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Anyone cutting after a bulk?



  • Mr_Healthy_Habits
    Mr_Healthy_Habits Posts: 12,588 Member
    sardelsa wrote: »
    All of you make me so glad that my kid is almost 16! :laugh:

    Still rebelling a bit against the lower calories. I'm still up around 2200 calories five days, 2600 two days. I'm not hangry, just emotionally upset (which feels completely stupid to say) that I can't fit in all the things I could before. Very slight weight drop, 203.8, which is as it should be as I'm just under maintenance with this calorie goal.

    I can relate. Dieting sucks. Even though it’s time limited. I wish there was a trick that worked for me. IF, low carb high carb calorie cycling, keto, as far as I can see they all suck to a degree. Being in a deficit just sucks.

    It all sucks. Maintenance sucks, surplus sucks. Everything sucks :p (Can you tell I'm in a mood? Daylight savings, grrrrrrr :s )

    How about these? ... 😊
    Gaining does not suck 😂...

    Although I do feel admittingly guilty about my sugar these days 🤷🏽‍♂️

  • sardelsa
    sardelsa Posts: 9,812 Member
    @Mr_Healthy_Habits I've never had those, not sure if they even sell that in Canada. :p

    And gaining sucks, the constant eating, always in the kitchen and chewing food, it's like a full time job, plus the loss of definition!

    Maintenance sucks because it's so boring (to me) I look in the mirror and it's like ok same old, blah.. and right now it's like bulking since I'm eating so much.

    You should see my sugar intake.. between my candy preworkout, the chocolate milk mix added to my protein shake, the donuts, ice cream and Oreos, the sugary junky cereal I have every night. Disasterrrr :)
  • happysquatter
    happysquatter Posts: 91 Member
    I'm down 2.29 lbs in 2 weeks since I started (using average weights) and down 0.61% for bf% (using Navy calc method)

    Things going well, lifting sessions are a bit harder but not abnormally so. Steady on I think
  • psuLemon
    psuLemon Posts: 38,420 MFP Moderator
    psuLemon wrote: »
    sardelsa wrote: »
    psuLemon wrote: »
    sardelsa wrote: »
    psuLemon wrote: »
    psuLemon wrote: »
    psuLemon wrote: »
    So it sucks trying to get lean. Dropped a few pounds while adding carbs back (100-130g) but holy *kitten*, has my hunger returned like no other.

    Its a crappy predicament, keto suppressed my appetite but I couldn't get passed the frequent cramping. It got me leaner than i ever have been since middle school. Carbs help my performance, get rid of my cramps but increases hunger which makes it difficult to stay in a deficit.

    Struggling to decide how i can attack this. Any ideas or personal experiences? I have unintentionally recomped over the past 2 years but no where as lean as I want.

    I hear you, it's not easy cuttings cals

    Fairly new to this thread so I don't know exactly when you started however it could just be a factor of giving it a bit more time. The body is immensely adaptable but maybe the transition from low(keto to mod carbs was too fast?

    My current cut, I slowly tapered my carbs and fats reducing them in the order of 10's of grams. It's a mental hack has that worked for me (vs the standard 500 cals or what have you) and is still working about 2 weeks in.

    You make a fair point. I went from 30-50g up to 100-130g of carbs pretty quickly so i could eliminate the cramping. I might just have to scale it a bit more. So drop some fat and add carbs back slowly until i hit a comfortable point.

    Background: About a decade ago i went from 220 down to 173-175 through diet, MyFitnessPal and TKD & jujitsu. After i moved, i then transition to the P90X series and then BodyBeast. About 4 years ago, I transitioned to serious lifting and started to follow structured programs. I had some good 1RM last summer (bench - 250, DL - 350, Squat - 280) but ran into back and shoulder injuries (ironically not from lifting but rather my daughter being crazy and kept jumping on me or in my arms). Still not 100% but making progress.

    Weight has fluctuated between 168 and 182. Usually high after the winter holidays and my last Keto run is when i hit 168. My low on a high carb diet has been 173. So some anecdotal evidence that my body does better with lower carbs.

    Over the years, i have tried a bunch of diets. Mainly because my wife has been through hell medically and it encourages me to learn different cooking techniques. Still trying to help my wife hone in on a diet that works for her medical issues and her ability to comply.

    Diets i have tried: General calorie counting, MFP + high protein + high fiber, IIFYM, Paleo, IF (16:8), Keto, low fat, and Keto.

    The reason i went Keto was because after years of on and off calorie counting, i just couldn't comply with IIFYM. I needed something that had restriction because a little treats turned into more. If it wasn't for the cramping, I would have stayed Keto. Overall, i enjoyed the foods and it satiated me... Well unless i was doing dirty Keto. So a focus on whole food Keto was ideal.

