 Member
    Wednesday QOTD: What is one habit you hope to pickup or drop during this Challenge? (i.e. water intake, eat less carbs, get more protein, etc)

    i hope to keep my sodium and sugar levels down and to eat a little cleaner :). oh and to exercise daily...

    edited: to add about exercising
  • michelle_eiz
    michelle_eiz Posts: 100 Member
    What is one habit you hope to pickup or drop during this Challenge? (i.e. water intake, eat less carbs, get more protein, etc)

    I really need to get better with my workouts. I don't love it. I've never found that love for working out that people talk about. I've gotten lazy with my workouts. It's time to step it up!

    I have the same problem! I try to get up early to workout, before the kids get up.....but the snooze button always gets hit a couple of times! Then if I try to do it at night, I am usually worn out and just want to get to bed once the kids are in bed!
  • Mommyof3loves
    Wednesday QOTD:

    What is one habit you hope to pickup or drop during this Challenge? (i.e. water intake, eat less carbs, get more protein, etc

    My habit would be to make sure I actually eat breakfast, I was doing good but have slipped back into my old habit of skipping it :-( So I have to fix that.
  • CoCoMa
    CoCoMa Posts: 906 Member
    Wednesday QOTD: What is one habit you hope to pickup or drop during this Challenge? (i.e. water intake, eat less carbs, get more protein, etc

    Definitely cutting out the processed foods and eating a lot cleaner.
  • northernchic
    northernchic Posts: 117 Member
    Wednesday QOTD:

    What is one habit you hope to pickup or drop during this Challenge? (i.e. water intake, eat less carbs, get more protein, etc)

    A habit I'd like to drop: I'm hoping to rid myself of the "I give up" habit...I have a short attention span and when I start to get bored things slip...then I have a particularly bad day THAT tends to turn into a week...then I'm a goner...but NOT this time!! I'm in for the long haul :-)
  • tameko2
    tameko2 Posts: 31,634 Member
    Wednesday QOTD:

    What is one habit you hope to pickup or drop during this Challenge? (i.e. water intake, eat less carbs, get more protein, etc)

    when I started out I was a little better about making healthy choices - as opposed to today when I had a prime rib dip sandwich for lunch, AFTER yesterday's potluck lunch (MEATBALLS!) and AFTER yesterday's jersey Mike's italian sandwich dinner.

    I think i'm just a little tired of always picking the chicken, turkey, asking for no-mayo, telling my BF that I need a salad instead of a fatty sandwich....etc. Tired of salad in general, its never been my favorite food.

    This challenge I hope to reinforce making slightly healthier choices more often, not just portion control.
  • Latoyamary
    What is one habit you hope to pickup or drop during this Challenge? (i.e. water intake, eat less carbs, get more protein, etc)

    I hope to stop drinking soda, diet and otherwise, and increase my caloric intake. I am usually on the lower side of 11 to 100 calories. I need to get to 1500..
  • hwilliams519
    Wednesday QOTD:

    What is one habit you hope to pickup or drop during this Challenge? (i.e. water intake, eat less carbs, get more protein, etc)

    To not be consumed by food. To think of food as medicine or fuel, and not plan my day around food. And to eat less processed food.
  • pverbarg
    pverbarg Posts: 490 Member
    Wednesday QOTD:

    What is one habit you hope to pickup or drop during this Challenge? (i.e. water intake, eat less carbs, get more protein, etc)

    sustaining the workouts I've been doing and just maintining the habits I've been drawing on so far. just have to keep diligent at everything every day!
  • nikkiws
    nikkiws Posts: 164
    Wednesday QOTD:

    What is one habit you hope to pickup or drop during this Challenge? (i.e. water intake, eat less carbs, get more protein, etc)

    I hope to reduce the temptation to get on those scales every day!! I also need to drink more water, I am truly shocking, I always reach for coffee over water except when exercising.
  • ElleJay221
    ElleJay221 Posts: 104 Member
    Wednesday QOTD:

    What is one habit you hope to pickup or drop during this Challenge? (i.e. water intake, eat less carbs, get more protein, etc)

