Should I increase my calorie intake?

I've noticed over the last week or so, that I'm hungry more during the day AND at night. I've lost almost 40lbs but it hasn't increased my calorie intake at all; I'm guessing because I'm not really any more active during the day than I was in April when I started the site.

What is everyones thoughts and suggestions? Do I just need to eat more protein rich food during the day and if so, suggestions would be great.

Thanks in advance.


  • alyssamiller77
    alyssamiller77 Posts: 891 Member
    Possibly upping your calorie intake or just eating more low calorie options like fruits and veggies between meals. What is your current calorie goal? Are you drinking enough water? Water can be an appetite surpressant as well. Ultimately if you're hungry despite drinking enough water then you probably should be eating more. Just make sure you're making the right choices in what you eat.
  • bethdris
    bethdris Posts: 1,090 Member
    It may help to open your food diary. If your eating 1300 cals of m and m's then yes, eat more protein. If your eating a balanced 1300 cals of fruits/veggies/lean meats, etc then maybe you need adjust so your not constantly hungry and get stuck! :)
  • Well first, I'd recommend seeing if you are really mistaking hunger for thirst-- it happens quite often to me. When you feel hungry, especially if you already ate what is a good amount for you, try having a nice refreshing glass of water. Wait a little while, at least 10 minutes I would say, maybe walk around a bit. If you still feel hungry, then you probably are legitimately hungry.
    If that's the case, I would recommend first checking where your calories come from. If all your calories come from candy and soda, for example, replace those with healthier foods you could snack on.
    If you're already eating healthy, AND still hungry, it probably can't hurt to slowly up your calorie count. I'd recommend starting off with maybe 100 more, and see how that works.
  • KBrenOH
    KBrenOH Posts: 704 Member
    I drink probably 8-12 glasses of water a day.

    I'm on a 1200 calorie intake daily and try to eat pretty balanced meals I think. I'm not a candy junkie and my sweets are relatively rare.
    I can open up my diary.

    *edit to say sorry if that sounded short -- on my cell phone :)
  • I would try and just space it out better. I don't know what you usually eat for breakfast but they have the 100 calorie yogurts and the 100 calorie snack bag things.. I forget the brand but those are low in calorie so if you ate that you kind of have "more" calories to eat.. Really you wouldn't but it would feel like you're eating more.