Staying Motivated

I've been a member of MFP for about 7 months. I've been happy with my progress but this summer has been really tough. Even though I have been dilgent about my exercise and eating, the scale has been very slow to move and sometimes hasn't moved at all. Rather than letting that get me down, I decided to focus on other things. I bought a bike this spring and have put a lot of miles on it this summer. I was able to take up golfing again and now I walk the course rather than rent a golf cart. I can run up the steps in my house where before I was winded just walking up them. I've dropped 4 pant sizes and 2 shirt sizes. This past week has been exceptional hard for me to stay motivated and I did go over on my calories 3 days this week. When I stepped on the scale this morning, I was actually down 1.8 pounds which is one of the biggest weekly weight losses that I have had. I know that it is so very frustrating when the scale doesn't budge and because of our society today, we all want instant results. That just won't happen. It is a slow and hard road. I just wanted to share with you that this can be done and if you are getting discouraged, find different ways to meausre your progress and don't get discouraged by what your scale is showing. Do you have more energy? Can you physcially do things that maybe you couldn't do before? Are you sleeping better at night? Do your clothes fit better? Does your skin look better? Find the good things that are happening and celebrate them!


  • cdc1995
    I am thinking my scale is broken. It won't budge either. But I feel better about myself because of the healthy choices I make and I know eventually that will pay off.
  • SailingMike
    SailingMike Posts: 237 Member
    You have lost a lot of weight. CONGRATULATIONS!

    As we gain weight, we stop at certain points, so on the way down we will tend to stop loosing at about the same places and our bodies will try to stay there. So we just have to plug away until our body gives in and lets go of the fat. Its a defensive mechanism in times of famine hard wired into us.

    try eating more to shake up your metabolism.
  • jenfotovat
    Thanks Vick, Ive been doing this for almost 3 weeks now and at first had really good results(losing at least 1/2 lb every morning. I know Im only 3 weeks into it..but I guess because of my first 2 weeks "instant results" I have been having a hard time this third week, basically because Im not losing everyday like I was. I know thats probably typical, losing about 10 lbs the first few weeks, so now that Im not losing as much I was starting to get frustrated. But I have been exercising, and staying within my calorie range, and I know that eventually I'll start dropping again. Your message inspired me today that hope is not lost, and to continue with this new way of living rather than switching to a diet plan that might work "faster", like I would normally do, ONLY to get frustrated with that one too and look for a new one AGAIN...its a horrible cycle! Thank you :)
  • stephanie8625
    stephanie8625 Posts: 119 Member
    Thank you, Thank you, Thank you .....I have only been here 3 weeks, and there are some days that I am not motivated -- it is hard !!
    I do not think that I had a good week, my official weigh in day is monday, but I cheated and I stepped on the scale this AM and i gained 1.5 pounds -- Since I am fairly new, I try and keep going, and tell myself that I just need to keep is not easy, but words from MFP are helpful -- I sent you a friend request
    Created by - Nutrition Facts For Foods
  • mynika
    mynika Posts: 312 Member
    Good post, thanks!
    And congratulations on your loss.
    Very good replies to this as well.:flowerforyou: