Lose 10 lbs in September Challenge



  • sparetirebegone
    sparetirebegone Posts: 92 Member
    Yay, I finally found the thread!! I am looking forward to getting through this plateau.....weight training, here I come!!
  • LoMadd0406
    LoMadd0406 Posts: 36 Member
    So excited to get this september challenge going! I lost 6.7 pounds in august and striving to make the 10 pound mark!!!!
  • count me in
  • ingot81
    ingot81 Posts: 600 Member
    I'm on and it's correct. I'm so impressed and pleased that you've taken the time to help so many. Thank you!

    I think I must've read your mind. I completed part of the mini challenge yesterday. I went to a Body Pump class for the first time. I'm beginning to tone in preparation for skinny me.
  • Howbouto
    Howbouto Posts: 2,121 Member

    1. Drink AT LEAST 8 glasses of water EVERY DAY - our bodies are primarily water and WILL NOT FUNCTION without the proper amounts. 64oz is an absolute minimum daily intake just for your body to function - so how do you expect to lose weight if your body is dehydrated?? This is not a challenge for me, I drink one cup of coffee a day then the rest is water.

    2. Try a new exercise that you don't normally do or haven't done in a really long time. For women this might be weight training - a lot of times we have AWESOME cardiovascular systems but no muscle whatsoever, but our muscle is the fat-burners in our bodies. Also, sometimes our bodies simply get used to what we are doing and thus the dreaded plateau. Try to confuse your body this week and report back with what you did and how you liked it. ~~~ Well I planned on starting weight training anyways so it might be that but I have really wanted to try a zumba class. My gym offers them for free. I just need to get the guts to go. I am going to try a zumba class. eeeekkkk

    3. Think about (and share if you feel comfortable) what got you to where you are today. Why did you let yourself go? What was your awakening moment when you knew something had to change? What situations trigger you to not make healthy decisions and how can you control those situations? Life happens, and sometimes we need to focus on what happens in life and how we react to those situations and be ready to deal with them when they arise.

    Why did I let myself go? My weight has been creeping (sometimes soaring) since I met my husband 8 years ago. I quit smoking 6 years ago and that added the most weight (40 to 60 pounds). I was comfortable and stopped working out and I gained weight. As well, when I lived be myself I never let sweets in the house because I would eat them. My husband always had cookies in the house. I gave in and allowed the cookies in the house and then promptly ate them. lol

    What was your awakening moment when you knew something had to change? I have been slowly changing my lifestyle to eat more "clean" over the last 2 years but have not really concentrated on losing weight until recently. The awakening moment that I knew something had to change is 3 fold. We've been trying to get pregnant for 2.5 years and I've known my weight is not helping. We had family pictures done and I looked huge. We went on a helicopter ride over the grand canyon and I was the heaviest person on the flight.

    What situations trigger you to not make healthy decisions and how can you control those situations? eating out and ordering pizza. I am trying to learn to plan ahead on what to order at a restaurant then I don't have to choose when I'm hungry and vunerable. We no longer order pizza by the pie, we order by the slice so its more portion controlled.

    Good luck to all and I'm super excited for this challenge.
  • Kassie37
    Kassie37 Posts: 16 Member
    I think that's a great idea to have us update the spreadsheet - google docs is pretty sweet. :P

    Good luck everyone!!

    P.s. Feel free to add me! :)
  • joanieizme
    joanieizme Posts: 38 Member
    I'm in ! I will inbox you my starting weight.

    3. Think about (and share if you feel comfortable) what got you to where you are today. Why did you let yourself go? What was your awakening moment when you knew something had to change? What situations trigger you to not make healthy decisions and how can you control those situations? Life happens, and sometimes we need to focus on what happens in life and how we react to those situations and be ready to deal with them when they arise.

