Why am I so hungry?



  • lynn_glenmont
    lynn_glenmont Posts: 10,009 Member
    MikePTY wrote: »
    too much water and not enough electrolytes/salt can cause headaches

    1-1.5 liters isn't that much water though (it's 4-6 cups), especially at 300 pounds. People's water consumption needs vary, but that is definitely on the low side. Thirst can sometimes be confused with hunger, so if anything, the low level of intake may be a factor.

    but if its a significant change from previous and also cut back on other drinks then its a perfect storm

    Whatever else they were drinking was almost certainly was mostly water, unless they were subsisting on 100+ proof alchohol. Almost everything humans drink is mostly water. So hard to see where the "significant change" comes in when combined with cutting back on other drinks. At least not in the direction of "too much water." Possibly too little water.
  • lynn_glenmont
    lynn_glenmont Posts: 10,009 Member
    MikePTY wrote: »
    too much water and not enough electrolytes/salt can cause headaches

    1-1.5 liters isn't that much water though (it's 4-6 cups), especially at 300 pounds. People's water consumption needs vary, but that is definitely on the low side. Thirst can sometimes be confused with hunger, so if anything, the low level of intake may be a factor.

    Exactly. And dehydration can cause headaches.
  • InnerFatGirl
    InnerFatGirl Posts: 2,687 Member
    MikePTY wrote: »
    too much water and not enough electrolytes/salt can cause headaches

    1-1.5 liters isn't that much water though (it's 4-6 cups), especially at 300 pounds. People's water consumption needs vary, but that is definitely on the low side. Thirst can sometimes be confused with hunger, so if anything, the low level of intake may be a factor.

    Exactly. And dehydration can cause headaches.

    I might be dehydrated as I often have a dry mouth. But even with drinking only 1.5l a day I am weeing constantly and it's so irritating. I am concerned I have T2D though, so I am getting a blood test to check.
  • kali31337
    kali31337 Posts: 1,048 Member
    MikePTY wrote: »
    too much water and not enough electrolytes/salt can cause headaches

    1-1.5 liters isn't that much water though (it's 4-6 cups), especially at 300 pounds. People's water consumption needs vary, but that is definitely on the low side. Thirst can sometimes be confused with hunger, so if anything, the low level of intake may be a factor.

    Exactly. And dehydration can cause headaches.

    I might be dehydrated as I often have a dry mouth. But even with drinking only 1.5l a day I am weeing constantly and it's so irritating. I am concerned I have T2D though, so I am getting a blood test to check.

    Oh man I hope that's not the case but most of us pee A LOT. It's really annoying to have to get up and go so often but it's just a pesky side effect of drinking enough water. I hope you get the test results that you are looking for!
  • kali31337
    kali31337 Posts: 1,048 Member
    MikePTY wrote: »
    too much water and not enough electrolytes/salt can cause headaches

    1-1.5 liters isn't that much water though (it's 4-6 cups), especially at 300 pounds. People's water consumption needs vary, but that is definitely on the low side. Thirst can sometimes be confused with hunger, so if anything, the low level of intake may be a factor.

    Exactly. And dehydration can cause headaches.

    I might be dehydrated as I often have a dry mouth. But even with drinking only 1.5l a day I am weeing constantly and it's so irritating. I am concerned I have T2D though, so I am getting a blood test to check.

    Oh man I hope that's not the case but most of us pee A LOT. It's really annoying to have to get up and go so often but it's just a pesky side effect of drinking enough water. I hope you get the test results that you are looking for!
  • janejellyroll
    janejellyroll Posts: 25,763 Member
    Assuming your entries are accurate, your fiber looks consistently on the lowish side. Some people find that a higher fiber diet helps them feel fuller. It may be worth experimenting to see if you're in this group. Just don't increase too much at once because many people find this upsets their stomach or creates digestive problems.

    That's really helpful, thank you! I didn't realise my fibre was low. Do you have any quick suggestions of what I can add for fibre?

    I get most of my fiber from vegetables, beans, and grains (whole grains have more). Fruit has it too -- two fruits that have pretty good fiber counts for the calories are pears and blackberries, although I'm sure there are others.
  • kshama2001
    kshama2001 Posts: 27,988 Member
    Perhaps try lowering your rate of loss for a week or two, even though you can theoretically sustain the highest rate of loss doesn't mean it will suit you. If you drop it from 2lbs to 1.5 or 1lbs that will give you another 250-500 cals per day. You'll still lose weight just a little slower.

    Yes, @InnerFatGirl I'm your height, weigh less than you, and would be hangry on 1600 calories. I have to get 500 exercise calories to be happy. Since you're not exercising much at the moment, try reducing your rate of loss.

