
So I've been away from this site for aaaages after using it steadily for a few weeks at a time every once in awhile. I am the kind of person who dreads exercise and has a hard time getting motivated to do it even though I need to. But, I have been trying something new this week -- dancing to really upbeat music for ten minutes first thing out of bed.

Wow! What a difference I already feel -- I'm much more awake and alert during the day, more able to focus on tasks, and it burns a few calories without feeling like work. I'm hoping this is enough to make me stay consistent with it!


  • missysippy930
    missysippy930 Posts: 2,577 Member
    edited March 2020
    Zumba! So much fun!
    You’d love it! You can purchase dvds.
    You’re welcome😁
  • xtremeroswellian
    xtremeroswellian Posts: 3 Member
    Thanks! I actually use to do aqua zumba regularly but the class was cut from the YMCA's budget where I live. Still bummed about it and it's been about four years ;)