Stronger, Better, Faster...March 2nd

yoginimary Posts: 6,784 Member
Welcome to a new month. Hope all is going well. Sure is lonely here on the weekends.

Yesterday, we went for almost a 2 hour bike ride. It was split up, but we got out of bed late and were late getting started.
Today is going to be an easy day. I waiting to hear back from a friend (whose birthday is today), what my plans are, but I know I'm teaching yoga at noon. I may also go to yoga this afternoon as well as a bike ride to the bakery (to get bread! not dessert), but if I don't get any other exercise in, I'm not going to worry about it.

Eating was more difficult than I expected yesterday - until I remembered about my dried fruit and nut mix. I was so hungry all day. There wasn't any bread in the house, so I was trying to fill up on fruit, veggies, 2 oz of goat cheese, and a few crackers. Wasn't working. Today should be better.

Happy workouts y'all,



  • yoginimary
    yoginimary Posts: 6,784 Member
    Welcome to a new month. Hope all is going well. Sure is lonely here on the weekends.

    Yesterday, we went for almost a 2 hour bike ride. It was split up, but we got out of bed late and were late getting started.
    Today is going to be an easy day. I waiting to hear back from a friend (whose birthday is today), what my plans are, but I know I'm teaching yoga at noon. I may also go to yoga this afternoon as well as a bike ride to the bakery (to get bread! not dessert), but if I don't get any other exercise in, I'm not going to worry about it.

    Eating was more difficult than I expected yesterday - until I remembered about my dried fruit and nut mix. I was so hungry all day. There wasn't any bread in the house, so I was trying to fill up on fruit, veggies, 2 oz of goat cheese, and a few crackers. Wasn't working. Today should be better.

    Happy workouts y'all,

  • mechanicmom
    mechanicmom Posts: 5,695 Member
    I had a really bad eating weekend (lots of junk!), but I had a great weekend spiritually! (See Sunday's post.) So taking a month off of sweets does make sweets taste better! Last night we had frozen custard. Let me tell you, it tasted good! I really think I am going to limit it to twice a month. I think even once a week is probably pushing it for me. I will complain about my cravings and wish I had chocolate but I'm afraid of getting too much. So for the net few days the cravings may be harder to deal with since I had some.
    We have so much food leftover and not all of it is good! I hate to waste food though. I am going to have to work it off. Unfortunately I don't think I am going to have time to work out today. The weather will be warmer the rest of the week so I will try to go walking everyday or do taebo. I am really slacking right now. I'm blaming hormones but I need to quit it.
    Today is push ups and sit ups. Other than that I don't know. I need to go visit Joyce who is in the home. Alex has been asking to go visit her since we didn't make it last Thursday. He doesn't even like going so I don't know why he's wanting to. We need to do it today though. I've been lazy and playing with Alex this morning so I need to get to work.
    Have a good day!
  • mechanicmom
    mechanicmom Posts: 5,695 Member
    Oh and Mary, I wouldn't worry about working out any more today either if that's all I got in (the yoga twice and a bike ride). :wink: I don't know how you all do it. I'm such a lazy butt which explains a lot!
  • yoginimary
    yoginimary Posts: 6,784 Member
    Oh and Mary, I wouldn't worry about working out any more today either if that's all I got in (the yoga twice and a bike ride). :wink: I don't know how you all do it. I'm such a lazy butt which explains a lot!

    Well, it does help to get paid for exercising :laugh:
  • lotusfromthemud
    lotusfromthemud Posts: 5,335 Member
    I'm baaaa-ack. . .so, confession time: other than walking all over the (beautiful) Notre Dame campus, no exercise this weekend, except for a short yoga session in the hotel.

    I just got overbooked, and ran out of time for myself.

    So, the goal for the week is to step it up.

    See you tomorrow.:wink:
  • yoginimary
    yoginimary Posts: 6,784 Member
    Love the new quote, V.
  • ariannedavis
    ariannedavis Posts: 520 Member
    Well, I am going to do at least 30 min of something here in a few... awoke friday with 100+ temp, got sent home from work, slept all day only eating a can of soup before climbing back in bed; repeat saturday till fever broke around 4pm. Sunday husband had fever, so while not 100%, I had Ian all to myself. Super lucky he hasn't seemed to catch any of this! Was prepared to go back to work today only to awake to 15inches of snow plus drifts and single digits. SNOW DAY!!! :happy: Supposed to be 50 by Thursday. Going back to follow up with doc tomorrow (chest pain not improving) and GET HEALTHY!

    My only goals this month are to be down to 145 by my birthday in two weeks (could be really easy if I stay this sick any longer, but steorids are messing with my weight), and break 140 by end of month. I gave up "extra" cheese for Lent 'cause I smother everything in shredded cheese and have a goal of getting up early(er) than I usually do to get a jump start on my day; only being sick has outweighed and sleep has won each morning when the alarm goes off. I really want to get up, but physically can't rationalize or justify how I feel.

    So, getting off here. Will only mildly push my limits for 30 min & see you all tomorrow!