So hard to stay on track

Hi everyone. I am what you call a yoyo dieter. I have started weight watchers so many times and always end up weighing more than i i absolutely love chocolate and if theres any around i find it hard to say no. You know when you buy some and just take a square but 5 minutes later you think just another one and before you know it the blocks gone....well thats me. If anyones got any advice to stay on track please comment. Thanks


  • TheMrWobbly
    TheMrWobbly Posts: 2,531 Member
    There are lots of tips about not having choclate in, buy individual bars not blocks, etc. and I will leave that to others.

    Here is the simple truth as I see it, and I am not a specialist, dietician or have any qualification in healthcare, if you are over-weight and want to lose weight you can. All you need to decide is do you want to lose weight more than you want that chocolate. If the chocolate is more important then you are banging your head against a wall.

    It doesn't mean you shouldn't generally eat healthily and pursue an active life of calorie burning, just don't get hung up on the number on the scale because you have two opposite goals - weight loss and binge chocolate.

    When you are genuinely ready to lose weight you will.
  • nighthawk584
    nighthawk584 Posts: 1,998 Member
    edited January 2020
    Only YOU can stop YOU. If you have a problem with chocolate or any other trigger food, don't buy them at all. Grab a carrot stick instead or whatever to keep you from overindulgence. Until you can control your impulses, just keep it away. When you have a better grasp on portion control, then allow for a PIECE of chocolate in your calories.
  • jenncornelsen
    jenncornelsen Posts: 969 Member
    Theres certain foods i dont buy or keep in the house . Milk chocolate is one. Chips is another. Losing weight is hard, lets not kid ourselves. Being overweight is also hard, but it's also easier to keep going as your going. You have decide your health is worth the effort. All the best.
  • tinkerbellang83
    tinkerbellang83 Posts: 9,136 Member
    If you tell yourself something is totally off limits, it's human nature to want it more.

    I've never been a one square chocolate eater, but I have lost weight whilst eating a small bar most work days (I also eat plenty of fruit, veg, protein, fat, etc).

    Once I stopped attributing foods as good/bad (something a lot of ex-weight watchers/slimming world folks struggle with) I have found it a lot easier to eat things in moderate portions.

    There are one or two things I prefer not to keep in the house or at least not fresh (Rather than buying blocks of cheddar cheese I keep grated cheese in the freezer and I freeze my bread once I've used the 1-2 slices I need immediately for a planned lunch, so I am not tempted to devour slice after slice as toast.

    Figuring out the motivations for overeating foods can also help.
  • Kathryn247
    Kathryn247 Posts: 570 Member
    MFP doesn't "punish" you for sweets as much as WW does, from my understanding. It's just calories, not points, and a calorie deficit is what leads to weight loss.
    Log EVERYTHING and stick to your calorie goal, and you'll learn that an extra square of chocolate now means fewer calories later in the day.
    Make sure your goal is reasonable, being overly restrictive can lead to major hunger.
    Weigh your food in grams if you aren't already, even pre-packaged food. Calorie-dense food like chocolate can add up quickly.

    Just make it a habit and settle in!
  • tapwaters
    tapwaters Posts: 428 Member
    Honestly, I had to combine MFP with Noom. MFP is great for the raw numbers and charting progress over time, and the community at MFP works WAY better than Noom's groups, but Noom helped me figure out why I eat the way I eat and what I can realistically do to change those habits permanently.

    I went from 250 to 125 with MFP. When I got pregnant with my daughter, I was at 141. Over my pregnancy I did GREAT but afterward when I stopped breastfeeding, I ballooned up to 185. Noom has significantly helped me work out permanent new habits.
  • amtyrell
    amtyrell Posts: 1,449 Member
    edited January 2020
    My foodsaver helps me a ton. I reseal packages as soon as i take out what i plan to eat. Not having the open pack makes it much easier to resist the call of " ok just a bit more"
  • jessstere
    jessstere Posts: 15 Member
    edited January 2020
    I make sure to have a treat meal and dessert once a week. I find this works for me as I get excited planning on what I want my treat to be. Also because I don't eat it as often I find it tastes so much better. I still track it in my food diary that way I stay consistent with my tracking.

    On top of this I use visualization to reach my goals, this is where you visual your goal and what the steps to reach the goal would look like.
  • mareeruddle2424
    mareeruddle2424 Posts: 2 Member
    Thanks everyone for your input. Im going to not treat this as a diet but a healthy way of living. Its right when you say the word diet something in the brain switches off. So today i will just start by tracking and not buying anything with sugar. Unfortunately if i have it in the house it will go. My willpower over chocolate is not too good, so better not have it staring me in the face.