I stopped logging, gained everything back, so here I go agai

I was here months ago with a goal of a ten pound loss, which I attained. I traveled the whole summer, stopped logging in and gained it back in the three months away from MFB. I am back with a new ten pound weight loss goal for my birthday (6 weeks away)
My question for anybody who has been here for awhile. Please give food suggestions that make you feel full and dont use too many calories. I found in the past time here that I was eating the same breakfasts which started to get boring, but I knew it would allow me to eat more in the day. What are you eating that is really tasty? Is there a menu of some sort on here to possibly follow?
Thanks for your help in advance. I know we are all here for a common goal. I wish you all luck!


  • any of the fiber one snacks. i try to eat one on my way to work bc i dont have time for breakfast. (get up at 230 am break isnt until 9 or 10 am)
  • I always have Special K Honey and Oats for breakfast. It isn't that high in calories, but it tastes really good and cereal fills you up! I've lost 11.2 pounds having cereal twice a day! I mean that is just a suggestion :) Good luck!
  • eggwhite omelette with lots of vegetables and a little bit od cheese (within 1 oz)

    I've been there. I have stopped logging when went to my motherland for 2 weeks and did not have internet. When I came back, I felt like a big failure and did not continue logging. Now I look at the pictures after the trip and amaze myself. I looked great! We are so blinded when it comes to our body image.
    So, anyway, I have gained everything back. It was not much to lose initially but when you are close to your goal every lbs showes.
    Now, I'm half way back to my initial goal weight.
    Here is a website I like for cooking light.
    This is a breakfast page
  • wadesha
    wadesha Posts: 351 Member
    yes! fiber one those granola bars actually make you feel full unlike most. I have it for snack around 1 and im not hungry until dinner around 7.
  • RickinNH
    RickinNH Posts: 73 Member

    Here is a change I've made. I used to like to eat a big bowl of yogurt with some fruit in it. Now I eat a big bowl of fresh fruit with a little yogurt on top, like it was whipped cream on a dessert.

    I also like to cook fruit into oatmeal, which has so much fiber it makes you feel really, really full until lunch.
  • Romba
    Romba Posts: 164 Member
    Yes, I wish you luck. I gained 5lbs of mine back and it is from not logging (not measuring my portions, not paying attention to the calories, getting food 'amnesia')...this site really works. I'm back baby!!!
  • dncngqnnyc
    dncngqnnyc Posts: 15 Member
    Thanks everyone! The fiber one bars I have had as a snack in the middle of the day or evening. Cereal makes me full for about 5 minutes, but instant oatmeal kept me full for a bit. What are you eating for dinner or to keep you feeling full?

    Thanks again for your suggestions.

  • Suzymo3
    Suzymo3 Posts: 77 Member
    Oatmeal is a great breakfast. I also eat a serving of brown rice with almost every dinner. Both of those things help to fill me up.
  • dncngqnnyc
    dncngqnnyc Posts: 15 Member
    Thank you so much and good luck with your goal. It looks like you are back on track. It really was not hard to log in and see the lbs come off, but it is true that once I stopped being accountable the pant started to get tighter and the muffintop started to look like a cake!
  • dncngqnnyc
    dncngqnnyc Posts: 15 Member
    Thanks! You are doing great! Continued success to you.
  • ladylu11
    ladylu11 Posts: 631 Member
    Thanks everyone! The fiber one bars I have had as a snack in the middle of the day or evening. Cereal makes me full for about 5 minutes, but instant oatmeal kept me full for a bit. What are you eating for dinner or to keep you feeling full?

    Thanks again for your suggestions.


    I buy chicken breasts that are already cooked (mesquite grilled) in the frozen section. and cook two different kinds of frozen vegetables to go along with it. carrots, broccoli, brussel sprouts, whole kernel corn, etc, whatever I'm in the mood for. I usually have a one cup serving of each vegetable and sometimes I can't finish the meal. Very tasty, low in calories, and leaves me very full!
  • dncngqnnyc
    dncngqnnyc Posts: 15 Member
    Thanks for your help. I will cook fish, I dont eat chicken. I will be shopping for food today. A diet without chicken seems to be a little tougher, but fish works just as well.
  • I'm big on oatmeal with raisins, cinnamon and nutmeg in the morning or cheerios with a banana. Once a week I'll spoil myself with turkey bacon, eggs and pancakes then go for a long distance bike ride.

