Carbs causing pain?

For years now I have had to quit running, doing squats and on some days am even sentenced to a cane due to extreme pain in my knees ( I had untreated acl tears). Since going to a keto diet I have been running, sprinting, squatting and jumping with very little pain and virtually no pain the following day.

It was my birthday last night and I pounded two servings of cheesecake. Waking up this morning my knees were in quite a lot of pain. Has anyone else found carbs to be an underlying cause of pain/problems for them?


  • kshama2001
    kshama2001 Posts: 27,982 Member
  • Katmary71
    Katmary71 Posts: 6,668 Member
    I don't know about carbs but know anti-inflammatory diets call for discontinuing sugar.
  • corinasue1143
    corinasue1143 Posts: 7,467 Member
    Many carbs, but not all, are inflammatory. Sounds like, in your case, it would definitely be worth doing some research.
    I can see why keto would definitely help, but I don’t think you have to be quite as strict for inflammation purposes. I’m not sure cause I haven’t done any research on keto.
  • foolforcarbos
    foolforcarbos Posts: 70 Member
    It's a good question.

    As you are seeing results from personal experience. I don't know, nor will claim to know, but I do only want to add that some, and I am not going to state how often, which studies, or make general statements, but there are those who are referring to this inflammation and Keto as the inflammation around cells which prevent the cell receptors from working correctly. Thus, some feel certain carbs add too much inflammation and that is why some experience a frustrating stop in weight loss. As if they are doing everything correctly but no longer losing weight. This opens up discussions on dirty keto to pasture fed, so watch out. But they then list culprit foods (mainly certain carbs or oils most do not use on the Keto diet. Soyben, grape, peanut, etc...) that may be causing the inflammation, and again, stopping cell receptors, due to carb resistance , which stops the hormones from communicating with the cell. Which changes how weight is lost. (Warning * possible rabbit hole to go down.)

    I know you are inquiring as to physical inflammation for this particular question. I am just stating while you research this, you may find varying topics on inflammation. And wouldn't be surprised if some views combine the two, either theories or hypothesis.

    There are, I am sure, others who support the inflammation being more physical with joint pains. I have nothing to add there. I am only saying what one may find when looking into this subject.

    Glad you found a way to go back to running, sprinting squatting and jumping. Good for you. Stay healthy!
  • foolforcarbos
    foolforcarbos Posts: 70 Member
    Well, seeing as a few disagree with me, let me start with Healthline (which seems to be an acceptable site, here) which provides access to resources: (*tip Try Google Scholar)

    This is why Keto followers are warned to stay away from these inflammatory foods.

    On the flip side, the most anti-inflammatory foods most Keto followers will recognize:

    I won't go into the whole cellular inflammation, lepid bilayer stress in obesity-linked inflammatory and metabolic disorders, defining clinical leptin resistance, or the whole mechanisms relating to cellular inflammation - including the role of the hematopoietic system, toll-like receptor activation, endoplasmic reticulum stress and very recently T-cell activation in obesity-induced insulin resistance.

    I'll just try to keep it simple.

    In fact, I'll end with the link to 9 ways to fix the hormones that control weight. Again, Keto followers will recognize a lot of the suggestions.

    I also look up information I seek, including resources and studies at the following:

    Where one can get a lot of information using sceincedirect

    You can also go to Google Scholar as this example:,44&as_vis=1&q=do+cells+get+inflammation&btnG=
  • BeyoutifulB
    BeyoutifulB Posts: 4 Member
    Wow thank you all so much for the replies I really appreciate it! I have a lot of reading to do