    I love to cook and often make gourmet meals. So that isn't an issue.

    Thanks for the update!

    Sleep is tough for me too with two kids still pretty young and I'm at work pretty much the same hour as you.

    It took me a while to set up a routine that got me working out well before bedtime (mostly midday sessions, some 4:15/30pm ones) but I found that to be really helpful.

    I would overweight importance of trying to get more sleep if you can, over the carb difference. Not that the latter won't help but that the former can negate pretty much a large part of the fat loss effect of cal deficits+RT. And then some!

    Two week experiment?

    Thanks. I'll try to get more sleep to see if that can help. I certainly recognize the impact on cortisol with lack of sleep.

    From a nutrition point, I think increasing protein to 1.2g/lb (~200g) and reducing my fats (~50-70g) is probably going to be my plan.

    Hopefully you find something that works.

    Oh sleep, what is that again? :D

    Right now I feel like my training sucks, sleep sucks, diet sucks. Can you actually imagine if I had all those things in most optimal order, what my physique would look like. Oh well, we can only do what we can.

    Right!!! Maybe when my kids are much older 😂. But 2 and 4 is rough!!! I feel like i need to start drinking coffee.

    What you don't drink coffee??? Does.Not.Compute. :D

    Coffee gets me through all my tough days after a rough night, it's my preworkout and appetite suppressant, best stuff ever. I owe it all to coffee :)

    😂 Yup, 4 cups a day here too

    @psuLemon I’ve got a 2 and 5 year old - it’s tough !! Get on the caffeine train, make the world go round 🙂
    Its hard to suck up 400 calories in coffee lol

    400 cals?
    You could try a teeny bit of coffee with a whole lotta cream 😁

    Oh, I could and have.... Its what i do on road trips.
  • MidlifeCrisisFitness
    MidlifeCrisisFitness Posts: 1,106 Member
    edited March 2020
    Misery loves company.

    Birthday party at my house last night. Should have served my own ice cream. Lesson learned! How do you put some back after its served, ahhhh 550 calories of BR peanut butter chocolate. I'm so close to sub 10 but just keep hovering there....
  • quiksylver296
    quiksylver296 Posts: 28,439 Member
    All of you make me so glad that my kid is almost 16! :laugh:

    Still rebelling a bit against the lower calories. I'm still up around 2200 calories five days, 2600 two days. I'm not hangry, just emotionally upset (which feels completely stupid to say) that I can't fit in all the things I could before. Very slight weight drop, 203.8, which is as it should be as I'm just under maintenance with this calorie goal.

    Friday weigh-in, exactly the same as last week 203.8. Of course, it was lower all week then bumped back up on official weigh-in day.

    I do, at least, feel like I'm dealing with the calorie deficit better mentally. I'm not feeling deprived like I was the first couple weeks.
  • sardelsa
    sardelsa Posts: 9,812 Member
    @jseams1234 can't beat that bulking gym performance, for me sometimes I feel a bit sluggish at the end of the bulks and that's when I have to slow it down. How much more are you wanting to add?

    @pitbullpuppy I usually take a few weeks at maintenance before I start cutting, but ya it definitely sucks no matter how you do it.

    @quiksylver296 do you take an average/trend weight or base your weight on the one weigh-in day?

  • jseams1234
    jseams1234 Posts: 1,218 Member
    sardelsa wrote: »
    @jseams1234 can't beat that bulking gym performance, for me sometimes I feel a bit sluggish at the end of the bulks and that's when I have to slow it down. How much more are you wanting to add?

    I’m not sure. Maybe another ten pounds over the next few months. That progress pic is from the evening, before bed, at my fluffiest with all my bloated glory - I hate it. However, abs are kinda back in the morning and I look dense, but no bloat. I guess when I’m disgusted with “morning physique” I might end up calling it. ;)

  • nexangelus
    nexangelus Posts: 2,080 Member
    edited March 2020
    I am back cutting, have been for a while now, slow and steady though as still training hard (powerbuilding 12 week programme). Decided no competitions this year (need to rest mentally from strongwoman and properly recover/rehab knee and bicep injuries) bar one powerlifting style one come September...am sitting at 159 lbs and lookin' more defined than when I was the same weight at the end of 2018. Coach says shoulders are looking bigger (whoop) and friends say legs are looking more defined. In fact three pals commented on how small I was looking, even though they were only seeing a 16 lb difference (which is not a huge amount to me) I am wearing racer back vests now (instead of men's t-shirts), so maybe they can actually see the arms and the waist, ha! Daily intake is still 2100 cals and still losing for now...
  • sardelsa
    sardelsa Posts: 9,812 Member
    I finally found a tape and got around to taking measurements, woohoo! Good news is I am just about 1" larger than I was last November in both parts of my waist (I take natural and belly button), hips/glutes is same, chest is larger but to be expected, so the size is just about there, just have to work on what's between the lines.
  • happysquatter
    happysquatter Posts: 91 Member
    Another good week in.

