20 Down by Halloween - Team 2



  • good job - coworker brought in chocolate chunk cookies today as well and I have not snatched one yet :)
  • caripta85
    caripta85 Posts: 102 Member
    Great job :) that's what being a team is all about!! I have a hard time passing up the sweets at the grocery store! Not saying I will never eat sweets again, but I'm working on my self control. Im not strong enough yet to eat just one cookie!
  • great job guys! i am happy to announce my first pound gone on this challenge.. I am sad to admit though that ive had a couple slip ups in the diet area which will happen sometimes...BUT i made sure to do some working out to make up for the difference. i have a qestion. do any of you have an android app for MFP and if so is there anyway to look at these threads on there? i cant seem to find a way yet (new to smart phones altogether :tongue: )
  • caripta85
    caripta85 Posts: 102 Member
    i have the android app, it is good for your fooe/exercise diary but have not found a way to view threads which is a bummer! So, I just look up mfp on my internet browser so i can see my profile and the threads on my phone! I can't always have a big laptop on my lap witha 7 month old baby!

    EVERYONE keep up the good work! Week one isn't even over and we are already dropping the LBS!

    Go Team BOO :)
  • nakabi
    nakabi Posts: 589 Member
    Do any of you have an HRM? Thinking of possibly getting one, but wanted to know if you guys recommend it and if so, any particular kind? I've looked at the ones that are like watches and they seem good, but wanted to know what you thought...

    Also, did we ever decide what day of the week we were doing our weigh-in?
  • caripta85
    caripta85 Posts: 102 Member
    i was thinking weight in on mondays since it started on a monday!

    I have also been thinking about HRM but no nothing about them! Saw a few on clearance at target for like 35-45 bucks. I guess this is the most accurate way to determing calories burned!

    Also, I have been eating back my exercise calories and feel like I'm eating TOO much! anyone else??
  • Monday is fine with me to weigh in. I have had a very stressful week and haven't done well with my eating. Started back to college after being out of school for many years! So I have the weekend to make up. So sorry if I don't do well this week. Next week will definitely be a better week!!!!!

    Stephanie E
  • caripta85
    caripta85 Posts: 102 Member
    How is everyone doing?? Hope you are all still motivated for 20 Down by Halloween!! i know i sure am! today, i set a mini goal - no soda! And although the day isn't over, i resisted all day (not leaving the house the rest of the day and don't have any in the house so im good) I also decided to ditch my scale till weigh ins monday! Hoping to go down at least 1 lb!

    Keep it up girls, we are awesome!

    Go team BOO!
  • caripta85
    caripta85 Posts: 102 Member
    Ok girls, week 2 and weigh in day :)

    180.8 = 2.2 lbs down from last monday!

    ditching my scale felt good, i'm planning on weighing twice a week (monday and thursday) but only recording monday for this challenge!
  • I'm so depressed! I knew I had a stressful week, but was shocked when i read that I had gained 5 pounds last week. I promise this week will be better! Sorry to let everyone down.

    Stephanie E
  • caripta85
    caripta85 Posts: 102 Member
    your not letting anyone down!! today starts a new week!!
  • nakabi
    nakabi Posts: 589 Member
    I'm sitting at my desk at work doing the happy dance in my chair :) Lost 3.4 pounds since last Monday and hoping to keep losing!!!
    Saeverman, you aren't letting any of us down!!! Just keep at it and don't give up!!!
  • dixiejeep
    dixiejeep Posts: 95 Member
    im ashley i live in pittsburgh pa im 19 years old and i am in nursing school. i lost 35 pounds from jan11-jun11 and gained about 20 back so i would like to relose them :) my goal is 165 for now...im about 195 now
  • domi09
    domi09 Posts: 24 Member
    Hi am Dominique... Is it to late to join this group? I hope not. I live in Kentucky and have a 2yr old daughter and a 12 yr old son, and I work full time as a software developer. So, busy busy busy... My husband works evenings and so I am a single mom M-F for the most part. Well that's what it feels like. :) I love MFP and it has really help put in perspective the amount of calories I was eating. I enjoy reading blogs, couponing & yard sales and being a Mommy!

    If you have a busy schedule try working out out during your lunch hour.. This has been the best thing I have ever done on my lunch breaks! I started a boot camp at our local YMCA, and actually signed up for round 2 which will be complete in a couple weeks. Considering round three??. It's even more fun if you can get a couple of you co-workers to join you.

    Good luck everyone!... OMG I can't believe I am posting my stats... :smile:

    MFP SW - 226
    CW - 217
    GW 1 - 216
    GW 2 - 200 (By Halloween)
    GW 3 - 180
    Final GW 160-150
  • Welcome Ashley and Dominique! We report our weigh ins on Mondays and everyone is good support!
  • I've been good this week, but the scale still hasn't budged. I think I will go for longer walks. I'm swollen and I don't know what it's from, but I know that's part of the weight gain. HOpe everyone is having a good week!

    Stephanie E
  • kiku76
    kiku76 Posts: 352 Member
    Hi all. I'm sorry I've been MIA. Just been busy and in a funk. IDK.
    I've been eating ok...not super bad but not the best. not sure what I weighed on monday, but today I'm 143.4. Not a huge loss but going in the right direction.
    I've been doing 30DS level 2 this week and I really like it.
    I just picked up a copy of Insanity from a friend so I may give that a try after 30DS
  • Is it too late to still join the team? I hope not, but please, let me know! Thanks.
  • No, it's never too late to join! Welcome CamiXiomara!

    Stephanie E
  • Well I had a better week this week. I lost 3 out of the 5 pounds that I gained last week, was hoping for all 5. I hope everyone else had a better week!

    Stephanie E