    Lunch is usually tuna or turkey wrap with veggies. The wrap is almost always whole wheat. Salad is also a choice. Fruit or a fiber one bar finishes the meal.

    Dinner: get a wok, cut up some boneless chicken breast and veggies and enjoy! I eat mostly chicken so I'll have it any way with legumes, green beans or a salad.

    Always incorporate fruit and water, water and more water.

    Best of luck to you on this journey!
  • dncngqnnyc
    dncngqnnyc Posts: 15 Member
    I'm big on oatmeal with raisins, cinnamon and nutmeg in the morning or cheerios with a banana. Once a week I'll spoil myself with turkey bacon, eggs and pancakes then go for a long distance bike ride.

    Lunch is usually tuna or turkey wrap with veggies. The wrap is almost always whole wheat. Salad is also a choice. Fruit or a fiber one bar finishes the meal.

    Dinner: get a wok, cut up some boneless chicken breast and veggies and enjoy! I eat mostly chicken so I'll have it any way with legumes, green beans or a salad.

    Always incorporate fruit and water, water and more water.

    Best of luck to you on this journey!
  • dncngqnnyc
    dncngqnnyc Posts: 15 Member
    Thanks I have the wok already but i guess I will pull it out of the cabinet and put it to some use. Thanks for the suggestions. I need chicken free suggestions. I never eat chicken, or any poultry.
  • I was the same. I logged in religiously for ahile but just got caught up in life. I am determined to get into a healthier lifestyle and lose some weight in the process!

    I think my biggest problem is that I am a student and a poor one at that! It is not always the easiest thing to spend so much on fresh fruit and veg, or to be health conscience in social situations. I hope this forum will help keep me on the right track! I think doing this with the support will be better for me.

    Love the breakfast suggestions. That seems to be a big downfall for me too because I usually can't be bothered but I have been eating two slices of wholemeal toast with a fruit spread with no added sugar. The fiber noticeably keeps me fuller for longer. I'll have to get some oatmeal on the go cups or something to switch it up!
  • gbers
    gbers Posts: 55 Member
    A suggestion for a quick breakfast that keeps you full- Greek yogurt (I currrently love Pineapple Chobani) and 2 small navel oranges. This keeps me full, and the Greek style yogurt tastes like dessert because it is so creamy. Grocery stores have it on sale a lot, so it may help with your budget too.

    I also do not eat poultry, and there is a company called Lightlife, and it has vegetarian "chicken", "deli meats" , 'hotdogs" and "burgers" that are loaded with protein, little or no fat, are filling, and actually taste good. You can find them in most regular grocery stores in the produce section. Names on the products are Smart Dogs, Smart Chili, Smart Deli. etc. Their website also has coupons.
    Good luck with your renewed healthy eating! I hope these small suggestions help.
  • dncngqnnyc
    dncngqnnyc Posts: 15 Member
    I was the same. I logged in religiously for ahile but just got caught up in life. I am determined to get into a healthier lifestyle and lose some weight in the process!

    I think my biggest problem is that I am a student and a poor one at that! It is not always the easiest thing to spend so much on fresh fruit and veg, or to be health conscience in social situations. I hope this forum will help keep me on the right track! I think doing this with the support will be better for me.

    Love the breakfast suggestions. That seems to be a big downfall for me too because I usually can't be bothered but I have been eating two slices of wholemeal toast with a fruit spread with no added sugar. The fiber noticeably keeps me fuller for longer. I'll have to get some oatmeal on the go cups or something to switch it up!
  • I don't know if your open too the idea but I have a weight loss shake made with skim milk and a glass of water. Fat Blaster chocolate is really yummy! With the milk its only 130 calories and its made with all the nutrients to keep you feeling full. It's not for everyone but with 13 serves and at $15 its not too bad price wise either.

    Good luck everyone xxx
  • dncngqnnyc
    dncngqnnyc Posts: 15 Member

    I run downstairs put a packet of instant oatmeal with water and a teaspoon of light cream into a huge bowl and throw it into the microwave. I run up for my fast shower and then back down for the oatmeal. I prefer the cinnamon and sugar and that seems to work on my time issue and costs less than on the go. I usually buy the biggest box for added savings. I wish you great success here. It does work, but you have to log in and be accountable for everything that you eat or drink. I do find this a great program to log in to, but just wish that they would have a page of menus for all meals that would make it even easier to follow. I am not a computer person and struggle to find my way around the computer for meal plans that are simple and contain no poultry.