    Comfort got me to where I am today...comfort and laziness added with several cups of my love for anything sugary and sweet. I was thin all of my life until the age of 19, although at this age I was also right at the maximum weight for my height (131 lbs).
    Ultimately my journey psychologically to get to this point started almost 2 years ago. My family moved 5 hours from my old home, I realized I needed to lose the 76 pounds I had put on over a period of 10 years. I joined Weight Watchers but managed to only lose 10 lbs because I wasn't ready at that time psychologically. I went another year of getting really acquainted with St. Louis food (yuuuuuuummmmm) and managed to gain an additional 30 lbs, topping out at 206 lbs...my highest ever and extremely hard on my 5'2" body!! What pushed me over the edge was a couple of events that happened in quick succession. Christmas shopping season 2010, we were rushing to get to GameStop literally minutes before they were closing on X-Mas Eve to pick up one last gift for the kids, a Wii....My husband (the athletic one with mile long legs) was rushing through the crowds and I was making every atttempt to race walk with him and I just couldn't do it. I felt like I was going to pass out, my legs were burning and I couldn't breathe!! It was horrible! The next event was when my daughter took a picture of me playing the Wii and I was able to really "see" for the first time what my body looked like to other people....extra gross! Another month went by before I was mentally prepared to take it all on. I went to Borders and picked up an issue of Oxygens Fat Loss magazine and read it front cover to back cover on the 15 minute drive home and then again when I got home. I cleaned out cabinents and the fridge. I joined Weight Watchers (for the 2nd time, I had cancelled it after 2 months on the previous attempt) and went to Target where I bought several DVDs, hand weights, resistance cables, and a yoga mat. I walked, I worked out, I ate good....I also was taking a fat burner that was recommended to me by someone at GNC and drinking protein shakes as well. During the first 4 months (Feb, Mar, Apr, May) I lost a total of 36 lbs....I plateaued and I grew frustrated. I tried another cycle of fat burner and changing my workouts but nothing....in July I discovered MFP and was full speed ahead, I managed to gain 10 damn lbs (per the scale and my jeans) but I have since managed to lose 5 of those gained back and I am going to manage to lose another 10 in Sept!

    Sugar is still my downfall but I am making a major attempt to eat as clean as possible, when I rid my life of sugar, processed foods, and fast foods my weight goes down. My body simply does not tolerate the sugars well at all, I know this!

    I have 6 months until my 31st birthday and come hell or high water on that day in 2012 I WILL weigh in at 120 lbs!!!!!!!
  • zumbawhit
    zumbawhit Posts: 115 Member
    Crap! I shoulda picked a username that started with "A!" LOL!!
  • 3. Think about (and share if you feel comfortable) what got you to where you are today. Why did you let yourself go? What was your awakening moment when you knew something had to change? What situations trigger you to not make healthy decisions and how can you control those situations? Life happens, and sometimes we need to focus on what happens in life and how we react to those situations and be ready to deal with them when they arise.

    Oh boy I remember the exact trigger that caused my weight to spiral out of control it was 2 days before my 20th Birthday in 2002 and I got that phone call that no one wants to get it was the call that changed my life. At 2 in the morning on October 1st the phone rang and it was the hospital telling me that my Mom had died. (my mom had metastatic breast cancer that came back as bone cancer) after that I just turned to eating to make me feel better. This was my second time dealing with this in my family as back in 1996 I lost my little brother to Leukemia so I was no stranger to loss, but when I lost my mom it was too much for me to deal with. I knew I was gaining weight but I didn't care, once I starting comeing out of my depression it was too late the damage was done. Over the last 7 years I have tried to lose the weight but I would usually end up reverting back to my old ways after a few weeks, it wasn't until 2 months ago when my Husband and I bought a house and I was denied Life Insurance because of the underlying health issues that come along with being overweight that I decided once and for all something had to be done about. I was embarassed to be denied I was even more embarassed to have to tell people that I was denied, so here I am 8 weeks later and a total of 26 lbs lost so far (still lots of work to do) but I already feel so much better and can't wait to reach my goal weight. I had always been a little overweight as a kid but in my twenties I was/am way overweight so I really don't know what it is like to be skinny and can't wait to give it a spin! In the future when I come across situations that are highly emotional like I have delt with in the past I will not use food as therapy I will need to really talk it out and not keep everything bottled up inside me, it's obviously too destructive for me to do that.
  • dolphin21
    dolphin21 Posts: 301 Member
    Wowzers 700 people!
    That's awesome.
    Looks like you have a second job in the charting department!

    Right?!! Is this going to stay one big group, or break down into teams like last month? That's a lot of people! :noway:

    Hey how can I see the spreadsheet!!!! Im going on the site she put out there and I can't pull it up!!! Yes I know lol. Im not too much how computers work, so don't make fun off me!!!!! lol
  • ladeb
    ladeb Posts: 304 Member
    I added myself to the spreadsheet - I am official. Love this idea and the idea of maintaining yourself on the spreadsheet.

    3. Think about (and share if you feel comfortable) what got you to where you are today. Why did you let yourself go? What was your awakening moment when you knew something had to change? What situations trigger you to not make healthy decisions and how can you control those situations? Life happens, and sometimes we need to focus on what happens in life and how we react to those situations and be ready to deal with them when they arise.

    For me, the problem started when I started dating my dh (20 years on 9/21). I was very active and when I went out at night, I may have had a drink, but I danced and danced. My dh doesn't like to dance, drank beer and preferred sports bars. Add to that 2 kids, a more sedentary lifestyle and aging and you get to be 220+ lbs.

    Last November, I was depressed, felt sorry for myself that I was not able to keep up with my kids and at my highest weight ever. I just had had enough. So, I put up the money for a club membership (where I learned about MFP) and a personal trainer. I lost the 40 pounds I am down by March. I have maintained that weight loss, but have been stuck at my current weight since then.

    Why am I stalled? I have reverted back to some bad habits (diet soda instead of water/not planning & recording my food and exercise) and my schedule has been such that I have just been feeling overwhelmed all summer. School is starting up, my routine (such that it is) will be more normal, and I am feeling again very motivated to kick-start myself and drop the rest of the weight! I am proud that I have maintained the 40 lb loss, but I still am not at my healthy goal. Going forward, I have to work on taking the time to plan my food and do some prep work in the evenings for the next day - especially during the work week.

    Thanks for this forum!
  • Howbouto
    Howbouto Posts: 2,121 Member
    Its great to read everyones stories of where the were and are with their journey! I love it.
  • k2quiere
    k2quiere Posts: 4,151 Member
    Water is definitely not an issue...10-12 glasses nearly everyday.

    I will not promise to try anything new this week because I am starting two different exercise challenges, but by the end of the month my goal is to take a Zumba class. I think I will feel healthy enough to keep up, and I love to dance.

    Excuses are what got me to where I am. I knew something was wrong hormonally, so I threw up my hands saying I can't do anything about it. After I crossed over 300lbs, I finally was diagnosed with the root cause and then expected that the medicine would just take care of it. I would work out for a while, lose about 30lbs, feel good about myself, and then stop...as if I had done some tremendous thing...30lbs in the grand scheme of 300 is nothing, or at the very least not enough to stop going. I was always too busy, too tired, too stressed to focus my attention on myself. The deciding factor was the end of the school year when I could hardly fit into any of my work clothes. My girls were leaving for college, I was changing jobs (giving me a little freedom from grading papers and tutoring after school, and I just decided this was ME time. I found and started this site on June 17. In the first 2 weeks, I lost 5 lbs (water weight), but wasn't working out and wasn't really doing much other than just tracking what I "normally" ate daily. July 2, I joined the YWCA and my weight quickly shot up to my highest ever 348. It was then that I started actually paying attention to the nutritionally value of the foods I was eating, especially sodium. At this time, I also saw a candid picture of me and was totally disgusted. I am definitely NOT one of those people who see themselves as their size or bigger. Coming face-to-face with my highest weight was enough to kickstart what I needed to do. July 17, I have lost 31lbs and I'm still going steady.
  • tiffypooh2u
    tiffypooh2u Posts: 299 Member
    3. Think about (and share if you feel comfortable) what got you to where you are today. Why did you let yourself go? What was your awakening moment when you knew something had to change? What situations trigger you to not make healthy decisions and how can you control those situations? Life happens, and sometimes we need to focus on what happens in life and how we react to those situations and be ready to deal with them when they arise.

    Oh boy I remember the exact trigger that caused my weight to spiral out of control it was 2 days before my 20th Birthday in 2002 and I got that phone call that no one wants to get it was the call that changed my life. At 2 in the morning on October 1st the phone rang and it was the hospital telling me that my Mom had died. (my mom had metastatic breast cancer that came back as bone cancer) after that I just turned to eating to make me feel better. This was my second time dealing with this in my family as back in 1996 I lost my little brother to Leukemia so I was no stranger to loss, but when I lost my mom it was too much for me to deal with. I knew I was gaining weight but I didn't care, once I starting comeing out of my depression it was too late the damage was done. Over the last 7 years I have tried to lose the weight but I would usually end up reverting back to my old ways after a few weeks, it wasn't until 2 months ago when my Husband and I bought a house and I was denied Life Insurance because of the underlying health issues that come along with being overweight that I decided once and for all something had to be done about. I was embarassed to be denied I was even more embarassed to have to tell people that I was denied, so here I am 8 weeks later and a total of 26 lbs lost so far (still lots of work to do) but I already feel so much better and can't wait to reach my goal weight. I had always been a little overweight as a kid but in my twenties I was/am way overweight so I really don't know what it is like to be skinny and can't wait to give it a spin! In the future when I come across situations that are highly emotional like I have delt with in the past I will not use food as therapy I will need to really talk it out and not keep everything bottled up inside me, it's obviously too destructive for me to do that.

    You are a true inspiration! My mom had uterine cancer and they caught it just in time. She has been a diabetic since she was 8 years old. She is 45 and has had 3 heart attacks, 4 congestive heart failures, kidney disease, uterine cancer, perfrial artery disease, lazer surgery (she was declared legally blind in 2002). She is my hero and my miracle! I come from a pretty religious family and I will tell you that, it helped me through all of that! I could never imagine going through what you have gone through and I thank God every day that my mother is still here with me. I just want you to know how proud I am of you, as you should be yourself! You have made a commitment--- STICK TO IT because you can do this! I will be here for you every step of the way to help you if you need it! You seem like such an amazing person and you deserve to be happy!!!!!!!
  • amie031182
    amie031182 Posts: 27 Member
    3. Think about (and share if you feel comfortable) what got you to where you are today. Why did you let yourself go? What was your awakening moment when you knew something had to change? What situations trigger you to not make healthy decisions and how can you control those situations? Life happens, and sometimes we need to focus on what happens in life and how we react to those situations and be ready to deal with them when they arise.

    I'm here after having a lot of life circumstances all occurred within a month time frame- first I had my son and was not able to exercise after hitting the 5 month mark of my pregnancy due to complications, I decided I wanted to be closer to family, so I took a job transfer , sold our home (had 58 showings in 30 days) and moved cross country for my new job when he was 4 months old. A lot to take on as a brand new mom. I let my eating habits and exercising slip and used all of the above as my excuse. My son is now 2...yes 2 and I have not lost the weight yet. What changed- I could no longer look at myself and the way I looked in the mirror. Pre-baby I was 150 lbs in amazing shape-very healthy and exercised 5+ days a week, and I realized that I need to be back there again for my mental health, happiness and future!

