Gotta get back

ReenieHJ Posts: 9,724 Member
It's amazing how easy it is to find yourself slipping back to your old ways. Just when ya think you've got it down to a science and routine. It starts with a day, maybe 2, of going off the rails, but that's okay because you get right back to it, then a couple days of 'doing it right' then another day of extra calories by 300, and you look at the anticipated weight for 5 weeks down the road if you continue to eat like that. So you gain 5 lbs. I DON'T WANT THAT!!!

Been there, done that, words of wisdom and encouragement??
Have to grab hold and be firm with my brain.
Just get out of the damn kitchen already and onto the treadmill instead.


  • josephinebowman
    josephinebowman Posts: 359 Member
    Well, hmm, if I had stayed in the kitchen, the day would have actually been better! But I am sad to say I absolutely know what you mean. We will both need to pick our selves up, watch the calories and the things we are eating, and exercise or deliberately burn calories. I am not a treadmill sort (old, legs hurt) but I will work in the yard, swim or take water classes at Y, and walk in woods or parks. I eat last almost daily greek yogurt and fruit--not the fruit on the bottom but fresh fruit and breakfast is predictable, too. Egg, 1 toast whole grain, lo-cal with cottage cheese and 1 tsp blackberry jam or old-fashion oatmeal cooked with a smashed apple and fat-free milk added. And I participate in one of the daily posts reporting exercise/weight each month. I'm down 26 and have 49 pounds to go.
  • NovusDies
    NovusDies Posts: 8,940 Member
    Have you checked your overall trend lately? Is your average rate of loss faster than you selected in MFP? Usually I have a harder time holding myself accountable when I am losing faster than I need to be.

    If that is not it, try only allowing food after you log it first. Make sure to take time to fully realize when you are exceeding your calorie goal. Logging accountability is what works for me.
  • DancingMoosie
    DancingMoosie Posts: 8,618 Member
    Pre log and stick to the plan.
  • kathsk53
    kathsk53 Posts: 58 Member
    I really lost the plot over last few months, so I’m back to where I started, logging food and got the walking boots out.
  • ReenieHJ
    ReenieHJ Posts: 9,724 Member
    I think I'm feeling comfortable being a couple lbs. under goal(or at least I was :/)so feel I can afford a bit of 'extra' here and there. Trouble is here and there ends up being and there and there and some more there. :# Trying to hang in there and get back on track. I think I can. I think I can. :)

    It's not the occasional off day that scares me, it's the trend of needing the 'cram everything into my mouth to fill the void' fix again. KWIM? But tomorrow's grocery day and it'll be time to stock up again on healthy foods. Today is my 'eat what's left in the fridge day', which of course happens to be lots of fruits/veggies. I'm getting there. We all go through it. :( I just don't want to find my way back to gaining ever again.
  • junegloomy
    junegloomy Posts: 3 Member
    NovusDies wrote: »
    Have you checked your overall trend lately? Is your average rate of loss faster than you selected in MFP? Usually I have a harder time holding myself accountable when I am losing faster than I need to be.

    That’s my problem. I’ve been working out like I crazy person. My just dance 90 minute workouts have been so intense I lost a great total. 20 lbs. I still have about 15ish to lose to be fully happy. Now I feel tired and I’m out of steam. I heard from someone that after about 3 months you should switch to maintenance mode for a while. Which makes sense to get the body recalibrated. For me that would be a great excuse to switch back to my original goal of 1.5 pounds a week.
  • kathsk53
    kathsk53 Posts: 58 Member
    Still feeling positive hope I can keep up the positive vibes, going to try and drink more water today,
  • cherys
    cherys Posts: 387 Member
    I can give you words of wisdom from when I was younger. I genuinely wasn't consciously ever dieting or watching my weight but if a big night was coming up - dinner out or a wedding, I'd eat light or skip a meal beforehand to earn the extra calories in advance rather than try and burn them off afterwards.
    Eating out I'd ask for salad for starters (I have always loved salad) and fruit salad for dessert and not even want all the rich food.
    If I was with family and eating heavy meals, I'd always get up and busy myself clearing up, not snooze it off on the sofa, then be the one who drags everyone out for a hilly walk or offers to walk the dog if everyone else is feeling lethargic. Anything to keep moving.
    I'm not like that anymore but trying to get back to being that way.