Sexy in Six Challenge - PURPLE Team (CLOSED GROUP)



  • arcticbear
    arcticbear Posts: 161 Member
    I am so inspired by you all! Early morning gym sessions and determined not to be set back by a trip to Hong Kng... you are amazing. For my part, I did a secret aerobics session in the school hall yesterday when everyone had gone home..! I jogged round and round for 8.10 minutes and did stretches etc...and the whole time, I was thinking about everybody else trying to make this work...
    Today was harder - n0 walks or exercise ops, but I kept the water intake going!!
  • persanta
    persanta Posts: 57 Member
    Oh Dear.......

    I have been a naughty girl

    I was doing OK until mid week. Me and my hubby went away for a couple of nights and BANG went my diet.

    I exercised the morning we set off and had a simple lunch but dinner well - chicken & mushroom linguine, followed by plum crumble and ice cream (I was actually trying to kid myself this crumble was healthy...ish ha ha) and many glasses of wine.

    Following day - breakfast bar in the morning. Sausage roll for lunch and we then went to the local seaside resort and had traditional english fish & chips!!!!!!!! again followed by too many glasses of wine.

    So hence to say - weighed in this morning and not shifted anything - weight has stayed exactly the same, I`m so annoyed with myself, and cant say I`m going to do any better next week because my daughter is in Uni in Spain and is coming home for a week on Monday so I will try but sometimes there is more to life than dieting!!

    Anyway - hope you`ve all been stronger than me and are seeing a loss!!

    Speak soon, and take care

    Paula x

    PS I really will get back on target asap!!
  • SiyaL8R
    I am at a loss as to why I am the same weight this week. But at least I didn't go back up like i did the week before. I am doing ok with my water intake, but I could be doing better. My goal for myself next week to exercise every other day. I've been so busy lately and never seem to have enough time. But I am going to make it priority. I just moved into a new home, so lots of friends have been visiting which I love.... I just need them to join me or hang out on their own so I can a workout in.

    How is everyone else doing?
  • NicholeAJ
    The water challenge was so hard for me I just don't drink that much at which is prolly why I have such saggy skin ugh!
  • kristyann86
    kristyann86 Posts: 140 Member
    well i gained 2 oz (i think: 156.2)

    sucks BUT points for getting the challenge.

    i'm really intrigued as to see if the weight melts off next week cuz i will NOT be drinking that much water (plus, it'll be TOM next week :S)

    as for trips, i'm not going to Hong Kong, but i am traveling to my home town of northern Mississippi. I have a different feeling tho. i'm not dreading the food like i normally do. i have a positive attitude about it which is good. i'm going to do great on portions. and i w/ill keep in mind it's the weekend so i won't be TOO hard on myself with what i eat. BUT dont' wanna ruin it before next week's events.

    from what i've read, a lot of our team members didn't see much weight loss this week, but i think we're still a great team. it's all about ' keepin' on keeping on.' and i think YOU ALL are a great support system! we're in it together! let's stay in it together til the very end........aaaaannnnnnndddd


    and congrats to those who did lose weight! WAY TO GO! can't wait to see the results :)
  • NicholeAJ
    The 2nd week is always not pretty on the scale even on the biggest loser shows the 2nd week sucks, I think we are all doing great!!!!

    Btw got some of those mio water drops sweet tea flavor yuck! Let's just say it's not southern sweet tea I'm used to lol going to try fruit punch next!!!
  • tjutrostina
    tjutrostina Posts: 94 Member
    Sooooo excited for d results! We'll do ok. I'm just getting d hang of drinking sufficient water, but ok, I'll admit it, this might be impossible to do during d trip, cos I'm squirmish about public toilets in exhibition halls. So since I'll b spending all day at d hall, n unfamiliar with d layout, I would be pacing d water intake big time.

    Nervous about what challenge will be upon us this week, but everyone's determination is so contagious! I'm sure with above all d changes in our daily routine this week, we'll overcome it all!!!!

    Go Team Purple!
  • persanta
    persanta Posts: 57 Member
    ...... wondering how purple team will do this week with the weigh ins and challenges ???
  • j99li
    j99li Posts: 421 Member
    I did lose for the weigh in :) I hit 199.6 :) However, now I am discouraged because the scale is showing me at 200.8 :sad:

    It really sucks to see. I dont know what it is because of. I havent been able to exercise much since I have been out with family on trips and havent been able to exercise since my knee is sore from all the walking. Also, I drank a lot of water yesterday due to the heat wave in Ontario.

    Whyyyyyy :(

    I hope our weigh in goes well :)
  • tjutrostina
    tjutrostina Posts: 94 Member
    I did lose for the weigh in :) I hit 199.6 :) However, now I am discouraged because the scale is showing me at 200.8 :sad:

    It really sucks to see. I dont know what it is because of. I havent been able to exercise much since I have been out with family on trips and havent been able to exercise since my knee is sore from all the walking. Also, I drank a lot of water yesterday due to the heat wave in Ontario.

