Hi from North Country, NY (very upstate)

:smile: Hi everyone. My name is Angela, I'm 30 yrs, I'm overweight and have been most of my life. I've pretty much been overweight since the age of six with most of my weight ranging from 190-270lbs. I was at my highest last fall. I had gained so much weight when my mom was diagnosed with breast cancer, lost some of it, then my father was diagnosised with prostate cancer. Both are currently in remission and cancer free, thank you God, and the weight started coming off...a little. But that time was so stressful and I found comfort in food.

My newest incentive to lose weight is the fact that I just got engaged 3 weeks ago and now I have to look good in a wedding dress!!!! I'm so excited to plan my future with the love of my life, but so self conscious about my weight and how I look. We know that as soon as we're married we'd like to start a family. I should NOT get pregnant at 244lbs. It's not healthy for me or the baby, too many risks. My goal by next October is 190. That's 54lbs from right now and I think it's definitely attainable. Once I reach that goal I will lower that number and continue until I reach 150. I don't ever remember being 150 lbs so that would mean so much to me.

The picture that I posted on my profile is not one that I'm pleased to look at, but I'm hoping that will give me motivation to continue. I plan on taking a new picture every month to show the physical changes. I've only been on this diet for about 2 days and I already feel a difference in my energy and my attitude is very positive. I hope this site will be a great place to gain support as well as giving it to those who are struggling.

Here goes nothing!!!!!!


  • billsica
    billsica Posts: 4,741 Member
    Hey back at you from upstate
  • Darcie1970
    you go girl!!! you can do it! welcome aboard!!
  • darcyrobillard
    Welcome, if you stick with this lifestyle changeand use the tools on this site you will def meet your goals. Congratulations on your engagement!
  • ladyluck4210
    ladyluck4210 Posts: 107 Member
    Welcome, from a fellow upstate NYer (now in central VA)!!! I hope you find this site as encouraging and inspirational as I have. There really are people here to help you accomplish your goals. You are NOT alone in this!
  • megan4487
    megan4487 Posts: 142 Member
    Congrats on the Engagment. This is a wonderufl site with a lot of wonderful people. Let me know if I can help. good luck!!!!
  • melvac
    melvac Posts: 333 Member
    Hi Angela
    You can do it. The most important thing I believe is to start getting healthy and fit. Start to increase your activity, Make sure you are taking a good nutritional supplement, Manage you weight by eating 3 meals--portion controlled, and 3 snacks. That means to be eating something throughout the day to keep your metabolism up. When you skip meals your body thinks it's starving so it starts to store fat and it will hold on to all the fat and calories as you eat. I log everything I eat daily that way I know I am either eating or not. We on MFP are here for you, stay in touch let us know your progress. Friend me if you like, I am on this 90 day challenge to become healthy and fit join me if you want, by doing this I will be managing my weight, conditioning my mind, being accountable to my group members and increasing my activity. So far 19#'s down and it's a daily task, I will be at my goal weight soon...
  • theaterfan23
    theaterfan23 Posts: 256 Member
    This is a great way to keep you in check and accountable!! I started about 45 days ago at 223 and I am currently 208.8! You can do this!!
  • dorisholaway
    dorisholaway Posts: 531 Member
    Welcome aboard from another Upstate NY raised girl. I now live in Alabama but I was born in Endicott or Johnson City NY. I lived around Moravia and Genoa Ny until I was a teenager. I am sending you a friend request. This is a very great inspirational site.
  • kimcat73
    kimcat73 Posts: 687 Member
    Welcome! I grew up in Northern NY about an hour from Canada:) Glad to have you! You can do it!
  • baloney17
    baloney17 Posts: 73 Member
    Thanks for the positive comment. So far I'm enjoying this site and the people. Everyone seems to genuinely want to help each other.
  • baloney17
    baloney17 Posts: 73 Member
    Thanks Dorisholaway. Everyone so far is great and supportivve. I'm loving this. I'm WAY farther north than Johnson City. I border Canada along the St. Lawrence River. Hope you're doing well with your weight loss. So far things are going well for workout and calories. I'm pleased with myself.
  • baloney17
    baloney17 Posts: 73 Member
    Ok so I'm new to whole forum deal and it looks like my replies to one person are just posting on the entire topic. So let me just say thank you to everyone that has posted. I'm glad to see that people are so supportive of each other and I'm enjoying looking at your tickers! They give me hope! Can't wait to see how my progression goes.