    I've been on track now with my lifestyle changes since July 25th. As of today I've lost 9.8 lbs, have made exercising and eating healthy a priority and am getting my family involved so my son grows up knowing how to make healthy choices and stay active.
  • JWoodyard07
    JWoodyard07 Posts: 55 Member
    What caused me to spiral out of control....that is a long story. When I was younger, until I was between 8-10, I was relatively thin. At 8, I hit puberty, yes, 8 years old. Around 10 I started eating more and by the time I was 12, I wore a size 12. At 16, I joined my schools track team with my best friend and became anorexic. I would not eat and then workout hardcore at track practice. My mom found out and got me to a healthy size 6. When I met my now husband, I was a 6 then a 10. That was ok with me, I was happy. At 23, I became pregnant with our first child and I over ate. I am not talking a little, I went from 150 to 220 when I gave birth. He had a mishap at delivery and when he was born, the news didn't look so good. He has cerebral palsy and we were told he would be a vegetable. (he is not by the way, he has a mild form:))I took that news hard and continued my bad eating. 3 years later, I gave birth to my daughter. I did not gain as much but was 219 when I gave birth to her. I continued eating yucky and didn't care. That all change in February of this year. My mom, who I love so much has had medical problems for a long time and went down hill when my dad died in 2003. That was her soul mate. She developed Emphysema, COPD and was morbidly obese. In 2007 when my son was in the NICU, my mom had her first stint in the ICU as well. It would not be her last. She was in the ICU at least 5 times since every time the Dr's diagnosis got worse. On February 1, 2011 my mom went into the hospital for what would be her last time. She could have made it had she not weighed so much and because of her lungs and heart, she did not qualify for gastric bypass. She left both me and my brother orphans at 28 and 21 respectively. That is when it hit me that I don't want my kids to be left with no parents at my age. I want to see both of them realize their dreams. So here I am trying to get healthy for them.
  • count me in :)
  • Caro239
    Caro239 Posts: 46 Member
    1. Drink more water than that everyday - no problem.
    2. I am going to try Zumba, but I can't fit it in this week.

    Think about (and share if you feel comfortable) what got you to where you are today. Why did you let yourself go? What was your awakening moment when you knew something had to change? What situations trigger you to not make healthy decisions and how can you control those situations? Life happens, and sometimes we need to focus on what happens in life and how we react to those situations and be ready to deal with them when they arise.

    I let my self go by putting on 4 stone when pregnant. I new I had to change when the doctor said I was borderline obese and too fat to take the combined contraceptive pill. Situations are socialising and being too hungry.
  • traci0620
    traci0620 Posts: 46 Member
    It is worth a shot, I am in!!
  • traci0620
    traci0620 Posts: 46 Member

    In my opinion, there are three VERY important parts to successfully losing weight and keeping it off:

    1. Nutrition (NOT diet - it must be a lifestyle CHANGE!)
    2. Exercise
    3. Psychological

    This week's mini-challenge will involve all three aspects:

    1. Drink AT LEAST 8 glasses of water EVERY DAY - our bodies are primarily water and WILL NOT FUNCTION without the proper amounts. 64oz is an absolute minimum daily intake just for your body to function - so how do you expect to lose weight if your body is dehydrated?? :drinker:

    2. Try a new exercise that you don't normally do or haven't done in a really long time. For women this might be weight training - a lot of times we have AWESOME cardiovascular systems but no muscle whatsoever, but our muscle is the fat-burners in our bodies. Also, sometimes our bodies simply get used to what we are doing and thus the dreaded plateau. Try to confuse your body this week and report back with what you did and how you liked it.

    3. Think about (and share if you feel comfortable) what got you to where you are today. Why did you let yourself go? What was your awakening moment when you knew something had to change? What situations trigger you to not make healthy decisions and how can you control those situations? Life happens, and sometimes we need to focus on what happens in life and how we react to those situations and be ready to deal with them when they arise.

    I welcome ALL of you to the September challenge and look forward to seeing some AWESOME losses! MFP love!! :love:

    Let's see. I got to my current weight just by neglect, not making healthy choice and not taking time to take care of myself. I knw something had to change after my second child. Seeing the scale hit 190 was a real shocker for me. I tend to make bad decisions about eating if I am tired or bummed about something. Which since I have small children is often. I love to snack and am learning to curb it and make better decisions about what I snack on. I try to get a good nights sleep and relax when I can, but sometimes life just gives you a bad hand.
  • steffiejoe
    steffiejoe Posts: 313 Member
    I thought I joined this challenge but can find my post.
    Anyway Im in it to win it. Please add me.

