Cutting out bread.



  • clarech82
    clarech82 Posts: 244 Member
    Hi I started off at about 15st after having my baby in September but really started this journey in February this year. I had gestational diabeties with my baby so had to cut back on carbs during that time but now I just eat bread in moderation I used to have bread rolls with my meals but now the only time I have it is if I have a sandwich. I really don't think I could cut it out completely especially due to the fact whenever I seem to go to anyone's house for lunch sandwiches is what they always make.

    Thinking about it though I only have it a couple of times a week now so loads better than I used to be.

    Ahh rite, its hard for me when i go visit family or go to friends and they offer me a sandwich, im like sorrrrry i dont eat bread =/ its prettty awkward as they have offered and i feel bad turning down there food. But they totally understand why i dont eat bread lol

    I've had enough trouble getting some of my family to stop offering me cakes and things so bread might be a step to far lol. One once told me why didn't I want Apple pie its healthy as its got apples lol. Well done on your loss by the way!
  • xSophia19
    xSophia19 Posts: 1,536 Member
    Thankyou =)
  • Liquid741
    Liquid741 Posts: 292 Member
    subway would suck for me....
  • lisab64
    I haven't cut out bread totally but have limited it alot -- typically eat one of those 100 calorie things (arnold thins, english muffins, etc) once a day. I do allow myself homemade bread -- especially if it's warm. I've also cut way back on pasta (maybe twice a month), rice (maybe twice over the year), and potatoes (have maybe 1 a week). The biggest thing I've noticed is that I no longer CRAVE sweets or junk food -- which has really made losing the weight EASY (50 pounds in 10 months - at goal since April and currently 6 pounds under goal).
  • andy_gilfrin
    subway would suck for me....

    They will make any sub without the bread, basically a salad. My treat after weighing in on Tuesdays is a bowl of meatballs and a side salad, basically what I used to have as a sub, but of course without the bread. At least it was until the rioters burned down the one in Clapham Junction.

    I have cut out bread almost completely, also pasta and rice. I think everybody is different and over the last 4-5 years I have learnt what I can and cannot eat, that for me is the key finding out what works for you. Like most people I was brain washed with the low-fat diet message* but the real key for me is refined carbs, I'd cut out fat and replace it with bread, pasta and rice and the problem only got worse.

    I'd say you shouldn't ever rule anything out completely, you need to keep up the good habits for life once the weight has gone and I'm sure there will come a time when bread is pretty much the only option. You just need to change your relationship with food and learn to eat a variety of foods.

    * I have nothing against low-fat diets, I just don't believe (having done a ton of research) that it is the only factor.
  • lemonlime1
    lemonlime1 Posts: 48 Member
    I know I feel much better when I dont eat so much bread - when I go back to work next week I will be cutting it out and taking lunches, whereas at the moment I tend to have sandwiches at lunch just because its easy!

    Hopefully it will help the loss, and if it reduces the sugar cravings, its a bonus!
  • michaelachallis
    michaelachallis Posts: 137 Member
    i try and avoid pasta/bread etc as much as i can, it seems to give me terrible heart burn and generally makes me feel awful. which sucks because i do love it :(
  • leilaphoenix
    leilaphoenix Posts: 839 Member
    I don't really like bread so I don't have it very often. Guess I'm not the norm here!
  • joeygirl84
    joeygirl84 Posts: 224 Member
    I cut it out completely... I did it once a few years ago and lost a ton of weight, just felt better completely. When I tried to eat it again, it just felt gross....
    I have recently done it again and I know it's contributed to my 60 lb loss since January. I cut out pasta too.... the refined junk and gluten is hard for the body to process.

    I get my carbs else where...
  • vodkaswigger
    Im on my 3rd month of being completely bread free, found it really hard at first but dont miss it at all, i used to eat loads of it, 4 slices per day usually so just stopped eating it, feel better for it tho so am going to continue xx
  • bcattoes
    bcattoes Posts: 17,299 Member
    I haven't cut it out completely, but I rarely eat bread. It wasn't really a choice I thought a lot about though. I just got tired of buying loaves of bread and having to throw most of it out because it got moldy before I even ate half. I've found that wraps keep much longer, and can also be cut up and toasted to use as chips for dips so I just stick to those for the occasions when I want a sandwich, which isn't often.
  • turtlegirl4718
    I too have cut out all bread. I went for about 2 years the fist time, and my only other grains were whole grains (quinoa, barley etc). No processed foods at all....and lost 50lbs.
    Then for some stupid reason, I started having high fiber bread once in a while, and before I knew it, I was eating bread (although never with less than 4 gr of fiber), but the pounds came rolling back on.

