New and ready to mingle

Nikes26 Posts: 1 Member
edited February 2020 in Introduce Yourself
Hi everyone

I'm here to lose 8kg and get fit & strong for my black belt karate grading in October.

I would love some tips on how to stay motivated to workout from home and how to crub over eating on weekends.

At home I have a stationary bike, some kettlebells, dumbbells/barbells and a skipping rope. I don't like training legs, so that's exactly where I need work.
I need to focus on strengthening my legs and upper body, and if I could work in some sneaky way to boost flexibility .... bargain.

Oh yeah ... side note ... I'm mom of two clocking 8-5, 5 days a week plus commute.

At this point I'm trying to get my workouts in after work, before supper. It's a challenge. Cooking while working out ... one of the two gets neglected. I've tried getting up at 5am. I could when I was younger, but the struggle is real at 40 years old 😆

Would love to find same-same but different situation buddies, so we can support each other to reach our health goals.


  • bouncycat
    bouncycat Posts: 5 Member
    Hi there! I’m a 40.... something mum of 2, work full time, and I currently have my green belt so I have a long way to go till black belt grading but it is my goal!