Teen weight loss

Hi! I’m 18 and staring my journey toward losing weight! I am right now 265 and hope to be 240. I won’t stop at 240, but that is my goal! If there is any other teens on here that need motivation or can give me some motivation just reach out!!


  • NArunner
    NArunner Posts: 7 Member
    I'm not a teen, I'm a mom of teens!! But just admired your reaching out and using MFP to get healthy. Remember it's the little daily habits that will add up to success... Walk a little more often, make better food choices and drink lots of water. Having a friend or community member to check in with is a great idea too, for support. Wishing you all the very best!!
  • lilawolf
    lilawolf Posts: 1,690 Member
    Good luck! Bumping the discussion for you. I appreciate that you're making smaller goals and looking for friends to get started! You and the kitten are both super cute <3
  • fdlewenstein
    fdlewenstein Posts: 231 Member
    I think its a great idea to have a small goal! The weight loss journey can be overwhelming, so you have the right mindset. I hope you get the support you need. I admire you for making this choice now. It will change your future outlook. Good luck! Check in and let us know how you are doing.
  • mindful_weightloss
    mindful_weightloss Posts: 6 Member
    My teen and I just started our weight loss journey. My daughter want to lose 50 pounds. My first step is to lose 50 pounds myself. Good luck on the journey. Feel free to add me if you would like support.