September Shred: Blue team (Closed)



  • Shalimarmandy
    Shalimarmandy Posts: 409 Member
    this is going to be fun. When do you want weekly weigh ins by? We are so going to kick the red teams *kitten*!!!

    Funny I was just figuring this out for the spreadsheet!

    Weigh ins will be Fridays
    Sept 9, 16, 23, & 30
  • Shalimarmandy
    Shalimarmandy Posts: 409 Member
    This is the spreadsheet link so you can view our progress :flowerforyou:

    Now I haven't worked out out yet today so I better get to it before I go to bed!!
  • soccermum75
    soccermum75 Posts: 588 Member
    Are we gonna challenge the red team like who loses the most weight as a team, burnt the most cals etc.? That would be fun and motivating i think.
  • soccermum75
    soccermum75 Posts: 588 Member
    Are we gonna challenge the red team like who loses the most weight as a team, burnt the most cals etc.? That would be fun and motivating i think.
  • Amber393
    Amber393 Posts: 472 Member

    Exercise - 30 mins 30 Day Shred - Complete.


  • Shalimarmandy
    Shalimarmandy Posts: 409 Member

    Exercise - 30 mins 30 Day Shred - Complete.



    Great start Amber!!!
  • Amber393
    Amber393 Posts: 472 Member
    I've gotten all my water in today too!
  • delmeg10
    delmeg10 Posts: 92 Member
    I'm done my 30 minutes of exercise. I did 30 Day Shred, a quick 10 minute workout, and walked 2 miles. :happy:

    I'm still working on the water! Lol... I hate water!!

    I drank 8+ glasses of water (YAY!) but I didn't do any exercise since I had a full days worth of plans... and I went for AYCE (all you can eat! BOO!!!). I tried to enter my weight in our google docs spread sheet, but it didn't work...

    On another note, it turns out we're not going to my boyfriend's parents this weekend after all.. so I guess I don't have any excuse not to work out! :D
  • gdr1976
    gdr1976 Posts: 460 Member
    all my water and then some lol
  • soccermum75
    soccermum75 Posts: 588 Member
    yesterday ran 5k and did p90x shoulders and arms. Only drank about 6 glasses of water. I forget about water often. yesterday drank 32 oz at 11 pm so as usual had to get up all night to go pee. LOL. OK gotta start drinking now and do p90x kenpo.
  • All my water PLUS I bicycled to work! It took 32 minutes going there, but only 25 minutes coming back?! Mornings are tough!
  • delmeg10
    delmeg10 Posts: 92 Member
    All my water PLUS I bicycled to work! It took 32 minutes going there, but only 25 minutes coming back?! Mornings are tough!

    Great job! :-)
  • Shalimarmandy
    Shalimarmandy Posts: 409 Member
    Great job hitting your water goal and exercise goals so far! You are all doing an awesome job. If you aren't making them do your best - don't hurt yourself!!!

    Don't forget that this is labor day weekend and all those BBQs you are going to can be tricky. Moderation is definitely the key to survival for the weekend! Enjoy!!!
  • Shalimarmandy
    Shalimarmandy Posts: 409 Member
    Just a reminder that I'm still missing some starting weights from some september shredders: Chedderman, Jnchorn, & Vanezache..... If I don't hear from you by Sunday, I'm going to have to drop you from the challenge :( If there is a problem please let me know! We want to keep you all!!!
  • Shalimarmandy
    Shalimarmandy Posts: 409 Member
    (reposting form my "wall") I was poking around the red teams thread and I foudn out that they are taking sept before and after pics... it might be interesting to see the difference a tthe end of the month... This also gave me another idea... measurements... if you aren't taking measurements I highly suggest you do! They are great motivators for those times when the scale stalls!

    Let me know what you all think :D
  • Shalimarmandy
    Shalimarmandy Posts: 409 Member
    Alright September Shredders tomorrow is the BIG DAY!!! It's our first weigh in.... woot woot! So tomorrow send me your first weigh in, how many minutes you worked out this week, and how many days this week you reached your water goal! Can't wait to see the results of our awesome work!!
  • Shalimarmandy
    Shalimarmandy Posts: 409 Member
    Week 2's Challenge
    1. Work out for 40 minutes - 5 days this week - increase intensity if 40 is too easy for you :flowerforyou:
    2. Do something new or different (exercise wise) this week
    3. Keep drinking that water (8 ozs per day)
    4. Watch that Sodium - Keep it under everyday this week

    I feel like I am posting to wind in here LOL
  • rocki21
    rocki21 Posts: 108 Member
    my different exercise to do next week is 30 day shred i haven't done that in a while because i have been addicted to c25k and zumba
  • 1. Weight 9/9/2011:144( I was expecting to lose a little more but Im happy the scale has finally moved under 145.) And I will try my best to not weigh myself again until next friday!

    2. I did get in at least 30 minutes of exercise each day, most day i went over (up to 63 minutes.)

    3. I didn't reach my water intake (8 cups) any day this first week. This is something I have always struggled with. I will work a little hard towards this, this week.