Sexy in Six Week 2 ***closed group***



  • Bella1hud
    Bella1hud Posts: 530 Member
    Friday QOTD : It is my experience that my most successful days are those where I have planned and logged all my foods in advance. Do you plan and log your daily menu in advance? Do you find it helps? Please share your experiences and any suggestions you might have to help us fit planning ahead into our already busy lives.
  • feydruss
    feydruss Posts: 349 Member
    It's not Friday yet, but I'm answering anyhow!

    I don't plan/log every day, but when I DO, it sure helps keep me on track and accountable. I always start the day well then start to deteriorate. It's harder when I'm out doing errands and stuff and am tempted by poor choices (i.e. McDonald's). My personal challenge for the next few days is to log in advance as much as possible, and see how it feels psychologically and physically.
  • NicholeAJ
    Thursday: Lasagna, or any pasta! I try to stay away completely but holidays bring it on!

    Friday; I typically don't pre log since I use the pine app and can log in food so quickly but times I had it did help me from cheating:)
  • messyinthekitchen
    messyinthekitchen Posts: 662 Member
    Thursday QOTD - Whats the one food that you've found the hardest to give up? and do u on occasion treat yourself to it?

    I don't have a specific food that I miss. But I do crave things sometimes. I allow myself a meal every week to enjoy and I find ways to make my favorite meals just with healthier ingredients, so I don't feel like I am missing out often.

    Friday QOTD : It is my experience that my most successful days are those where I have planned and logged all my foods in advance. Do you plan and log your daily menu in advance? Do you find it helps? Please share your experiences and any suggestions you might have to help us fit planning ahead into our already busy lives.

    I don't plan a daily menu. But I do have a weekly menu. Breakfast and lunch are easy enough then after lunch I start figuring out what to eat for dinner. Admittedly it does backfire on me sometimes. I'll get lazy and not want to cook or took to long to figure it out. So everyone once and a while I cook healthy meals and freeze them, for days like that.
  • bachooka
    bachooka Posts: 719 Member
    Friday QOTD : It is my experience that my most successful days are those where I have planned and logged all my foods in advance. Do you plan and log your daily menu in advance? Do you find it helps? Please share your experiences and any suggestions you might have to help us fit planning ahead into our already busy lives.

    I don't plan mine the day before unless I'm gonna be busy or working... I really should plan it though because I always do soooo much better when I do! It is definately a good idea.
  • Honey1990
    Thurday- I would have to say kraft mac n cheese. i cant buy it anymore. i have absolutly no self control when it comes to the stuff and almost always end up eating the entire box!!!!!

    Friday- I sometimes plan my food in advance like if im going to be at work all day then school all night, but after tonight i will make sure to log everything i take before hand to make sure i dont go over like i did tonight.
  • totustuusmaria
    totustuusmaria Posts: 182 Member
    Whats the one food that you've found the hardest to give up? and do u on occasion treat yourself to it?

    chicken from carrabas. only on occasion though.

    and ice cream, but those occasions are way more frequent haha
  • tjutrostina
    tjutrostina Posts: 94 Member
    Friday QOTD : It is my experience that my most successful days are those where I have planned and logged all my foods in advance. Do you plan and log your daily menu in advance? Do you find it helps? Please share your experiences and any suggestions you might have to help us fit planning ahead into our already busy lives.

    I check out the calories in my food choices in advance. That way I can make sure that I won't exceed my calories. I've got MFP on my iPhone, so it's pretty easy for unplanned dinner outings too.
  • RunningAddict
    RunningAddict Posts: 548 Member
    Thursday QOTD - Whats the one food that you've found the hardest to give up? and do u on occasion treat yourself to it?
    The hardest food for me to give up has been peanut butter. I struggle so much with it. I realize in moderattion peanut butter is a good thing only problem is I can't just have a small amount. If I have a high calorie burn day (or not) sometimes I do have the peanut butter that I am craving.
  • lwdllc
    lwdllc Posts: 234 Member
    Friday QOTD : It is my experience that my most successful days are those where I have planned and logged all my foods in advance. Do you plan and log your daily menu in advance? Do you find it helps? Please share your experiences and any suggestions you might have to help us fit planning ahead into our already busy lives.

