Slowest Runner Ever??????

So...been training for a 5K for about 10 weeks now....tonight we actually ran the whole 5K route for the first time. I ran for 15 min for 2 different increments. Which was the longest stretch I have ever run and I was totally pumped.

Then the time keeps ticking and ticking......and my goal of doing it in 40 min.....nope. OK...45 min?....NOPE.


I am extremely disappointed. That's not even a fast walking pace.

Can I even say I am running?? Or should I reclassify as shuffling.....trotting.....trudging......

Blah!!! Over 500 ppl did this race last year and the slowest time was 56 minutes. That's going to be me. All this talk about doing this 5K and I get to tell people I came in last when it's over.


  • skatw
    skatw Posts: 28
    I promise you it will get better. I think the first time I did one, it was around 56 minutes. Now I can do it between 33 and 36. It has taken me quite a while to get there. Just don't give up! YOU CAN DO IT!
  • luckyduck768
    luckyduck768 Posts: 40 Member
    That's ok! You can tell them you FINISHED a 5k!!! That is awesome, and as long as you do your best, that's all that should matter! :)
  • summertime_girl
    summertime_girl Posts: 3,945 Member
    I'm incredibly slow at running. But it's ok, I can finish the race! I'm far more concerned about distance and stamina, and I figure speed will get there eventually. Don't worry about your time, just keep moving!
  • Hey! Don't beat yourself up over ur time... You're DOING IT, right?! Be proud of that!! Not a lot of people can say they've run a 5K in their lifetime. I've done 2 so far, and my first time running, I didn't do so great... The second time, I improved.

    I think ANYONE willing to get out there and run deserves kudos!! So, KUDOS TO YOU!!!
  • kac7700
    kac7700 Posts: 125 Member
    DO NOT BE DISCOURAGED! Pat yourself on the back, you did it!!! You should be proud. There is no such thing as being too slow, you're still lapping my husband who hasn't moved from the couch all night :-)

    Take that as your starting point, and work to improve it. It takes time, perseverance and patience and it's so worth it! I'm proud of you.
  • SportySpiceVT
    SportySpiceVT Posts: 59 Member
    You will always be moving faster than the person sitting on the couch. Be proud of yourself for your accomplishments. Focus on how you feel instead of your time. It is amazing that you can do that. I probably couldn't make it down the block. Even if you are the slowest in the race, you are still an inspiration to many of us!
  • emmaleigh47
    emmaleigh47 Posts: 1,670 Member
    Oh sweetie ... first of all coming in last is ok your still better than all of the people who are on the couch.
    Second of all, have you tried inserting just a few more walk breaks. Like maybe run 5 walk 1 ... it sounds odd but it will speed you up.
    Look into -- its a real running method.

    Third ...speed will come with time and repetition - you will be faster on race day because of the adrenaline, but you should just be happy to complete it!

  • MarieNevada
    MarieNevada Posts: 395 Member
    check out a book called The Courage To Start, by John Bingum. He's a runner. his nickname is The Penguin. I daresay he's slower than you. It doesn't matter how fast you go, you're running. both feet are off the ground at the same time. that's all you need to be a runner. it doesn't matter how slow or how fast you go, you feel the joy of the run. You can improve on your time, i'm sure there are podcasts with songs with beats that you can run to that will increase your speed, if you want to run faster. but the important thing is you ran! the whole way. i can only run for 3 mins at a time right now. YOu have done what I dream of doing! and i applaud you for that.
  • sc1572
    sc1572 Posts: 2,309 Member
    It gets better! Running is HARD. I am training for a half marathon and everyday is different!
  • Flyntiggr
    Flyntiggr Posts: 898 Member
    Hang in there! I started as a wogger too, and am now pacing much better and training for a half marathon! Just keep moving, try to add some faster bits to each run, and you WILL get faster. Just dont give up!!! :)
  • just did a 5k! that's awesome! did you ever think you'd run 3 miles?

    on race day, you will be so excited/nervous and have major adrenaline. you will be faster that day and you will have fun. good luck!
  • Frankenbarbie01
    Frankenbarbie01 Posts: 432 Member
    Do not get discouraged!!!
    YOU JUST RAN 5K!!!!! Good Work!! I've been running for a couple of years and I still take 40 min to run 5k.
    Do not discount what you have accomplished!!
  • Don't think of it as a negative. Just think of how you would have done it you not lost the weight? Finishing a race is more important than obsessing over times. Enjoy your time out there. You can do it, and you can improve your time with more work. You obviously know how to put the work in so I'm sure you will get faster.

    Congrats on your weight loss so far!!!

  • Blah!!! Over 500 ppl did this race last year and the slowest time was 56 minutes. That's going to be me. All this talk about doing this 5K and I get to tell people I came in last when it's over.

    And how fast did you go it last year?? No matter how slow you are going, you are still lapping those still on the couch.
  • countrymom1
    countrymom1 Posts: 125 Member
    Don't you worry about your time - just finish!! When I was a kid (about 9 years old) I ran a 10k with my dad and came in dead last, but I was the only kid in my age division that finished!

    Then, seven years ago, I ran that same race with my dad (I was 34) and guess what? Dead last, again! - but you know what? I finished! I wasn't on the sidelines watching, I was in the game.

    .... and I am doing that same race (Lord willing) with my dad again this year. It is about two and a half months away and I have been doing the C210K program. I remember when I did the race 7 years ago, I walked some of it. My goal this year is to run non-stop.

    Maybe I'll be shuffling or trotting or trudging into last place, but I"m going to FINISH!

    So hang in there, girl, you're doing great!
  • summertime_girl
    summertime_girl Posts: 3,945 Member
    It gets better! Running is HARD. I am training for a half marathon and everyday is different!

    Just started a support thread on here about half marathon training, if you're interested.
  • you are WOGGING.....a bit faster than a walk but slower than a jog....that is my speed LOL but you know finished the too....and that is ALL that matters!!!

    congrats on starting...
  • Not the slowest ever--- i have done slower. But, you are RUNNING! Did you ever thing you would be training for a 5k? I never thought I could do it, and I did, and it took me 42 minutes. I walked a few times too, I found a lot of other people did that too. So, you are doing great! Let us know how it goes :) Keep up the good work and know there will be "good" runs and "not-so-good" runs and its okay.
    Good Luck!!
  • lawtechie
    lawtechie Posts: 708 Member
    Maybe this will make you feel better. You ran for 30 and walked for 25. Assuming you walked at 3mph, you walked for 1.2 miles and ran for 1.9. 1.9 miles in 30 minutes is nearly a 15 min/mile, which is GREAT for just starting out. You are faster than a normal walker and it will take time to build it up. As you keep it up, I'd say focus on walking fast when you are walking. Running is inherently harder than walking because you're pushing yourself more.

    You'll get there!
  • TheDudette
    TheDudette Posts: 173 Member
    I was like that in the beginning, maybe even worse, I have the shortest little legs. I've been at it a year now and I still only run an 11 minute mile on my first mile (they gradually get slower after that). It's not about the speed though, my endurance is now fantastic and I love the run. Improving my time is only a bonus. Keep at it.