Support Group!!

Hey all!!:flowerforyou: I just started on this web site, and I am VERY DETERMINED to reach my goal. Hopefully by summer if my progress will allow that!! It's been really great to see how everyone supports everyone here!! Would like to be part of a support group, or have some fitness buddies!! I'm 110% committed to losing and supporting, so feel free to add me as a friend if you would like!!! Lets all get together and shed those pounds!!! :drinker:

Motivational Quote:

"You are what you think. You are what you go for. You are what you do!"


  • pinkk5727
    Hey all!!:flowerforyou: I just started on this web site, and I am VERY DETERMINED to reach my goal. Hopefully by summer if my progress will allow that!! It's been really great to see how everyone supports everyone here!! Would like to be part of a support group, or have some fitness buddies!! I'm 110% committed to losing and supporting, so feel free to add me as a friend if you would like!!! Lets all get together and shed those pounds!!! :drinker:

    Motivational Quote:

    "You are what you think. You are what you go for. You are what you do!"
  • Ileanak
    Ileanak Posts: 343 Member
    Welcome on board! Best of luck to you and your goals!
  • tcprfuz
    I just joined this website too! I feel like it makes me think about every little thing that I put in my mouth! It's what I need to keep myself on track! I'm with you on the support group. I used to be able to lose 5 pounds in one week. Until I turned 30 that is! My metabolism has really slowed and I'm having a really hard time right now. I've been working out and eating right for a week now and haven't lost a pound. Very disheartening! I'm sticking with it though. We have a vacation in May to Vegas and I would like to be able to wear my skinny clothes!! Good luck and I'll be there to support you!!
  • pinkk5727
    Thank you so much!!

    And Good luck in your vegas goals.. I tell you what we both lose what we want and you take me to vegas with you LOL Sounds like a good time!!:laugh:
  • Eve23
    Eve23 Posts: 2,352 Member
    Welcome Pink.
    With determination like that you will make it.

    Good luck:flowerforyou:
  • turkeygirl
    Welcome! I to just joined and I'am trying to shed about 25 pounds.
    We can do this! I know I get through the day better with support and knowing
    that I 'am not in this alone. Good Luck!