Obese exersize

Hi everyone, i'm on the weightloss train again since elective surgeries are being canceled due to coronavirus, (I was supposed to have gastric sleeve surgery). I am 25 and weigh 307 lbs. I also have 4 kids under 6, the youngest being 8 months. Exersize has always been the hard part of losing weight for me, so I have decided to take it slow this time. I need advice on exersize. I dont want it to be so hard that I quit again, but I also don't want it to take 3 years either. So for you who have lost a lot of weight, how did you start out? I was thinking of walking 3x a week for 30 min. Is this to much, is this not enough to see results? Please help!


  • cwolfman13
    cwolfman13 Posts: 41,865 Member
    Walking is a great place to start. That said, you diet is going to have far more impact on weight loss than exercise will. Exercise doesn't default to losing weight...if it did, people who exercise regularly for their health and fitness would just wither away.

    Walking is probably the best place to start for someone who is obese and new to fitness. It is also the number one activity people do to maintain a healthy weight according to the national weight loss registry.
  • Jackie9003
    Jackie9003 Posts: 1,114 Member
    Walking is where I started too, it's great for all levels so you can set your own pace.
    I use mapmywalk and do a regular route, it logs each walk so I can see how I've improved over time.
  • Horses4Two
    Horses4Two Posts: 45 Member
    My sister has really bad knees, but she does some band work for her arms and does some leg raises. If you can swim it is a wonderful exercise.
  • rachelmmoore23
    rachelmmoore23 Posts: 2 Member
    Thanks you guys, I usually do pretty good on the diet part, I just hate exersizing! I wish I could find a way to like it.
  • amtyrell
    amtyrell Posts: 1,447 Member
    Walking is great. Dance party with kids is great.
    But really diet is much much more effective then exercise at losing weight. Track everything you eat, weigh everything, eat only what mfp tells you is your alloted calories for loss of 1.5 lbs a week.
    Also I don't know if you drink caloric beverages but switching to non calorie beverages helps a lot as it is easy to consume hundreds of calories and not feel one smidgen fuller with beverages.
  • Jax_Grim
    Jax_Grim Posts: 381 Member
    So I started at 315lbs. I had to start out slow. I would walk my neighbor hood. It was anywhere from .5 miles to 1 mile. Some days were harder than others. I started back in September of last year doing a small amount of walking and watching my calories. I've dropped 55 pounds since then and do upwards of 7 miles a day now. I'm also a fan of using resistance bands. They are fairly inexpensive, great for those of us who have no room in their home, and are very versatile to work out with.
  • maureenkhilde
    maureenkhilde Posts: 850 Member
    Thanks you guys, I usually do pretty good on the diet part, I just hate exersizing! I wish I could find a way to like it.

    I totally get your comment. The key and we all read it over and over, and I have found it to be very true. Is to find something you are willing to do long term. So even if you never are totally passionate it about, still something that you can convince yourself to do.

    I started with walking, at first walking 500 feet was a struggle. Then after about 6 months I could do 5 miles. Then it started to bug one of my knees. So I bought a used recumbent bike. And for me that has been my winner. Because sometimes I listen to music and peddle away. Other times, I literally read. Or do some of the scenery apps.

    I have started doing yoga for obese, only about 15 minutes long, three times a week. Have found ok to do, also helps with stress.

    Key is start with something, but test out others things to find something that you can stick with, even if not wild about it.
  • lorrpb
    lorrpb Posts: 11,463 Member
    Start walking 5 min a day. Then add 5 min each week til you get to 30-45.
  • tnh2o
    tnh2o Posts: 161 Member
    Start with something doable for you. Through trial and lots or error I found a daily walk is something I can stick with. I was also swimming a few times a week (but that's on hold) and using Jessica Smith yoga strength dvd's.
    If what you can do is a 10 minute walk then that's where you start. The other posts are very encouraging. We all started somewhere.