I can’t do this alone!

I have tried to do this over and over again to no avail. I’m desperately trying to loose 100 pounds this year. I need support on a daily basis people who won’t let me get off easy who will push me. And of course I will return the favor! We all need support and a helping hand every once in while.


  • The_Movie_Chair
    The_Movie_Chair Posts: 112 Member
    I thought so too when I came here. No way can I do this (alone) I knew I had over 100 pounds to lose and doubted myself. Everything is easier with friends and support by your side but in the end, it will be all up to you. If you want something badly enough you will go after it, if not you will find excuses not to.

    Permanent results require permanent change! There is no quick fix, no easy solution. It took years to get fat, it will take years to undo the damage. I did it in snail speed. I lost 156 pounds and it took me over 1000 days. But it was a happy ride, a bumpy ride. There were tears and laughter. Lots of learning, lots of growing -while shrinking.

    I can motivate you, I might be even able to inspire you. But it's up to you. Want it, make it happen. Get angry about the way you look and feel. Love yourself unconditionally, but be angry about the way you let yourself go.

    THNDRBEAR Posts: 5 Member
    Thank you! This is what I need!
  • 88olds
    88olds Posts: 4,487 Member
    Add me if you want. I’ve lost 100 lbs. In the end it took me about as long to lose it as it did to gain it. @The_Movie_Chair’s snail’s pace looks like rocket speed compared to me.

    But no matter. Because what’s needed isn’t speed. What’s needed is persistence. And lots of it. Persistence and resilience. Resilience being the ability to adapt to new circumstances.

    Have you started a food diary that you keep going no matter what? Use a food scale? Calorie counting works. But there’s a fairly long learning curve. Give yourself plenty of time to adjust. Good luck.

  • TinaZ2018
    TinaZ2018 Posts: 314 Member
    Hi! I'm looking for support too! I'm determined and very organized (I plan my meals 5 days in advance and prepare almost all of them), I exercise at home 3-4 days a week. I did this 2 years ago and had wonderful result (-10kg) but last year was the most difficult for me and I was very depressed so I didn't exercise and use MFP. I've gained 4kg. Sooo... 2 weeks ago I started again. :) I plan to lose 5-6 kg by June.
    I post photos of my meals, my diary is public and I do my best to encourage my friends. I expect the same from them. I will add The_Movie_Chair and 88olds too and I hope they'll accept my friend request so that we can support each other. Good luck!
  • NovusDies
    NovusDies Posts: 8,940 Member
    edited January 2020
    THNDRBEAR wrote: »
    I have tried to do this over and over again to no avail. I’m desperately trying to loose 100 pounds this year. I need support on a daily basis people who won’t let me get off easy who will push me. And of course I will return the favor! We all need support and a helping hand every once in while.

    What is the "this" that you tried? Maybe the question should be what are the "this"s you have tried?

    You need to get your CSI kit and and examine the corpses of your past failures. Look for evidence of cause. I seriously doubt the cause is that you simply needed some external motivation.

    More likely the cause is that you didn't find your easiest path forward. While weight loss only requires a calorie deficit there are many ways to accomplish it. There is no right formula for everyone. What has worked for me will very unlikely be your total solution, in fact, it is possible that very little of what worked for me would work for you.

    Once you get your hunger under control inside a calorie deficit most of the rest of it is a mental game and proper self-management. You have to evaluate yourself. What comes easy for you? What are some of your weak points? Self management requires that you take advantage of the easy parts and figure ways to compensate for your weaknesses.

    All of this also requires that you educate yourself on the basics of weight loss. You need to separate fact from fiction. Chances are you believe some myths right now. I certainly did through most of my failures.

    The one myth or misunderstanding that held me back the most was that if I did everything right the scale would only move downward. I didn't understand how I could do all the "right" things and the scale go up except that perhaps my body wanted to be a certain weight or that my genetics were working against me.

    When you believe that the odds are stacked against you, you will not approach your process from a place of strength. You will give up far too easy. I did this over and over again for 30 years.

    The first thing is to strip away the notion that you have 100 pounds to lose. That is not your problem or your objective today. Today is to take a step in that direction. You can't lose 100 pounds today so there is no reason to try. The second thing is to strip away the notion that you need to get it done in a year. You don't need that stress. However much you lose this year will be excellent progress. You need to make your decisions on what is most sustainable not what will most efficiently achieve your time goal.

    Read this:

    And if you don't understand how the scale works read this:

    You can absolutely do it alone. It may be easier to do it with help.

    If any of this resonates you are welcome to join my MFP Larger Losers group. It is for people who are started or originally started with 75 or more pounds to lose that intend to lose their weight in a sensible and sustainable fashion. We also welcome people who are in maintenance that have lost that much or more that wish to help others.

    The link:
  • Katmary71
    Katmary71 Posts: 6,729 Member
    You can definitely do this! I lost over 100lbs, hit goal weight in September and am still getting used to maintenance. I joined here ages ago without weighing and was sure it didn't work. I lost the first 50 cutting back and living on oatmeal and Lean Pockets. I hit a plateau and came back to My Fitness Pal last January, I started cardio, weighing my food, eating in a way that works for me, and staying within calories. In May I added the gym for cardio and weights. I wish I'd started weights earlier!

    One thing I'd strongly suggest is viewing losing in smaller chunks, like focusing on 5lbs instead of 100 as it's overwhelming! Take pictures and measurements, my biggest regret is not doing so! I was just introduced to bullet journaling, I'm doing it for fitness goals each week and check off goals I meet daily, like yoga, weights, and cardio. The example I saw had rewards for amount of boxes checked. I've also made food more fun by trying at least one recipe a week and buying a produce item I've never had or cooked with to try, the latest is cassava.
  • TopTrainerD
    TopTrainerD Posts: 2 Member
    Awesome progress and advice❤
  • MostlyWater
    MostlyWater Posts: 4,294 Member
    Maybe you'd like to join Weight Watchers. With meetings and a sponsor, you get constant support. It's guaranteed to work.