5 lbs in 5 days...?

I just lost 5 lbs in the last five days, is that normal/healthy? Or is it all water weight. I've been eating approx 900 net calories a day, as I burn three hundred (at least) at sports practice and training. I went from 120 to 111, but I still have an awkward tummy pouch, too. Any tips on how to get rid of it, besides the usual crunches and situps?


  • psychmz3
    psychmz3 Posts: 55 Member
    Water weight. You can't lose 5 lbs. of pure fat in 5 days. Also, you can't spot reduce. When you lose fat, it is from all over. Keep working hard and the progress will come.
  • jppizana
    jppizana Posts: 59 Member
    Eating only 900 calories NET is NOT HEALTHY! You should be eating the calories that you are exercising off. I believe anything less than 1200 net, makes your body think it is in starvation mode causing everything to slow down and hoard all and any calories you put into your body.
  • hosment
    I think that can happen, you're obviously doing lots of exercise and majorly restricting your calorie intake. Often when you start a new diet/fitness regime lots of weight can drop off all at once and then it will plateau so don't be demoralised when the weight loss slows down. I think some of it is water as your body adjusts. In the past doing Weight Watchers I've lost half a stone in athe first week, but this time it has taken me since May to lose 5lb so I'm rather envious! Well done. 900 cals does seem pretty low to me so it might be a good idea to introduce more to make up for what is burned in exercise as time goes on to make the diet more sustainable and easy to stick to. 111lb is very light so I wouldn't try to restrict too much!
    As you exercise the tummy will tighten up, don't know of any quick fixes I'm afraid. While the weight and water can drop off quickly for some people the toning part tends to take time, the old fashioned way!
    Good luck!
  • elise1421
    See, it's not like I'm starving myself. I just don't get hungry anymore because I'm eating low-calorie, more filling foods.

    But thanks so much for the info!
  • Macka123
    I lost over 8 lb in the first week and like you I was worried about how healthy that was. However, I think it was water retention as my starting weight was just before my period.
    Maybe you could try to eat at least half of your exercise calories back as most of the burned calories are being overestimated but at the same time you don't want your body to go in to starvation mode by not eating enough.
    When it comes to losing more fat from your tummy--tried to eat more proteins and less fruit and less dairy products.............(although some people might disagree with this idea). It did work for me in the past however, everybody is different.....
    Good luck with your journey
  • BoDuke666
    Hi Elise,

    If you are eating less than 1200 kcals a day your body will attempt to store more fat once you begin to eat more. This is problematic in the longer term, keeping it off.

    Rather than net weight, it might be better to look at body fat percentage as an indicator. It is this is generally the measure of have a six pack or flat belly.

    If you are dropping carbs from your diet you will lose water, because for every gramme of stored carb your body holds it also retains three grammes of water. This can equate to a considerable loss in body weight but little in fat reduction.
  • pnieuw
    pnieuw Posts: 473
    I just lost 5 lbs in the last five days, is that normal/healthy? Or is it all water weight. I've been eating approx 900 net calories a day, as I burn three hundred (at least) at sports practice and training. I went from 120 to 111, but I still have an awkward tummy pouch, too. Any tips on how to get rid of it, besides the usual crunches and situps?

    95 lbs for a 5'1" woman is very light. In fact, your current weight of 111 is right in the healthy range for BMI. Why do you want to be 95lbs? Before you target that weight, I'd discuss your plan with your doctor. I'm not, and I don't know your circumstances, so I can only go by what information you have provided.

    Also, try to put some more fruit and natural foods into your diet. Eating cereal and packages of Carnation instant breakfast are not a sustainable, healthy diet. Try to get most of your calories from whole foods, with as little processing as possible.
  • kmumansky
    I think it is probably mostly water too.

    I looked at your diary... I agree that you should be eating more, you burn a lot with your exercise daily, I'd try to eat at least half of your calories back. Doesn't seem like you are eating all that much to begin with, but if you really are full add some higher calorie foods like avocado or peanut butter or snack on some almonds or something. Have a protein shake after your workouts.
  • Tinks2007
    Tinks2007 Posts: 62 Member
    Think alot depends on your frame as im only 96lbs but still have a belly thatim trying to tone, in general I eat healthy most days (unlike today) and I run regular, yet I still dont seem to be able to tone my belly area up which gets very frustrating.....
  • kmumansky
    I just lost 5 lbs in the last five days, is that normal/healthy? Or is it all water weight. I've been eating approx 900 net calories a day, as I burn three hundred (at least) at sports practice and training. I went from 120 to 111, but I still have an awkward tummy pouch, too. Any tips on how to get rid of it, besides the usual crunches and situps?

    95 lbs for a 5'1" woman is very light. In fact, your current weight of 111 is right in the healthy range for BMI. Why do you want to be 95lbs? Before you target that weight, I'd discuss your plan with your doctor. I'm not, and I don't know your circumstances, so I can only go by what information you have provided.

    Also, try to put some more fruit and natural foods into your diet. Eating cereal and packages of Carnation instant breakfast are not a sustainable, healthy diet. Try to get most of your calories from whole foods, with as little processing as possible.

    I'm also 5'1'' and I have to agree. 95 lbs is TINY...you'd be a size double 0 probably! I know I would if I were 95 lbs. For me personally I felt i looked and felt my best when I was 105-110 lbs, that had me at a size 2 in clothes sometimes a 0 depending on the store/brand. Although now I'm 29 years old and my body has changed, my hips are wider etc...I'd be surprised If I could ever be a size 2 again (would be nice!). I'm aiming for a weight of 115 lbs although my current goal is 120 because I think those last 5 lbs will be really hard to loose, which should have me in a size 4 again (currently I'm a size 6).
  • psychmz3
    psychmz3 Posts: 55 Member
    I believe anything less than 1200 net, makes your body think it is in starvation mode

    Not eating for 72 hours straight and you can start thinking about "starvation mode".
  • HMonsterX
    HMonsterX Posts: 3,000 Member
    Have you made a 17,500 calorie deficit in that week? If not, then some of it is water weight.

    Remember, it takes a 3,500 deficit to lose 1lb of fat.