Tough time at losing weight

Heyo everyone im in kinda problem im trying to lose weight but it is not going so well. I have kinda addiction to coffee and energy drinks + i smoke and my work is kinda tricky so the most of time i dont eat for whole day and then i end up eating in 12-1 am... Also during the day i drink a lot of coffee and energy drinks. My weight is bouncing like jojo i lose 10-15 kg in a month than i regain it. If anyone could drop me some advice i would be grateful
Current weight : 95 kg
Hight:172-175 not rly sure


  • xcc670
    xcc670 Posts: 98 Member
    Eating once a day should not be a problem. How many calories are you taking in during the day with coffee and energy drinks? I would try to cut back on the energy drinks, especially if they contain sugar. Go slow on cutting back because you may have a physical caffeine addiction. Add one or two high protein bars during the day to keep your hunger at bay. Don't try to be perfect, just make small improvements to your lifestyle and try to be consistent.
  • Fluffknight
    Fluffknight Posts: 2 Member
    Thanks a lot i usually drink about 7-8 coffee cups 250ml a day sometimes more and few monster energy drinks it varies from how tired i am
  • apullum
    apullum Posts: 4,838 Member
    None of the things you mentioned are directly relevant to fat loss. Fat loss is 100% caused by consistently being in a calorie deficit: eating fewer calories than your body burns.

    It doesn't matter what time or how often you eat, unless your eating schedule keeps you from sticking to a calorie deficit. It doesn't matter whether you drink coffee or energy drinks, unless those things put you outside a calorie deficit.

    Since you don't mention how many calories you eat or how you track that, then my guess is you are not consistently in a calorie deficit. You can ensure a calorie deficit by weighing and logging ALL your food, getting as close as possible to your MFP calorie goal each day without going over.