    I am back to no bread the last three weeks. In fact, I have been totally carb free for the entire 3 weeks, except those carbs naturally occurring in green leafy veggies...not even carrots or potatoes or beans.

    The scale is not moving much yet, but I don't see how it can not do so, so I am not giving up. Plus, I feel so much better. Never all stuffed and bloated and uncomfy.
  • xSophia19
    xSophia19 Posts: 1,536 Member
    Woaaah! Cant belive at how many people are cutting out on bread!! I thought i was the only one haha!!

    We all have different opinions on bread and whether we choose to cut it out or not. And we do whats best for ourselves. Therefor i find it best if i dont eat it at all, as ive great results from it since dieting :)
  • MsQt
    MsQt Posts: 793 Member
    I cut my bread out big time. When I do have bread I get the 90 cal wheat burger buns or i'll buy the wheat bread that is 70 cals a slice. Try to eat bread no more than 3 times a week!
  • sassiebritches
    sassiebritches Posts: 1,861 Member
    I have been off of carbs for sometime.....I have not had bread in a while....but now I am changing things up and going for a more High Fiber diest called the F-Factor Diet...gonna try and get pregnant when the weight comes off, so I need to eat in a way that is A-OK for baby too.My doctor did the same thing that your doctor did.....told me NO I am gonna try this out and see how it goes.......I do miss bread alitle :)
  • exacerbe
    exacerbe Posts: 447 Member
    I could never give up bread... BUT I made a switch to Ezekiel Sprouted Grain Bread -- very filling and not processed like all other breads. It took me awhile to get used to it but now I love it. Now, if only I can step away from the convenience of Subway...
  • tiarapants
    tiarapants Posts: 1,015 Member
    Years ago somebody asked me what I would eat if I could only have one thing for the rest of my life and my answer was immediately 'Toast and Marmite' - I could have eaten it until the cows came home.

    When I changed my eating habits I decided to kick the bread to the kerb. I think I've probably had two slices in eighteen months. Once in a while I will have a small wheat wrap, but that's it for me these days.

    I've also cut out most pasta, rice and potatoes, although I do have couscous.
  • Kate6868
    Kate6868 Posts: 159 Member
    I cut out bread when I found out I was gluten intolerant. I immediately gained 15 pounds. Of course, that was probably because my intestines started absorbing more stuff instead of just dumping it immediately in the toilet.
  • upsydaisy2011
    upsydaisy2011 Posts: 39 Member
    I've cut out bread a lot, I still eat it but probably no more than 2 slices a week (and I've swapped to Kingsmill 50/50 instead of our ordinary white bread as kids don't like wholemeal) I try and think of alternative lunches rather than sandwiches but I don't miss bread all that much, I do love homemade or fresh bakery bread though :(
  • chinamonkey
    chinamonkey Posts: 90 Member
    I have but its been a varied journey for me.

    Up until Nov 2010 i was a carb-a-holic......Toast was my downfall!!

    Then whilst breastfeeding my baby, she started with very bad exzema, rashes, vomiting, crying constantly...

    The health visitor suggested a food allergy as it was worse some times than others. IT turned out that milk/dairy and gluten were aggravating her.

    So for 3 months i cut it out and then she was fine with it when she started weaning....great i thought....i can start having it again....

    oh dear....nope not for me!

    I am fine with the odd slice of bread but if i have a sandwich ....lets just say my tummy makes great friends with the toilet the next day!!!!

    I get very bloated (i look 8 mths pregnant again) and get cramps and dodgy tummy. I seem fairly ok with pasta and my own homemade cakes/pizza base so it may not be gluten it may be a raising still not sure and trying to work it out...

    Ive gotta say though, from some one who used to eat about 4-6 slices a day...i honestly dont miss it!