30 Day Shred

I keep seeing this all over the forums. I was wondering if anyone could advise me. I'd love to try it, but I'm very new to working out and I wonder if it's going to be too hard for me to do? Like so much so that I'll get discouraged? I've been starting the c25k program, but it's only been a week. I'm currently 280lbs and very out of shape, c25k week one is still pretty much impossible for me. But I'm getting there!

Also, do I have to use the weights or is that optional?


  • c25K is great i think :)
  • I personally think that the 30DS would be a fantastic option for you! You do need 2 weights, either 3 or 5lb weights and 10 days for each level! I am currently on Level 2, Day 9 (tomorrow's day) and there is no doubt that its intense but its not undoable! I have a personal family member thats your weight and was extremely sedentary and she's currently on level 2 as well and down 13lbs! So I say you should go for it!! What do you have to loose but weight? :wink: Good luck and I HTH!
  • Eve53
    Eve53 Posts: 178 Member
    Thanks so much Kritty! I think I'm going to do it, I just have to buy some weights. That might take me a little while. But I'll get them eventually. :D
  • absolutely Eve!! And dont forget, you can use household items as well until you can get your weights! I used to use cans of beans or anything that weighed 3lbs! :happy:
  • mrivera713
    mrivera713 Posts: 232 Member
    check to see if you have a freecycle.org in your neighborhood. You can join for free and post that you are looking for weights.
  • Eve53
    Eve53 Posts: 178 Member
    Oh yeah, I'm in a free cycle group. I didn't even think of that, thanks!
  • I'm expecting this any day in the mail. Before I bought it though, I read the reviews, and did other research, and it said that it's not for people who are just starting their fitness journey. You should probably have a bit of fitness under your belt first. Jillian Michaels DOES have a "beginning" DVD as well, so maybe you'd want to try that! The DVDs are super cheap on Amazon, so it wouldn't be too much of a stretch to buy both!
  • Eve53
    Eve53 Posts: 178 Member
    Oh, thanks for letting me know. I'll read more into it.
  • trud72
    trud72 Posts: 1,912 Member
    hey there i would get a little fitter first until you have gone through most of the other dvd's ect and find them easy! then do the shred!
    that what i done i was probally your weight when i 1st shredded! but i'm about 232 now and just about to start p90x :)
    good luck
  • KatyE213
    KatyE213 Posts: 447 Member
    A friend of mine tried the Shred when she was just starting out exercising and found it to be far too much for her knees! Now that she's 30lbs down and in the habit of exercising, she is trying it again. I suppose it just depends on the individual but I would say its not really for beginners tbh. Good luck with whatever you choose :smile:
  • sunnyland
    sunnyland Posts: 8 Member
    Well I am extremely out of shape and started doing a pretty crazy rotation of Jillian's videos and let me tell you, it is hard, I have to take breaks, I can't do some exercises, etc.

    But every move can be modified, and you don't HAVE to use the weights, no one is forcing anyone to but it does it better results. But I only have 5 pound weights so if it gets too hard and I feel like my arms won't work anymore, I put down the weights and continue the move just doing the movement. It still gets results.

    You can watch it online in places if you want to try it before you buy it.

    If you do decide to do it, don't get discouraged. I tried to do it once last year and on the second day of level 1 just burst into tears because I was so discouraged that it seemed even harder that day (well duh I was sore from the day before!) but I have lost a LOT of weight from these videos in a short amount of time and as soon as I am done with the workout and cooldown I head straight into a cold-only shower because I am so sweaty and hot. (That's probably not good for muscles or something I am sure but I feel like I will just collapse if I don't do it!) I am so proud of myself for pushing through even if I can't do a move and have to do an alternate one or modified version, and they're hard but that's good! After I have done a workout (late night snacking is my downfall) I think, OKAY is this *insert high cal food here* really worth canceling out all that effort? That was freaking hard, no way. And I make tea instead.

    So the difficulty is worth it.
  • Hi Eve,

    I have rhumatoid arthritis and when I started the 30 day shred DVD I hadn't done ANY exercise, other than walking, for 15 years! This DVD is very good and it has helped me to lose 12lbs and I'm very proud of myself :happy:

    I do take it easy because of my arthritis and if something is too difficult for me on one day I just do as much as I can. Some days I exercise in smaller doses at perhaps 10 minutes at a time but I do it every day with no days off. I'm in pain somewhere all the time whether or not I exercise but I still do something just not as intensely as Jillian Michaels is suggesting.

    I am proof this works with the weight I've lost and I am determined that my arthritis is not going to beat me, it is not going to be in charge of my life. I WILL shed these pounds :smile:

    Whether or not you decide to choose this particular DVD or do some other form of exercise, just do as much as you can but do it regularly every single day. At first it's hard but as you exercise every single day your body, like mine, will get stronger and you will find that you can do more. I have successfully started doing level 2 of the 30 day shred and I am so happy that I could cry :happy:

    I wish you all the very best with your weight loss :smile:

    Kind regards,
    Paul x
  • Eve53
    Eve53 Posts: 178 Member
    Well I am extremely out of shape and started doing a pretty crazy rotation of Jillian's videos and let me tell you, it is hard, I have to take breaks, I can't do some exercises, etc.

    But every move can be modified, and you don't HAVE to use the weights, no one is forcing anyone to but it does it better results. But I only have 5 pound weights so if it gets too hard and I feel like my arms won't work anymore, I put down the weights and continue the move just doing the movement. It still gets results.

    You can watch it online in places if you want to try it before you buy it.

    If you do decide to do it, don't get discouraged. I tried to do it once last year and on the second day of level 1 just burst into tears because I was so discouraged that it seemed even harder that day (well duh I was sore from the day before!) but I have lost a LOT of weight from these videos in a short amount of time and as soon as I am done with the workout and cooldown I head straight into a cold-only shower because I am so sweaty and hot. (That's probably not good for muscles or something I am sure but I feel like I will just collapse if I don't do it!) I am so proud of myself for pushing through even if I can't do a move and have to do an alternate one or modified version, and they're hard but that's good! After I have done a workout (late night snacking is my downfall) I think, OKAY is this *insert high cal food here* really worth canceling out all that effort? That was freaking hard, no way. And I make tea instead.

    So the difficulty is worth it.

    Can you suggest a place to watch it online?