    DW(dream weight):135.0
  • kbreezie922
    kbreezie922 Posts: 7 Member

    In my opinion, there are three VERY important parts to successfully losing weight and keeping it off:

    1. Nutrition (NOT diet - it must be a lifestyle CHANGE!)
    2. Exercise
    3. Psychological

    This week's mini-challenge will involve all three aspects:

    1. Drink AT LEAST 8 glasses of water EVERY DAY - our bodies are primarily water and WILL NOT FUNCTION without the proper amounts. 64oz is an absolute minimum daily intake just for your body to function - so how do you expect to lose weight if your body is dehydrated?? :drinker:

    2. Try a new exercise that you don't normally do or haven't done in a really long time. For women this might be weight training - a lot of times we have AWESOME cardiovascular systems but no muscle whatsoever, but our muscle is the fat-burners in our bodies. Also, sometimes our bodies simply get used to what we are doing and thus the dreaded plateau. Try to confuse your body this week and report back with what you did and how you liked it.

    3. Think about (and share if you feel comfortable) what got you to where you are today. Why did you let yourself go? What was your awakening moment when you knew something had to change? What situations trigger you to not make healthy decisions and how can you control those situations? Life happens, and sometimes we need to focus on what happens in life and how we react to those situations and be ready to deal with them when they arise.

    I welcome ALL of you to the September challenge and look forward to seeing some AWESOME losses! MFP love!! :love:

    I was never skinny, but always a thicker girl (which I thought was fat at the time). In high school I had the same boyfriend all 4 years, and we dated into adult hood. After 7 years of dating, we broke up. Going through all the old pictures and then the new pictures, is when I realized how big I had actually gotten. I wasn't taking care of myself, always eating out with friends and of course I gained the "freshmen 15" my first year, and second year in college lol. After the break up I asked my younger brother's friend (he is very physically fit and athletic, as is my brother) if I were at a party would he try to talk/date me. And he said "you have a very pretty face, but I don't go for the bigger girls". That's what did it for me. So here I am, I have a new boyfriend (a better one I might add) and I'm on a mission to lead a better and happier lifestyle :)
  • Erica_theRedhead
    Erica_theRedhead Posts: 724 Member
    So, new exercises galore with me. I had to switch trainers because mine left the gym and this new guy is totally different. A little scary because I have lost so much with my old trainer, but a new one brings new workouts and hopefully will make the scale start moving down a little quicker. The new bane of my existence is the TRX. He loves it, but I've barely ever used it, and stink at it...Oh well, what doesn't kill you right??

    Water may be an issue. I don't really get bathroom breaks at work and once I get a bottle of water or coffee in me, it's all over. But I'm trying to be better. Maybe not 8 glasses, but have definately doubled my normal intake.

    As far as what got me here...I was always bigger, but athletic too. I justified my weight because I thought that I was at least healthy on the inside. Once college came, I ate crap and drank a lot of alcohol (I was in a fraternity) and just packed on the pounds. Now I'm older and out of school and can't say I'm healthy, and the stress or partying excuse is not enough. So serious weight loss is my new obsession. I'm glad to have found all of you great people and let's all reach our goals together! :bigsmile:
  • sboo
    sboo Posts: 170 Member
    3. Think about (and share if you feel comfortable) what got you to where you are today. Why did you let yourself go? What was your awakening moment when you knew something had to change? What situations trigger you to not make healthy decisions and how can you control those situations? Life happens, and sometimes we need to focus on what happens in life and how we react to those situations and be ready to deal with them when they arise.

    What got me here... I was always a thick girl. But, I was blessed with TRIPLETS just 3years ago. That's not the actual trigger. Because, I lost weight while I was pregnant. I weighed less after delivery, then before I was pregnant. But, over the years I just did not take care of myself. I was taking care of everyone else. I took off work 2yrs, and then the pounds really starting adding up. Then one day I decided to go back to work, I had to go shopping. ): What a disappointment. It was sad. I realized I had to do something so I can be there for my babies. (:
  • acmcoc
    acmcoc Posts: 125 Member
  • 3. Think about (and share if you feel comfortable) what got you to where you are today. Why did you let yourself go? What was your awakening moment when you knew something had to change? What situations trigger you to not make healthy decisions and how can you control those situations? Life happens, and sometimes we need to focus on what happens in life and how we react to those situations and be ready to deal with them when they arise.

