How would you describe the feeling of being pregnant?



  • jdbly3373
    jdbly3373 Posts: 26 Member
    edited March 2020
    vanityy99 wrote: »
    If someone were to ask me,
    I’d describe it as having major bloating with pressure on the lower abdomen.


    You just feel a very full sensation in your stomach. To me its very noticeable. I felt tired. Sex drive was much lower.
  • vggb
    vggb Posts: 132 Member
    I became more healthy, why I don't know. My hair and nails grew like crazy, my skin cleared up and I looked wonderful and I gained 19 lbs. The morning after I gave birth I was 124lbs, I was 139lbs when I got pregnant. No, I wasn't dieting, I was very healthy and my labour was short, 6 hours the first time, 1 hour the second.

    This was in the early 80's, I always joked that I would be the perfect surrogate mother for a couple.
  • KyaLeanGreen
    KyaLeanGreen Posts: 17 Member
    My first pregnancy I felt great from month 1 up until delivery day. But my second one? Jesus grab the wheel. It was so bad I couldn’t even workout. The first trimester I felt so sluggish and bloated. The 2nd trimester, was better than the 1st but I kept eating weird things. The 3rd trimester, dragged by SO SLOW! I was ready to slash everyone’s throat who passed my way. But then I got induced 2 weeks past due date and felt so relieved to hold my baby girl Arya Rose 😍 Both of my birth we’re natural and I ripped for both as well so stitches and discharged the next day and it was like nothing ever happened 😍 but I have a very very high tolerance for pain.
  • whitpauly
    whitpauly Posts: 1,483 Member
    First 3 were girls and I felt fine but big, pregnancy was a green light to me to indulge 😈 last 1 was my only boy and I was sick as a dog the first 3 months, the smell of meat made me sooooo sick! I actually lost weight at first and the fatigue, felt like I took a sleeping pill every day all day but that finally cleared and I craved Taco Bell followed by a milky way everyday, the strangest thing was I craved the sour cream on the TB not the actual food, loved that time in my life the 90's rocked cuz I had all my loves💗
  • mockchoc
    mockchoc Posts: 6,573 Member
    edited April 2020
    MaltedTea wrote: »
    Fuzzipeg wrote: »
    How can someone disgaree with another womans experience of pregnancy?

    ikr? I'm trying to stop pseudo-psychoanalyzing people who click this button and their "reasons."

    Simple. Some people are not nice oh and they weren't there feeling like they were about to die any second. Lovely people they are.
  • ClockWorKitten
    ClockWorKitten Posts: 55 Member
    I enjoyed the experience, I had pain with my back but I was the happiest I had been in years.
  • pink_mint
    pink_mint Posts: 103 Member
    It's interesting to me how different it is for everyone.

    For me... first trimester: crippling nausea and vomiting multiple times per day. So much vomiting that your back and abdominal muscles are sore and you get black eyes from the pressure of the heaving breaking blood vessels. And that's WITH Zofran, a medication they use for cancer patients to control symptoms of chemo.

    Second trimester: gradual relief of vomiting. Some good days some bad days. Able to function almost normally on the good days. Weight gain begins.

    Third trimester: weight gain accelerates. Then if you end up having 9+ lb babies like me, it's just feeling heavy, streched out and uncomfortable all the time.
  • hesn92
    hesn92 Posts: 5,966 Member
    It *kitten* sucks. That’s all.
  • gradchica27
    gradchica27 Posts: 777 Member
    Fuzzipeg wrote: »
    In a labour where a baby is laying back to back with the mothers own back "the labour tends to be more protracted and can prompt a c-section". Midder texts.

    I for one agree its a nightmare, i even had the attending obstratician appologise for all I went through. He had not realised the size of my baby this was in the years before scans and things.

    How can someone disgaree with another womans experience of pregnancy?

    Yep. This was first baby. 24 hrs of labor, epidural made me lose ability to move my legs but did not numb a dang thing. My mom said she didn’t know humans could make the sounds coming out of my mouth. Amazing I went on to have 3 more kids. And 2nd baby was not the 8 pounder estimated, but 11 lbs. 11 lbs of giant baby with shoulder dystocia and an epidural only turned to 50% bc I waited until I was 10 cm to get it. A miracle I even thought of having #s 3&4.

    But pregnancy in general was not horrible for me.

    1st trimester: hate smell of coffee. Exhausted. No amount of sleep is enough. Hungry. Freak desire for iceberg lettuce and blue cheese dressing. And crushed ice. Every time.

    2nd trimester: back to normal, just feeling pudgy, then enjoying little belly. Maybe a bit tired and some heartburn.

    3rd trimester: when will it end?!? Hips hurt all the time, can’t sleep on any side, raging heartburn and gallbladder pain.
  • mengqiz86
    mengqiz86 Posts: 176 Member
    I’m in my first trimester (8 weeks) and not feeling much of anything except some mild fatigue which I mostly just dismiss as me being lazy :) I am working out as usual - my runs felt sluggish but my pace hasn’t slowed. Just did an hour of rigorous tennis with the husband.. always so much more energized after a workout!