    Well, I am hoping that this Challenge will be my "get back on track" challenge - I have been lazy in August. I have still been working out - and loving it more than before - but really lazy with snacking on things I shouldn't be (like chocolate!),not logging everything (like when I just "taste" something - and the "taste" ends up being 1/2 cup worth!), snacking at night and not watching portions carefully - (10 chips is not the same as a handful!), finishing what my little guy doesn't eat - things like that. That is the kind of stuff that got me over 200 lbs in the first place!!
  • tameko2
    tameko2 Posts: 31,634 Member
    No thursday QOTD?
  • stepbystep6
    stepbystep6 Posts: 88 Member
    Wed Qotd: ditto Rubyjjones -not to allow a bad day, become a week or month - through stinking thinking. move on, move forward, accept imperfection with patience - that's the habit i am working on!
  • carteremma
    carteremma Posts: 52 Member
    Wednesday QOTD:

    What is one habit you hope to pickup or drop during this Challenge? (i.e. water intake, eat less carbs, get more protein, etc)

    I have a few things I'd like to make habits, but the one I want to enforce the most is working exercise into my weekly routine. I am beginning to enjoy it more so I am hoping that soon I will feel the "need" to workout at least 3 times a week for at least an hour.
  • tameko2
    tameko2 Posts: 31,634 Member
    Friday QOTD: Getting healthy means sometimes spending a little extra money on some particular thing - maybe specialized running shoes or workout clothes, a gym membership, buying certain foods to support your diet that cost more than other foods (like greek yogurt costs more than regular yogurt). List a couple things you spend extra on and why - or why you choose NOT to spend extra on certain things (ex: you make do with regular yogurt because of the cost savings).

    I'll answer for myself in a bit.

    *edit* answer time!
    I am paying 60/week for 2 personal training sessions (45min - 1 hour) every week and this is really my big splurge - its hard to give up that money but its so amazingly effective. And I'm getting a great deal on it which helps me feel better about it.

    I did buy some specialized workout clothes/shoes but I only bought ONE of each thing (Workout pants, top, shoes) and any additional stuff I buy I will only buy on sale/clearance/cheap as I can find it/if my other things wear out.

    I don't do any special food really - I did buy some luna bars and clif bars but those end up as substitutes for other snacks for the most part (I think....) and since I buy them on sale they are probably cheaper than the old days when we'd walk to the 7-11 and buy an unhealthy snack.
  • balowry1
    Friday QOTD: Getting healthy means sometimes spending a little extra money on some particular thing - maybe specialized running shoes or workout clothes, a gym membership, buying certain foods to support your diet that cost more than other foods (like greek yogurt costs more than regular yogurt). List a couple things you spend extra on and why - or why you choose NOT to spend extra on certain things (ex: you make do with regular yogurt because of the cost savings).

    I'll answer for myself in a bit.

    I've spent money on a HRM that show calories burned for when I do my workouts. I've bought workout DVDs since I do all my workouts at home indoors. I've compared foods. Like for yogurt, I like regular yogurt better than Greek yogurt, depending on the flavors. I like white bread more than wheat bread. I like some organic fruits, so I'll spend more on that. I like going to the farmers market to get fresh fruits and vegetables. And my hubby goes to get fresh meat even though it's more expensive.
  • tameko2
    tameko2 Posts: 31,634 Member
    Ah yeah and I bought a heart rate monitor too. Dang I spend a LOT.

    by the way for anyone that hasn't bought an HRM yet - the absolute best thing about it is when I am doing a self-motivated workout (not something where a trainer or DVD or video game tells me "now do X") I can keep an eye on my heart rate and know if I am not pushing myself enough.

    You would not believe (maybe you would) how many times I have been out walking, glanced at my HRM, and been like "uh oh, I MUST be able to go faster than this if my HR is only 109!"

    And when you see it say "278 calories burned" as you near the end of a workout you can think "I can't stop now, I have to push it to 300!"

    Its not the reason I originally bought it but its REALLY motivational.