I'm about to lose my mind



  • dont be a tattle tale... go talk to them. if they wont fix the problem, then be a tattle tale lol

    This isn't the third grade. Good idea, tell her to go confront someone you don't know anything about. Sorry but this is (I will be nicer than usual here) not wise at all.

    Wisdom says this is the leasing agent's responsibility... enforcing the terms of the lease, let them deal with it. They don't even have to know who complained thereby reducing the threat of a feud starting.
  • dont be a tattle tale... go talk to them. if they wont fix the problem, then be a tattle tale lol
  • thanks for your advice everyone!

    Just an update, I went and talked to my leasing office...the dog has been non stop since yesterday afternoon, I heard him until I fell asleep last night and he was there when I woke up this morning haha. I would have talked to the owner directly, but I have lived here since July 19th and have seen her once.

    According to my leasing office, the owner is a very sweet woman, she just works a LOT. They know the dog and said he's had a tough time adjusting and is a very nervous puppy, so it makes sense. I really do feel bad for the poor guy, I'm sure he's just lonely. The manager said she's going to call the owner, and that she's the type of woman who would want to know this.

    I felt SO bad while I was there, but feel so much better now. Hopefully things get resolved, and quick!!
  • dittenber
    dittenber Posts: 1 Member
    You said you hope to have a dog some day. Why don't you offer to house sit or have the dog over. Dogs are hard wok and take a very big commitment to have. You would be doing the dogs owner a favor and getting some puppy time too. The dog will love it too. You will score some serious Karma points.
  • You said you hope to have a dog some day. Why don't you offer to house sit or have the dog over. Dogs are hard wok and take a very big commitment to have. You would be doing the dogs owner a favor and getting some puppy time too. The dog will love it too. You will score some serious Karma points.

    Oh I have a lot of experience with dogs, and know what a commitment they are and how much hard work they take-that's why I don't have one yet, because I can't offer all of that yet. If I had ever even seen the owner more than once, I would offer.

    There is a second update though; the leasing office called me back and said it's the woman's fiance's dog. He's in town visiting for the week, and we believe he's leaving this weekend. So the culprit should be leaving in the next few days!
  • I feel for ya! I lived where a dog barked every night for hours and I had to work the next morning.
    To make matters worse, I got noisy neighbors.
    I moved to a community that doesn't allow pets or children.
    I am now a happy camper!
  • You said you hope to have a dog some day. Why don't you offer to house sit or have the dog over. Dogs are hard wok and take a very big commitment to have. You would be doing the dogs owner a favor and getting some puppy time too. The dog will love it too. You will score some serious Karma points.

    Great suggestion!!