    I'm originally for Florida, currently living in one of the fattest cities in the country... San Antonio,TX. I was always an overweight child, not extremely over weight but enough for the kids to make fun of me. When I hit 7th grade I started walking and riding my bike to school and was dropping weight like crazy. I gained a little bit of weight back between 9th and 10th grade. The summer before my junior year I went on an all salad diet, only ate meat when I had to and I dropped 30lbs in a month. Probably not the healthiest way to do it, but I was turning 16 that summer and was having my first co-ed pool party and was determined to look good. My family & I moved to Texas the middle of my junior year of high school and the weight started to pile on slowly but surely. When I started my freshman year at the university is when the weight really started to pile on. Lets just say the cafeteria did not serve the healthiest meals and I was there constantly binge eating. I gained about 50lbs in a matter of 6 months to a year. They thought I was sick because I was putting weight on so rapidly. I finally got tired of all the tests and just stopped going to the specialist so the weight continued to add up. And now here I am, went from 130lbs to 220lbs. I honestly HATE myself. And that's honestly an understatement about how I really feel. It makes me want to vomit when I look in the mirror, and yet I never do anything about it. I still binge eat until i'm sick to my stomach and no matter how hard I try I always fall back into the same habit. But not this time. I'm determined to succeed. And I will.
  • randylevy
    randylevy Posts: 67 Member
    his week's mini-challenge will involve all three aspects:

    1. Drink AT LEAST 8 glasses of water EVERY DAY - our bodies are primarily water and WILL NOT FUNCTION without the proper amounts. 64oz is an absolute minimum daily intake just for your body to function - so how do you expect to lose weight if your body is dehydrated??

    This is pretty difficult for me, but I am getting better. I'm actually up to 7 right now so I'm sure I'll hit 8. QUESTION: Does it count if I add Crystal Light.

    2. Try a new exercise that you don't normally do or haven't done in a really long time. For women this might be weight training - a lot of times we have AWESOME cardiovascular systems but no muscle whatsoever, but our muscle is the fat-burners in our bodies. Also, sometimes our bodies simply get used to what we are doing and thus the dreaded plateau. Try to confuse your body this week and report back with what you did and how you liked it.

    Well today I did do a little weight training with really light dumbbells, but hey I felt it. BUT, this uncoordinated no rhythm girl did a Beginner Belly dancing Video exercise. It was only 15 minutes but its something I haven't done ever and MFP gave me 80 extra calories for it.

    3. Think about (and share if you feel comfortable) what got you to where you are today. Why did you let yourself go? What was your awakening moment when you knew something had to change? What situations trigger you to not make healthy decisions and how can you control those situations? Life happens, and sometimes we need to focus on what happens in life and how we react to those situations and be ready to deal with them when they arise.

    This one I'll cover another time.

    I welcome ALL of you to the September challenge and look forward to seeing some AWESOME losses! MFP love!!
    Thank you Thank you Thank you for initiating this challenge.

    PS. I could use some MFP buddies if you want to add me.
  • babygurl48
    babygurl48 Posts: 1,237 Member
    ii'm gonna have to leave this group.. i have another 3 groups i'm in and i'm starting to get all confused!!!...lol..good luck everyone!!
  • Nikkie_too
    Nikkie_too Posts: 495 Member
    1. I very rarely drink less than 8 cups of water, and usually more. I've got this in the bag. :)
    2. I tried a plank (abdominal bridge) today. Last time I did this was with a free personal-training session at my gym about a year ago. I could only hold it about 10-15 seconds. Today I was able to do 25, but rested a bit and did another 15 seconds. I'm not sure I actually *like* the exercise any better - but I did feel stronger, and was glad I did it. I think I'll add them into my workouts now and then.
    3. Thanks for the push to think about why and how I got this heavy, and why it's such a struggle to take good care of my body.

    Hope everyone has a great long weekend!
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