    Half lb average weight down on the scale and down about 67 bps of body fat%

    Unfortunately everything has gone into lockdown here. Gyms certainly but also school, uni's, colleges, libraries, pools, bars, resto (50% capacity only)

    So I'll have to find a different way to generate stimulus. Realistically it might not work so I'm starting to think of alternatives to trying to maintain some strength and muscle with home weights etc.
  • quiksylver296
    quiksylver296 Posts: 28,439 Member
    edited March 2020
    My gym hasn't closed yet. It's a local owner, not a chain. He's currently saying he's keeping it open. We'll see.

    Down to 203.0 this morning, even after two days on the road (work travel that they wouldn't cancel. We asked). Pretty pleased with that.
  • steveko89
    steveko89 Posts: 2,222 Member
    Thankfully, I got the OK to work from home yesterday and got my space setup yesterday afternoon, much to the delight of the cats and our 15-month-old.

    My weight trend is holding steady at 178. If nothing else, no work travel and working from home should be good for hitting my macros and staying consistent with my workouts.
  • quiksylver296
    quiksylver296 Posts: 28,439 Member
    edited March 2020
    steveko89 wrote: »
    Thankfully, I got the OK to work from home yesterday and got my space setup yesterday afternoon, much to the delight of the cats and our 15-month-old.

    My weight trend is holding steady at 178. If nothing else, no work travel and working from home should be good for hitting my macros and staying consistent with my workouts.

    I'm dreading working from home for this exact reason. I stay on track so much easier when I'm at work and pack my breakfast, lunch and snacks.

    At home, it's so much easier to snack or pick meals that don't match up with my goals. Peanut butter and brown sugar sandwiches, anyone?!? :p
  • steveko89
    steveko89 Posts: 2,222 Member
    steveko89 wrote: »
    Thankfully, I got the OK to work from home yesterday and got my space setup yesterday afternoon, much to the delight of the cats and our 15-month-old.

    My weight trend is holding steady at 178. If nothing else, no work travel and working from home should be good for hitting my macros and staying consistent with my workouts.

    I'm dreading working from home for this exact reason. I stay on track so much easier when I'm at work and pack my breakfast, lunch and snacks.

    At home, it's so much easier to snack or pick meals that don't match up with my goals. Peanut butter and brown sugar sandwiches, anyone?!? :p

    Well, that was a short-lived work-from-home stint; the "OK" I'd gotten from my director got overruled by HR for reasons unbeknownst to either of us, at least for the time-being, much to the chagrin of the cat who spent the majority of the morning happily sitting on my lap while I worked.
  • quiksylver296
    quiksylver296 Posts: 28,439 Member
    I worked from home yesterday and managed to hit my calorie goals. I suspect it will get harder if I have to continue to do it.
  • psuLemon
    psuLemon Posts: 38,420 MFP Moderator
    The good news for me, is there is less temptation at home. And we are on rotating schedules of one week on, one off. So hoping to use the off weeks to make really good food and cut calories more on the off weeks by skipping breakfast.

    Sitting at 171 this morning. Still working on getting consistently down in the 160s. Definitely have recomped a bit as i am starting to see some ab definition in the upper 4.
  • alexmose
    alexmose Posts: 792 Member
    psuLemon wrote: »
    The good news for me, is there is less temptation at home. And we are on rotating schedules of one week on, one off. So hoping to use the off weeks to make really good food and cut calories more on the off weeks by skipping breakfast.

    Sitting at 171 this morning. Still working on getting consistently down in the 160s. Definitely have recomped a bit as i am starting to see some ab definition in the upper 4.

    You have a gym to workout at?
  • psuLemon
    psuLemon Posts: 38,420 MFP Moderator
    edited March 2020
    alexmose wrote: »
    psuLemon wrote: »
    The good news for me, is there is less temptation at home. And we are on rotating schedules of one week on, one off. So hoping to use the off weeks to make really good food and cut calories more on the off weeks by skipping breakfast.

    Sitting at 171 this morning. Still working on getting consistently down in the 160s. Definitely have recomped a bit as i am starting to see some ab definition in the upper 4.

    You have a gym to workout at?

    They are closed for the week and may reopen on Monday. Currently, i have defaulted to where i started my fitness journey by running P90X2 at home. Given i only have free weights, its the best option.

    ETA: from a timing thing, it's worked out, i was going to deload for two weeks because i have been worn down. My deload weeks are actually bro-weeks where I mainly focus on dumbbells with higher reps and lower weights. A bit more functional fitness type stuff.