How to get over being embarrassed working out in public?

Hey everyone,
Soo I've decided to get back at the weight loss again. I'm thinking about taking a long trip in July and I want to be in better shape. Now, walking around a mile is a little tiring and I want to be able to experience as much as possible.

One of my biggest hurdles for working out is that I hate the idea that people can see me- either at the gym or the track. How have you guys been able to get pass this mental block? Logically, I know it shouldn't bother me and it's probably a little narcissistic to even think people pay attention to me when they're driving, but I just can't get past it. It's like the haunting of high-school gym all over again.

Thanks all,


  • JessAndreia
    JessAndreia Posts: 540 Member
    edited February 2020
    Can't speak for the track, but most people at the gym are too absorbed in their own workout to care about others'. If even they do look at you for a couple of seconds doesn't mean they're judging you or care at all what you're doing.
    Go with a workout plan, so you're not aimlessly walking near the machines wondering what to do next, and learn how to properly use them (watch videos).
  • rheddmobile
    rheddmobile Posts: 6,840 Member
    I find that a gym buddy helps.
  • SnifterPug
    SnifterPug Posts: 746 Member
    I just had to use the fake it till you make it approach.
  • Theoldguy1
    Theoldguy1 Posts: 2,478 Member
    People at the gym won't pay attention to you. But to help you get over your fear, go at a time when the gym is nearly empty (call and ask the desk person for best times). Go at that time for a while until you are comfortable, then gradually change your time (based on how crowded the gym is) until you are going at your optimum time.

    Take it slow, best of luck.
  • dougii
    dougii Posts: 679 Member
    I had this fear when I first started. It turned out that the folks at my gym were nothing but encouraging and helpful. Over time I have developed several lasting friendships and have a regular group of "lifting buddies" that I look forward to seeing each day. Go, enjoy, stop worrying.
  • snowflake954
    snowflake954 Posts: 8,399 Member
    Agree with everyone above about the gym--there are all sizes and shapes working out. As for the track, and people driving by, can you go to a wooded area or park where there is less traffic?
  • Jthanmyfitnesspal
    Jthanmyfitnesspal Posts: 3,522 Member
    It's amazing what you can get used to if you just keep doing it!

    I'm always a little nervous when going to a new gym or running in an unfamiliar location (particularly a city). I kind of smile at myself when I go a few times in a row and suddenly realize I'm getting used to it.

    And, swimming has been a long slow process of accommodation on my part. Now, I throw on the suite and have at it. I've even gone to various community pools while on travel-- pretty radical.

    So, how do you get used to going to the gym? 1) Go with a friend. 2) Go and skip the locker room. 3) Just go and suck it up for a while. 4) Go for 1-1 personal training with a really nice person.
  • 4nts
    4nts Posts: 14 Member
    The first few times I went to the gym I went with someone. I wanted to stick to my program though (mostly weight lifting) and my buddy with theirs (mostly cardio).
    I realized we were coming in together, but then doing our own thing. So one day I decided to go on my own and nothing bad happened! I had a good time and didn't feel guilty about staying there too long.
    I've been addicted ever since :)
  • cupcakesandproteinshakes
    So many different shapes and sizes at my gym. Just try, repeat and eventually you won’t give a damn.
  • Abs_magee89
    Abs_magee89 Posts: 127 Member
    I still get embarrassed, even after a decade. I have a pair of rollerblades rusting in my garage because I'm too embarrassed to skate around my neighborhood. Best thing for it for me is to put in headphones and block people out. I'm working out for me. This is me time. I barely say hi to people at the gym. I'm on a mission.
  • brittanystebbins95
    brittanystebbins95 Posts: 567 Member
    Do you have a dog? My local tracks allow dogs as long as they are leashed and you clean up after them. I don't know if this is the case with yours, but if it is, consider taking your dog or maybe borrow a friend's dog or a dog from the local shelter. They LOVE when people volunteer to take dogs for walks, and the dogs love it too! Its nice for them to get out of a kennel and stretch their legs. My angle with this is, when I am driving, if I notice a dog, all of my attention is on the dog. I don't notice the person with the dog.
    Taking my own dogs running has helped me get over the fear of being seen in public because I am able to tell myself that people are staring at my adorable dogs, not at me. When I first started running, I was only able to go at like 2 am when there were absolutely no people and no cars. Now, I've moved up to a point where I literally don't care when I run or who sees me.

    As for the gym, just remember that we are all there for the same purpose. To become better, healthier versions of ourselves. In my experience, other gym goers are some of the most supportive and encouraging people out there.
  • serindipte
    serindipte Posts: 1,557 Member
    This is why I love Planet Fitness.. there are so many different body types in there working out. I fit right in.

    As far as outside in public, I usually don't do any walking until after dusk, not because of being seen, but I don't like the heat. During the winter, I'm more likely to walk laps in my house or just use the treadmill at the gym. I put my headphones on, turn on Netflix on my phone and watch a show while I walk. No one pays me any attention at all.
  • melharrisonfitness
    I use home workouts, could that be an option for you? 😊
  • Keliz1173
    Keliz1173 Posts: 186 Member
    In the beginning I used to go to the gym at off peak times and it felt less intimidating. I also started with activities that felt more familiar and slolwy challenged myself to try new things. I figure I can only be "the newbie" for a short time and that the only way to get more comfortable is to keep going.

    I am still self conscious sometimes but I just push through because I feel so physically and mentally strong after working out. And all the other comments ring true - no one is really paying any attention to anyone else.

    Best wishes to you!
  • littlegreenparrot1
    littlegreenparrot1 Posts: 695 Member
    I decided many years ago that if someone else's biggest problem was the size of my backside, then good luck to them, I have other stuff to think about. It's very liberating.

    Tbh when out running the only comments I ever get are nice ones, with occasional apologies for over enthusiastic dogs.
    Actually one of the things I really liked last summer was that I would see a couple of elderly chaps walking in the park fairly regularly, we always had a bit of chat on the way past. If you can get started you just become part of the scenery.
  • rheddmobile
    rheddmobile Posts: 6,840 Member
    But it's not high school gym.

    I live on a biking/walking trail and I can tell you that when I look out and see anyone on the trail, it is an inspiration to me, never a time to be judging. Especially the larger sized people - my thoughts are, "Go, you!!"...Maybe I need to get my rear end off the chair, myself!

    Get out there. You'll be so glad you did.

    This is so true. One of my favorite things about running regularly at the same park at the same time of day is getting to see the same people over and over and watch their journeys. Right now there is an adult mother/daughter pair who are both very large women, but growing smaller every day! When I first started noticing them, walking was hard and slow, and now they walk briskly! It’s such a delight to see them improving their fitness together.

    If you are uncomfortable about exercising at your current size in public, remember: you never know who you might be inspiring! There may be someone too embarrassed to be exercising in public who says “If she can do it, so can I.”