    Whyyyyyy :(

    I hope our weigh in goes well :)

    It's probably water weight, so don't worry too much. Plus, weight fluctuates thru out d day. ;)
  • sakus32
    sakus32 Posts: 101
    Hey ladies, i am getting ready to hit the gym for the first time in a week. The past week has been just horrible for me and I am trying to figure out exactly what the problem was. Let me throw a few things out there and see if anyone can relate.

    1. Time - for one reason or 20 reasons, I literally felt like the clock was a full day ahead of where I wanted it to be. Anytime I thought of taking an hour to go to the gym, I had an anxiety attack b/c I was so overwhelmed w/everything.

    2. Diet - I ate carb heavy this week and paid for it in the end. Friday and Saturday were the worst shaky, exhausted, hungry, and horrible feeling. I felt like I had no energy at all. My weeks are crazy anyway and Friday had topped off two days of 12+hours working + school + family, but I don't usually feel as wiped out as I did.

    3. BC - I started a three month BC in Feb. For those of u unfamiliar, you only have a period 3 x a year. Sounds great right> I gained 20 + lbs the first three months on the pill pack. When I do have a period, I have THE WORST mood swings ever. Naturally, I am on a pretty even keel, but now I feel like a crazy person. Also, I am not losing or it feels very difficult to lose.

    So that was my week last week as far as roadblocks. This week is looking much better time wise to make it to the gym and exercise and still accomplish all my other must do's in life. Any thoughts or ideas on how to combat these obstacles in the future would be greatly appreciated. On a side note, I have contacted my doctor about my BC concerns and they are supportive if I want to d/c the meds and see how I feel or switch to a different brand, it's my choice, I just need to make one :)
  • arcticbear
    arcticbear Posts: 161 Member
    Hi Purple Team - I've been to London today and am now really busy with work - the holidays have come to an end :( I think Purple team is doing well, especially on the encouragement front.

    Have we got a Team Purple captain? I would have offered but realistically, from now on it is going to be hard for me to do this - I will only have a computer to log on to in the evenings. Or we could share it perhaps, if no one else feels they can do it and do a week each?

    What do you think???

    And with the weight not dropping off as we'd hoped (must be the water!), maybe all the other teams have the same maybe it's closer than we think - he he.... See you tomorrow x
  • kristyann86
    kristyann86 Posts: 140 Member
    alright purple team!! i know we received last place but it doesn't look like we were that far behind. really pumped about the challenge....i can sooo do 50 crunches a day. i had accomplished that goal the last time i used mfp earlier this year. and i love to use the exercise ball with those (it does wonders with my back and it lets me get deeper and lower in my abs). good luck to everyone! and CONGRATS TO OUR BIGGEST LOSERS for this week!!! so proud and inspired to keep on keepin' on and lose this stinkin' weight once and for all!!!!

    and i see our team is up for questions....can't wait for these....think of good ones :) I will try to think all this week for a good one when my turn's up

    have a great week everyone!
  • persanta
    persanta Posts: 57 Member
    Hi Purple Team - I've been to London today and am now really busy with work - the holidays have come to an end :( I think Purple team is doing well, especially on the encouragement front.

    Have we got a Team Purple captain? I would have offered but realistically, from now on it is going to be hard for me to do this - I will only have a computer to log on to in the evenings. Or we could share it perhaps, if no one else feels they can do it and do a week each?

    What do you think???

    And with the weight not dropping off as we'd hoped (must be the water!), maybe all the other teams have the same maybe it's closer than we think - he he.... See you tomorrow x


    I volunteered for Team Captain but only cos nobody else seemed to be offering - I dont mind doing it but as you say we could share it if anyone else wants to get involved please feel free!!

    But on another note - lets not be last this week again ...... lets be the biggest loser in weight loss!!!
    As I said on another thread 50 crunches are going to be hard but lets DO IT! & LOG IT! - we will see the difference -

    Good Luck to all team members this week!!

    Paula x
  • persanta
    persanta Posts: 57 Member
    Hi Purples,

    To keep us on track I have started a thread in "Motivation & Support" where we can track our weekly challenge....

    Please feel free to update it with your own record of the weekly challenge!

    Paula x
  • NicholeAJ
    go purple!!! my abs are starting to hurt!
  • tjutrostina
    tjutrostina Posts: 94 Member
    Hi all! Was looking out for the Thursday question, but haven't seen it. Off to bed now, and have an early flight, so can't access d forum till Friday evening. :S
  • arcticbear
    arcticbear Posts: 161 Member
    Safe journey Trina!
  • SiyaL8R
    Just checking in to see how everyone is doing this week. Its been a long week. And one more day to go get moving. I finally got my knee brace so I can move around a little better. My soccer game was rained out, so that gives me more time to rehab my knee and get running again once this rain lets up. Anyone else out there finding challenges along the way?
  • SiyaL8R
    Just checking in to see how everyone is doing this week. Its been a long week. And one more day to go get moving. I finally got my knee brace so I can move around a little better. My soccer game was rained out, so that gives me more time to rehab my knee and get running again once this rain lets up. Anyone else out there finding challenges along the way?