    If you're not exercising due to knee issues, maybe start another thread about that. I can hold forth at length about working around knee issues :lol: The short version is starting with walking and/or swimming, good shoes, and exercises to strengthen the muscles around the knees. I lost 40 pounds swimming in an absolutely hideous bathing suit.
  • AmatullahMuwahidah
    AmatullahMuwahidah Posts: 22 Member
    Possibly hormonal, perhaps your Estrogen has spiked. Up your intake of cruciferous Vegas eg broccoli and cauliflower and kale
  • AmatullahMuwahidah
    AmatullahMuwahidah Posts: 22 Member
    Hormonal fluctuations cause a whole array of issues! Estrogen spikes can cause bloating, fluid retention, headaches, insomnia, food cravings, mental/cognitive fog, lethargy. During a woman’s cycle her hormones fluctuate, Estrogen will rise and drop, progesterone will rise and drop. These hormonal fluctuations have effects on our body. Try to track your menstrual cycle, to find out when you’re ovulating, when you’re due menses etc. Over a few months you’ll see how your hormones effect your cravings, headaches, weight on the scale etc. Then eat the foods, herbs, supplements, that will help your hormones during those particular situations
  • ahoy_m8
    ahoy_m8 Posts: 3,053 Member
    Echoing the concern that 1.5l is way too little water. Dehydration could explain the headache. If you end up increasing fiber (which is a good idea) you will definitely need to increase water intake as well.

    As for intense hunger, let’s go back to your sleep situation. Google “sleep ghrelin leptin.” One hormone stimulates hunger, the other tamps it down. Sleep deprivation elevates the one that stimulates hunger AND lowers the one that signals fullness. Double whammy. Willpower is no match for these two powerful hormones. While the advice to aim for slower loss makes sense (1600 sounds super low to me), it won’t overcome the sleep problem. What would help your sleep?
  • VeggieMeg71
    VeggieMeg71 Posts: 205 Member
    @lynn_glenmont I was thinking the same thing. 34-51 oz of water is on the low end, if you ask me. Too little water could cause a headache and could cause thirst masquerading as hunger. Lack of sleep definitely can cause hunger also.
  • InnerFatGirl
    InnerFatGirl Posts: 2,687 Member
    Hey guys, thank you for all the responses. Just reading through them now.

    The hunger seems okayish now. I think the main issue is breakfast. I am typically having Greek yogurt with bananas and granola, but I am coming to realise that I benefit more from big, hot meals.

    So I'm gonna start trying to make hot breakfasts instead.

    I am still having the headache issue but honestly, I don't think I can stand to drink anymore with the amount I am weeing.

    The constant weeing is driving me mad and sometimes disrupting my sleep :( I am getting a diabetes test - perhaps I am pre-diabetic? My old diet would certainly encourage that and my mother was diagnosed in her 40s.

    Another frustrating thing is that although I have got my deficit for this week, I have actually gained 0.4lbs! What is going on?!
  • InnerFatGirl
    InnerFatGirl Posts: 2,687 Member
    kali31337 wrote: »
    MikePTY wrote: »
    too much water and not enough electrolytes/salt can cause headaches

    1-1.5 liters isn't that much water though (it's 4-6 cups), especially at 300 pounds. People's water consumption needs vary, but that is definitely on the low side. Thirst can sometimes be confused with hunger, so if anything, the low level of intake may be a factor.

    Exactly. And dehydration can cause headaches.

    I might be dehydrated as I often have a dry mouth. But even with drinking only 1.5l a day I am weeing constantly and it's so irritating. I am concerned I have T2D though, so I am getting a blood test to check.

    Oh man I hope that's not the case but most of us pee A LOT. It's really annoying to have to get up and go so often but it's just a pesky side effect of drinking enough water. I hope you get the test results that you are looking for!

    That's encouraging to know, that it might not be a symptom of diabetes. But how do people cope with this? It's really frustrating :(
  • InnerFatGirl
    InnerFatGirl Posts: 2,687 Member
    ahoy_m8 wrote: »
    Echoing the concern that 1.5l is way too little water. Dehydration could explain the headache. If you end up increasing fiber (which is a good idea) you will definitely need to increase water intake as well.

    As for intense hunger, let’s go back to your sleep situation. Google “sleep ghrelin leptin.” One hormone stimulates hunger, the other tamps it down. Sleep deprivation elevates the one that stimulates hunger AND lowers the one that signals fullness. Double whammy. Willpower is no match for these two powerful hormones. While the advice to aim for slower loss makes sense (1600 sounds super low to me), it won’t overcome the sleep problem. What would help your sleep?

    Honestly I've always had issues with sleep. I'm autistic/ADHD and we tend to have issues with sleep. I'm also addicted to scrolling on my phone before bed, which is really not helping!
  • InnerFatGirl
    InnerFatGirl Posts: 2,687 Member
    Made this for breakfast today and I'm happy to report I feel much more satisfied and full having had a hot breakfast!
  • gothchiq
    gothchiq Posts: 4,590 Member
    Yeah salt isn't poison, you need some and it must be iodized. Also true about if you suddenly cut out caffeine. Fill up on fibrous vegetables also. Now I'm not gonna lie there is no way to do this never feeling hunger but if it's so bad you can't sleep something is wrong. If you correct these things and the problem continues, talk to your doctor. They can check for electrolyte imbalances and mineral/vitamin deficiencies.