Hi I'm newish and I'm 28 and very overweight!

So I've actually had some accounts on MFP before but I always gave up after a week but something's always brought me back so I'm sticking now! I used to weigh more than what I do now, I lost 8lb in 4 weeks but due to the Corona virus panic I've gone back to comfort eating though anxiety and put on 3lb again. Any advice on how to get a grip on comfort eating? Thanks in advance! 😊


  • emile26
    emile26 Posts: 3 Member
    Hi, Ive been in and out of MFP too but came back two days ago. Thought whilst we are on lockdown I may as well try to loose a. It if chub. I’ve got about 1.5 stone to loose really although could do more.
    I’ve been doing the body coach workouts every morning and then a 10 minute session in the evening that I’ve been doing live from Instagram. I usually drip in and out if fitness but giving it a good go. Try a quick 10 minute morning exercise if you can cause it really does help to set you up for the day
  • nellie432
    nellie432 Posts: 2 Member
    What I've been doing to stick to my calorie goals is to plan 'treats' like strawberries, raspberries, etc. Or a small proteinshake. I still feel like I'm snacking but my overall goals aren't that much affected. Maybe try finding low-calorie snacks that you can look forward to?