How often do you step on the scale?



  • thenewkayla
    thenewkayla Posts: 313 Member
    Every 3 days😭
  • kq1981
    kq1981 Posts: 1,098 Member
    edited January 2020
    I first started MFP 3 years ago so every single morning when I first started and I used happy scales to see my trend because I got discouraged with the fluctuations. Now it’s mostly once a week.
  • Rakesh_M
    Rakesh_M Posts: 14 Member
    Once a week works for me
  • mockchoc
    mockchoc Posts: 6,573 Member
    I don't think I'll ever buy one again. I was on it every day and couldn't stop. Now we got flooded I think I'll just go with my skirt size getting tighter or not.
  • mhdashler
    mhdashler Posts: 103 Member
    I weigh myself once a week, on the same day, and roughly at the same time. Too much life happens in a day and I don't want to feel guilty for enjoying myself one day when I can work it off over the next few days. Weight loss (and life) is a marathon, not a sprint. Anyone can do really good (or really bad) for a day at a time. Trends take time to form just like habits. Daily victories are great, but the trend measured over time is more important to me. Weekly weigh ins are close enough together so that I can make corrections to my routine if I have gone up (even though over a week, nothing should be substantial), and the weekly weigh ins are far enough I feel to actually celebrate weight loss.
  • mockchoc
    mockchoc Posts: 6,573 Member
    mhdashler wrote: »
    I weigh myself once a week, on the same day, and roughly at the same time. Too much life happens in a day and I don't want to feel guilty for enjoying myself one day when I can work it off over the next few days. Weight loss (and life) is a marathon, not a sprint. Anyone can do really good (or really bad) for a day at a time. Trends take time to form just like habits. Daily victories are great, but the trend measured over time is more important to me. Weekly weigh ins are close enough together so that I can make corrections to my routine if I have gone up (even though over a week, nothing should be substantial), and the weekly weigh ins are far enough I feel to actually celebrate weight loss.

    Yeah that is how it should be. Happy for you. Some can't do what they should and know is best. lol.
  • imabeevampire
    imabeevampire Posts: 166 Member
    Once a week officially, to log my weight. Might step on twice a week to see how it's going.
    If I weighed daily I'd get so frustrated at not seeing the scale move, I used to do this and didn't enjoy it. Plus one week of the month my weight goes up a bit even after a calorie deficit
  • vivo1972
    vivo1972 Posts: 129 Member
    Every day. Like everyone my weight fluctuates daily, going slightly up and down.

    I do it because "ooh I lost 100 grams yesterday" makes me feel good and a little boost to keep going and exercise a wee couple of minutes longer. I only used to weigh once a week and found I would feast and famine. This way I keep better portion control and am much more relaxed.
  • shaddyho
    shaddyho Posts: 2 Member
    I weigh myself every Monday morning, but have recently started doing the odd Friday as well, so I can assess how the week has gone before I enter the weekend where the working day does not define my activity and I am prone to overthinking about meals, snacks etc
  • sardelsa
    sardelsa Posts: 9,812 Member
    When I'm losing, 4-5x per week. When I'm gaining or maintaining I try to weigh daily.
  • retgarr
    retgarr Posts: 13 Member
    Almost daily. But when I get to maintenance, I'll change that to less frequently.
  • amtyrell
    amtyrell Posts: 1,449 Member
    Daily except during my period.
    As a woman the massive fluctuation during my period is depressing so i just skip stepping on the scale until my period is over for the month and then go back to daily weight ins.
  • wine_n_weights
    wine_n_weights Posts: 253 Member
    edited January 2020
    I have weighed daily for a long time and am considering laying off for a while. I’m at my goal weight and want to work on recomp, so the scale may not reflect the changes I’m hoping to see. I got my body fat tested 3 weeks ago and plan to get that done again at the one month mark. I’ve also been taking my measurements intermittently for the last 5 years so there’s lots of data there to compare. Scale fluctuations can make or break my day, wish they didn’t but they do.

    All of this ^^. I lost 44 pounds about 3 1/2 years ago and have basically kept it off - I say "basically" because last I checked, the number is higher, but I've also been lifting weights/working out for 3 years and know that my body comp has changed some because I still wear the same clothes. When I was losing, I did weigh almost daily. But the number totally affects my mood, and sometimes my actions too (get a bit too restrictive) - so I don't weigh at all anymore. I rejoined here to drop a bit of "fluff" which has been working - I can tell by my clothes and the mirror, and that's enough for me. Measurements are a great idea, like you're doing, as well as the body fat test.
  • Pipsqueak1965
    Pipsqueak1965 Posts: 397 Member
    TMI alert! I only weigh myself on the days when i can go to the loo before I eat or drink anything! So about once a week or fortnight ...
  • Carlos_421
    Carlos_421 Posts: 5,132 Member
    I weigh almost every day but only log once a week.
  • COGypsy
    COGypsy Posts: 1,227 Member
    I weigh myself pretty much every day that I wake up in my own bed. I’m not as consistent with getting the weight into my Happy Scale app, but I do step on the scale every morning after I get up and before I have breakfast. It’s no big deal to skip it if I’m traveling or whatever, but I’ve found that things begin to creep upward very quickly when I’m not mindful of where my weight is at.

    I back that up with how my clothing fits. I have a particular pair of pants that serves as the arbiter of my size. No stretch and a side zipper—-they tell me right away if I’m getting too comfortable in my portions sizes and snack choices!
  • yxba
    yxba Posts: 33 Member
    I typically weigh in daily but sometimes I take breaks. In my case my weight can jump around quite a bit. Like i'll lose 10 pounds in a couple weeks and then i won't lose anything for a couple weeks. It can be very frustrating when you're doing everything right and you gotta wait for the weight to star coming down again.. I've remained positive though and now ive lost over 210 pounds. 100 pounds more to go.
  • seltzermint555
    seltzermint555 Posts: 10,741 Member
    Daily works for me. Even though I've been maintaining a major (100+) loss for years, and I'm in the same 7 lb range for years, I find that if I take a week or more off weighing that is when my weight goes up or I start playing weird mind games with myself. I'm better off weighing daily and accepting fluctuations, then using them as motivation in some cases.

    However, there are (rarely) times when I don't weigh in for 1-2 days because I do not want to see what extra salt/activity has done to that number. Mainly if I eat Chinese food or pizza and then don't drink enough water the same/next day.