Hi everyone, I am not good at this but I am giving it a try.


  • Go_Deskercise
    Go_Deskercise Posts: 1,630 Member
  • Nony_Mouse
    Nony_Mouse Posts: 5,646 Member
    Perhaps you need to make things simpler then?
  • jtce02
    jtce02 Posts: 59 Member

    Not exactly true
  • kimber0607
    kimber0607 Posts: 994 Member
    Ive been doing IM for months now...to me, thats the easy part now....watching what I eat is more difficult for me
    I eat between 8-3 and I'm never hungry....
    I try to eat clean low carb (avoid sugars, even fruit)...honestly not sure how keto differs...
  • my2buckaroos
    my2buckaroos Posts: 1 Member
    @5thelement2020 - which approach are you using? I have been 16:8 for a few months and have now switched it up to ADF.
  • jtce02
    jtce02 Posts: 59 Member
    Nony_Mouse wrote: »
    jtce02 wrote: »

    Not exactly true

    Yes, it is.

    Low calorie/low fat isn’t the answer because your body is hard wired to fight starvation. Different strokes for different folks but there is something to be said for not calorie counting and just eating real food while maintaining a low insulin level for most of the 24 hour period. DM me and I’ll give you some references and you can decide for yourself, but not trying to argue or over-simplify. 🤷‍♂️
  • PFam_Mom
    PFam_Mom Posts: 1 Member
    I fast 8pm to 2pm
    Keep my evenings to KETO approved foods. Simpler the better.

    An example of my meals for the day;
    6am-2pm black coffee/ tea and water of course; I aim to get two of my big cups in my body before any food, it's about 70 ounces total.
    2pm (5-8 carbs) green smoothie (1/2 cup each of broccoli and spinach, 1/2 cup nut milk (almond or walnut), 1 truvia sweetener, water/ ice)
    4pm (5-8 carbs) dinner regularly consists of 6 ounces meat and 1 cup of vegetables.
    6-7pm (0-6 carbs) a high fat, low/no carbs such as cheese, pork rinds, eggs, jerky, peanut butter and no sugar added chocolate chips, occasionally i'll spend a little time in the kitchen making something super yummy like one of those awesome looking keto desserts, not often though.

    if i get off course, i just start back up immediately, same day. i choose to deal with the carbs by starting my fast sooner, or fasting longer the next day. don't give up. the results will speak volumes when you get into the swing of things.

    And i totally agree with that infographic, it's definitely due to the calorie deficit keto creates, I'm able to lose so much weight so quickly. With my typical day i find i hardly ever get to 1,000 calories and 100% satiated every evening.
  • PAV8888
    PAV8888 Posts: 14,145 Member
    edited March 2020
    jtce02 wrote: »
    Low calorie/low fat isn’t the answer because your body is hard wired to fight starvation. Different strokes for different folks but there is something to be said for not calorie counting and just eating real food while maintaining a low insulin level for most of the 24 hour period. DM me and I’ll give you some references and you can decide for yourself, but not trying to argue or over-simplify. 🤷‍♂️

    Ultra low calorie is not a real answer for most people because yes, they will end up creating excessive unwanted side effects.

    Different strokes for different folks is absolutely true.

    You don't need to calorie, count, that's absolutely true.

    It's great to eat real food, I think we can all agree with this. I am still looking for fake food that I eat... even Twinkies look and smell sort of real to me, but whatevs. Can't say I approve of trans-fats! <different strokes and all>

    Not sure how you're maintaining low insulin 24/7 and whether that's a benefit to you. Sort of thought that what you want is insulin that goes up and down in reasonably appropriate time intervals without staying high for too long; but what would I know.

    And I don't see what insulin has to do with dumping excess stored energy reserves... cause, you know what... insulin will do what it has to do but your body will figure out a way to access energy reserves when it needs them...unless you're at mile 18 to 20 of a marathon... in which case all bets are off

    so yes, eating low carb, IF IT IS SATIATING FOR YOU AND NATURALLY PUTS YOU IN A CALORIC DEFICIT will result in weight loss. With a bit of extra weight loss as you dump glycogen early on and excess weight gain whenever you consume carbs and replenish your glycogen stores.

    But if eating low carb does NOT satiate you dis-proportionally to the calories consumed and doesn't naturally put you in a caloric deficit, then no magical fairy is going to reduce your weight, other than the aforementioned glycogen fairy who just like Cinderella will screw things on you either at midnight or the first time you consume carbs and your glycogen stores replenish--whichever comes first.

    So... yeah. Just choose whichever *kitten* method, whether it involves counting calories, sheep, or effing penguins that puts you in a caloric deficit. Now, if you would prefer to have long term success, then you may want to enhance that and look into things you can do long term, and into picking reasonable goals that you can actually achieve without creating unwanted side effects. <which means reasonable deficits as opposed to just trying to eat the least amount possible till you pass out, applied consistently, the overwhelming majority of the time>

    Or, you know, you can keep buying books and products about magical things you might be able to do.
  • trentontamura
    trentontamura Posts: 2 Member
    I’ve been doing Keto for 4 weeks now... I started at 165lbs and tried to do a Keto bulk, my goal was to get to 175 lbs... taking in between 2,800 and 3,000 calories a day on Keto is pretty difficult, but I managed it. I shot for getting my body weight in grams of protein and keeping my macros at a 70%fat 25%protein and 5%carb... well 4 weeks passed (I’m in ketosis) and I’ve lost 5lbs... so, I have no idea why I lost 5 lbs, but even though I did, my body fat has gone down and my muscle mass has increased... shirts are fitting tighter, yet I’ve lost weight. So as far as Keto being an impressively effective fat loss diet... I’m sold, and I’m not convinced of a calorie deficit taking place... unless my metabolic rate to maintain is really 3000+ calories a day... that would be insane, I have a desk job and I lift weights M-F. I’m 5ft 9inch and 160 lbs. so it’s possible that Keto actually is most effective