    I find myself FAR more successful if I plan and log ahead of time. That way I can make better choices with my extra calories. If I have not planned ahead of time, I always have fall backs that I know are reasonable in case I get lazy. I always have multigrain cheerios, and lunch meat and cheese (that I can roll up) and a few low cal frozen entrees so I have no excuses to go to the drive thru!!
  • dezedeze
    dezedeze Posts: 96 Member
    Friday QOTD : It is my experience that my most successful days are those where I have planned and logged all my foods in advance. Do you plan and log your daily menu in advance? Do you find it helps? Please share your experiences and any suggestions you might have to help us fit planning ahead into our already busy lives.

    I tend to try and log ahead of time before I actually eat, then alter my portions and/or cut out a few ingredients depending on what I see. I'm mostly eating low carb right now, though, and I'm finding that my cravings are disappearing (again, NO desire to eat that ice cream at work yesterday!!) and I'm almost self-regulating my calorie intake.

    Of course, we'll see what happens to my low carb kick this labor day weekend!! Same philosophy as the hurricane: do my best, keep logging, keep exercising.
  • almille
    Friday QOTD:
    I have pretty much the same thing every day for breakfast and lunch, and use my phone to look up snacks and dinner before I eat them. So while I don't plan, I do know what it is before I eat it, and have a pretty consistent amount I know I can eat for dinner.
  • j99li
    j99li Posts: 421 Member
    Thursday QOTD - Whats the one food that you've found the hardest to give up? and do u on occasion treat yourself to it?

    One of the foods that I found the hardest to give up was my bubble tea! I have not had it ever since I started this diet and MFP. However, I did treat myself to it once when I finished my exams :) Another hard thing I've given up was chips haha. I love to munch on snacks when I study but I know that it is super unhealthy.
  • j99li
    j99li Posts: 421 Member
    Friday QOTD : It is my experience that my most successful days are those where I have planned and logged all my foods in advance. Do you plan and log your daily menu in advance? Do you find it helps? Please share your experiences and any suggestions you might have to help us fit planning ahead into our already busy lives.

    I dont log in advance because I dont know what food I'll be craving that day haha. However, if I do know that I am going to a specific restaurant the next day, I will look up nutritional values on either their website or MFP's database to see what will fit within my calorie limits and what will not. I do find looking up stuff in advance helpful because then I get a sense of what types of items I can eat and what I cannot. For example, when my fiance's parents took us to the hard rock cafe, I didnt know what to eat since i've never been there before. I was looking at their menu and their salads looked delicious, however, when I looked up the nutritional values on MFP's database, I was so shocked that their salads had more calories than a hamburger!
  • Hope228
    Hope228 Posts: 340 Member
    Friday QOTD : It is my experience that my most successful days are those where I have planned and logged all my foods in advance. Do you plan and log your daily menu in advance? Do you find it helps? Please share your experiences and any suggestions you might have to help us fit planning ahead into our already busy lives.

    I am a creature of habit. I eat the same thing for breakfast almost every day. If I change it up it is usually with a choice of something else that I have already planned. I do the same thing for lunch. This keeps me organized during the work week.
    For dinners I have been finding that lately it's easier for me to have a lean cuisine a couple of times a week for dinner. The rest of the week for dinner I plan salads or chicken breasts & veggies. so far, so good!
  • tbhoover
    tbhoover Posts: 402 Member
    Friday QOTD : It is my experience that my most successful days are those where I have planned and logged all my foods in advance. Do you plan and log your daily menu in advance? Do you find it helps? Please share your experiences and any suggestions you might have to help us fit planning ahead into our already busy lives

    I have not been planning ahead and I have some days (like yesterday) where I have like 800 calories left over and thats not good. But most days Ive gotten into a pretty good routing. I have eggs every morning. I usually have something on the George foreman for lunch with a veggie and then make something for the family around 500 calories. Its only on days where I am busy busy all day and didnt plan ahead that I get caught not eating enough
  • tbhoover
    tbhoover Posts: 402 Member
    We weigh in today right?
  • megamoo04
    Friday QOTD : It is my experience that my most successful days are those where I have planned and logged all my foods in advance. Do you plan and log your daily menu in advance? Do you find it helps? Please share your experiences and any suggestions you might have to help us fit planning ahead into our already busy lives

    I usually eat the samething for breakfast and have about the same snacks so I already no what they are, as for lunch and dinner yes I pre log and plan them do i have a idea of what i need to do in order to make my goals
  • messyinthekitchen
    messyinthekitchen Posts: 662 Member
    Does anyone have the link where we weigh in this week??
  • bachooka
    bachooka Posts: 719 Member
    I'm so upset... I think I did too much exercise yesterday and am holding onto water weight... stupid scale... at least I did my challenges...