⚜Muffin-Top Droppers!⚜ ~Week 1~[CLOSED group!]



  • KuhlFIT
    KuhlFIT Posts: 23 Member
    How do you get your ticker to show up when you post? I can't get it to work.
  • bjclaywell
    bjclaywell Posts: 165 Member
    Okay - I keep trying to show you the code, and it just keeps putting my ticker in...

    there should be a url code in the beginning...and make sure you're using the BBcode, not the HTML code
  • My first week was not so great, I overate on some of the days.( I guess because of stress and boredom) I have been busy with job hunting as well. It is all going to change tomorrow cause I am back on track baby! :) My 2nd week is definitely going to be a lot better!
  • bjclaywell
    bjclaywell Posts: 165 Member
    Where did everyone go?
  • Im still here!
  • bjclaywell
    bjclaywell Posts: 165 Member
    Are we the only two left? :(
  • I totally didn't see this post. I have been chatting on the original post, lol. My starting weight isn't on the log sheet, and I can't figure out how to add it. I lost 2 lbs in week 1.

    In case you didn't get my stats from the other forum post, they are


    But I lost 2 lbs in week 1 so current weight is 174.1.

    What's the challenge for week 2?
  • equinehugger3
    equinehugger3 Posts: 75 Member
    OMGoodness, SO sorry about my disappearance, guys! Just got back from vacation! Anyone who's weight posts I missed I'll try to update. GREAT job, ladies!
  • equinehugger3
    equinehugger3 Posts: 75 Member
    Alrighty, time to pick it up a notch, just in time for September! New months always make me feel a bit better, like a new beginning. :wink:
    Our goals:
    Exercise at least once a week, minimum of 10 minutes per day, but try to stay higher.
    Stay under/at your calorie goal 6 days a week.
    Drink at least 7 glasses of water at least 5 days.

    I might add more/change them, so it's a bit harder! :wink: You can do it, guys! :D We're in this together!
  • equinehugger3
    equinehugger3 Posts: 75 Member
    Darn. Soon as I come back, I scare everyone away! :tongue:
  • Lol, nah you didn't scare me away XD.
  • bjclaywell
    bjclaywell Posts: 165 Member
    I'm still here. :) Last week at the old job - start the new one next week. Gonna be a few crazy weeks coming up. :(
  • equinehugger3
    equinehugger3 Posts: 75 Member
    Metalhead - :bigsmile: Good! :tongue:

    bjclaywell - ): We're here for you! Last weekend I probably gained a few pounds, which is a huge bummer... :frown: Today Jillian coming back... Ugh. :tongue:
  • KuhlFIT
    KuhlFIT Posts: 23 Member
    Hey everyone, With the Labor Day weekend coming up; I would like to challenge everyone to stay on target!
    Challenge: Work out at least a half hour every day, Stay within your food goals (if you indulge, remember to make a really good choice somewhere else).
    Holiday's can be very difficult but we can do it!!!!
    I'm at 153lbs and my goal is to be 152 by next Tuesday!
  • bjclaywell
    bjclaywell Posts: 165 Member
    Hello? Anybody? I think this group may have died a slow death...
  • I'm still here, but been doing my own thing since I haven't seen any challenges. 30DS every other day and running in between.
  • bjclaywell
    bjclaywell Posts: 165 Member
    I've started a class at the YMCA called Jump Start - sort of a circuit training sort of thing - although I'm not really sure that's what it is - we use a machine for 45 seconds, then switch to a running exercise of some kind for 45 seconds, and back and forth. There are 10 machines, and we do three rounds on each. Keeps your heart rate up...my trainer (who teaches the class) calls it Plyometric exercises...it's interesting, and I sweat to death... LOL

    So I'm doing that 2-3 times a week now and we'll see where that takes me.
  • I've been running and doing 30DS. I think I sweat more with Jillian in those 25 minutes than I do in my 30+minute runs. She's a maniac!
  • bjclaywell
    bjclaywell Posts: 165 Member
    I keep hearing about the 30DS - haven't tried it though. I'm not good at doing home-exercise...I do better if I head out to the gym...I envy the folks who are able to work out at home...