

  • lazycat2018
    lazycat2018 Posts: 1,749 Member
    Original Start Weight: 152
    March Start Weight: 146
    March Goal Weight: 142
    Ultimate Goal Weight: 135

    March 1 146
  • joolsmd
    joolsmd Posts: 375 Member
    March start Weight: 209.4
    March Goal Weight: 204
    1st Goal Weight: 192 (June 2020 - Greek holiday!)
    2nd Goal Weight: 175 (June 2021 - Daughter's wedding!!)

    Mar 1: 209.4
    Mar 8:
    Mar 15:
    Mar 22:
    Mar 29:

    Removed the weigh-in on the 31st as I intend to keep going into April/May/June and only weigh myself weekly. :)
  • SERmom3
    SERmom3 Posts: 568 Member
    Morning! Thanks for the new challenge! I went off the rails last week, so my start weight is higher than it should be. Hoping to get back on track this week and hopefully see a decent drop at the start. Good luck everyone! ๐Ÿ€

    March start Weight: 140.8
    March Goal Weight: 135
    Ultimate Goal Weight: 135-140ish

    Mar 2: 140.8
    Mar 9:
    Mar 16:
    Mar 23:
    Mar 30:
    Mar 31:
  • WynterDreaming
    WynterDreaming Posts: 83 Member
    I fell off the wagon last month and I need to focus. Big goal this month to try and force myself to focus.

    March start Weight: 213.3 LBS
    March Goal Weight: 204 LBS
    Ultimate Goal Weight: 150 LBS(though I may stop earlier, have to see.)

    Mar 1 : 213.3 LBS
    Mar 8:
    Mar 15:
    Mar 22:
    Mar 29:
    Mar 31:
  • Bestwifeandmom
    Bestwifeandmom Posts: 6 Member
    Hey everyone, I hope Iโ€™m being realistic with my 5 pound goal as I have a few parties scheduled in March. I hope I can do it! Cheers๐Ÿฅ‚!

    March start Weight: 148.3
    March Goal Weight: 143
    Ultimate Goal Weight: 128

    Mar 2: 148.3
    Mar 9:
    Mar 16:
    Mar 23:
    Mar 30:
  • Paula1028
    Paula1028 Posts: 5 Member
    March start Weight: 166
    March Goal Weight: 159
    Ultimate Goal Weight: 130

    Mar 1 : 166
    Mar 8:
    Mar 15:
    Mar 22:
    Mar 29:
    Mar 31:
  • johannajames16
    johannajames16 Posts: 4 Member

    March start Weight: 211.4
    March Goal Weight: 205
    Ultimate Goal Weight:180

    Mar 1 :211.4
    Mar 8:
    Mar 15:
    Mar 22:
    Mar 29:
    Mar 31:
  • mtaratoot
    mtaratoot Posts: 13,641 Member

    Heaviest weight: 175.4 in early 2013.
    Original MFP starting weight (January 2018) - 168.2
    March 2 starting weight - 144.0 (ten-day rolling average weight 144.3)
    February goal - 143
    Ultimate goal - Range between 142 - 148

    I report scale weight and (ten day average weight), and I plan to check-in on Saturdays.

    Mar 2: 144.0 (10-day average 144.3)
    Mar 7:
    Mar 14:
    Mar 21:
    Mar 28:
    Mar 31:

    Total loss for February: I have been away on vacation, so I don't have a February ending weight; I will use today's weight as a start for this month. Crazy thing is, after eating so much wonderful food (estimating it when logging), I'm essentially the same weight as when I left. Hard to imagine.
  • Be_theBest_Me
    Be_theBest_Me Posts: 768 Member
    March start Weight:183
    March Goal Weight:173
    Ultimate Goal Weight:150

    Mar 1 :183
    Mar 8:
    Mar 15:
    Mar 22:
    Mar 29:
    Mar 31:
  • CynthiaA155
    CynthiaA155 Posts: 5 Member
    This is my first time in a discussion board or posting my weight. Good luck everyone and I'm looking forward to a happy, healthy, positive month!

    March start Weight: 220
    March Goal Weight:205
    Ultimate Goal Weight:155

    Mar 1 : 220
    Mar 8:
    Mar 15:
    Mar 22:
    Mar 29:
    Mar 31:
  • jill3253
    jill3253 Posts: 10 Member
    March Start Weight: 170
    March Goal Weight: 165
    Ultimate Goal Weight: 150

    March 3: 170
    March 10:
    March 17:
    March 24:
    March 31:

    *will be weighing in on Tuesdays!
  • BeccaLinn0074
    BeccaLinn0074 Posts: 17 Member
    March start Weight: 224
    March Goal Weight: 214
    Ultimate Goal Weight: 165

    Mar 1 : 224
    Mar 8:
    Mar 15:
    Mar 22:
    Mar 29:
    Mar 31:
  • mirandagunn91
    mirandagunn91 Posts: 8 Member
    March start Weight: 63.40kg
    March Goal Weight: 60.00kg
    Ultimate Goal Weight: 55.00kg

    Mar 1 : 63.40kg
    Mar 8:
    Mar 15:
    Mar 22:
    Mar 29:
    Mar 31:
  • bubjoedad
    bubjoedad Posts: 6 Member
    edited March 2020
    Hey folks. Iv'e been on and of MFP so many many times. But i really need to stay with this challenge, doctors orders! I'm recently married and my wife and i are both on it this time! Soooo here goes! I look forward to learning from all of you. Following KJLaMore's lead with the date tweeks. I like weighing on Monday's as well. It gives me motivation for the start of my work week. Let's go!!
    March start weight 269
    March goal weight 250
    Ultimate weight 185

    Mar 1:269
    Mar 9:
    Mar 16:
    Mar 23:
    Mar 30:
    Mar 31:
  • rungnicole1937
    rungnicole1937 Posts: 5 Member
    edited March 2020
    Iโ€™m a stay at Home mom with a 6 year old and a 15 month old Iโ€™m still nursing. Hoping to lose the last 15 pounds of baby weight while still maintaining calories to nurse my baby. Good luck to all!

    March start Weight:146
    March Goal Weight:140
    Ultimate Goal Weight:130

    Mar 1 :146
    Mar 8:
    Mar 15:
    Mar 22:
    Mar 29:
    Mar 31:
  • leyva91
    leyva91 Posts: 1 Member
    Hi yโ€™all!!

    This is a super fun way to stay accountable!! I am a few days late but I still would love to join!

    March start Weight: 130
    March Goal Weight: 125
    Ultimate Goal Weight:120

    Mar 1 :130
    Mar 8:
    Mar 15:
    Mar 22:
    Mar 29:
    Mar 31:
  • hadirk
    hadirk Posts: 48 Member
    Hello! This is my first time joining; I'm 38 years old and 5' 6" tall.

    I'll be inputting my weight in LBs

    Original Weight: 259 lbs (May 2019)
    March start Weight: 212.9 lbs
    March Goal Weight: 206 lbs

    Ultimate Goal Weight: 150lbs

    Mar 1 : 212.9
    Mar 8:
    Mar 15:
    Mar 22:
    Mar 29:
    Mar 31:
  • Nsalerno513
    Nsalerno513 Posts: 4 Member
    Hi there! This is my first week on MFP and my first challenge! Good luck everyone!

    March start Weight: 203
    March Goal Weight: 196
    Ultimate Goal Weight: 170

    Mar 1 :203
    Mar 8:
    Mar 15:
    Mar 22:
    Mar 29:
    Mar 31: