Isolation Transformation!!!

Tim_Veal Posts: 27 Member
Hi folks!

I'm your typical mid-40's office worker. I eat like *kitten*, and I don't exercise. I'm tired, overweight and I don't think I could run around the block. And I'm absolutely determined to changing my reality!

My province is locked down - all non-essential business is closed, and people are to stay home. This is my chance to focus on my goals - it's a completely controlled environment, and it's all up to me! I'm going to make the most of this time, and build good habits to move forward with.
Anybody in a similar situation and want to join the journey?
  1. Daily Fitness routine that I can do in my small apartment with zero equipment, starting from a fitness level of zero.
  2. Balanced meal plan, focusing on food that comes out of the cupboard and freezer... I don't want to go to the grocery store if I don't have to.
  3. Absolute dedication to logging all food and activity on MyFitnessPal.

Let's do this!


  • One_Eye_Blind
    One_Eye_Blind Posts: 12 Member
    Do it! There’s a great opportunity in all of this. YouTube has exercise routines for all fitness levels and abilities and many need no equipment. Wishing you all the best and keep us posted on how it’s going!
  • giancarlov1191
    giancarlov1191 Posts: 493 Member
    Good time to get a solid routine going!
  • bfox71
    bfox71 Posts: 1 Member
    I am right there with you. Found an app for beginner workouts. So far so good. Just need to keep motivated in this time of other stress.
  • Catrinabernal
    Catrinabernal Posts: 3 Member
    I'm in!! I need to see more posts on my activity feed so I will add you guys as friends so that we can all be in it together! I am from the UK but live in the Netherlands and both countries are also on lockdown, so I'm doing the same as you - looking for simple ways to keep my calories / macros in order as well as getting some exercise in, with no home equipment :#
  • Katmary71
    Katmary71 Posts: 6,690 Member
    You got this! I've been doing work out videos on You Tube, if anything there's so many it's hard to narrow down which to do! The app Fit On is good too, most workouts are anywhere from 5 minutes to 30 minutes. In the last 2 weeks I've done various cardio, strength training like plank challenges and weights, yoga, and short dance routines. The hardest thing right now is keeping busy so I'm not munching but I'm also walking a lot to get my Fitbit steps in. Something like dancing to fun music is a great way to start. I do that every morning when I check in here or at least just stand so I'm not laying around and it gives me more energy for the day.
  • Tim_Veal
    Tim_Veal Posts: 27 Member
    My two biggest challenges thus far have been proximity to the fridge, and the fact that I bought two months worth of groceries BEFORE I decided to make these changes... so I have cupboards full of pasta and chips! God help me avoid the temptation to eat myself to death. Lol
  • jlmorehouse
    jlmorehouse Posts: 4 Member
    I'd like to join this group too. I've been working from home (that's a 19 sq m one room apartment) for 4 weeks now and have put on several kgs! I'm already too big ... so if I don't do something, this is going to be a disaster.
  • charlottemilton
    charlottemilton Posts: 144 Member
    I'm in. I started before we went on lock down so actually have lots of vegies and chicken in the house. My goal is to lose at least 36 lbs by June and I am a bit more than halfway there according to the scale. Exercise currently is painting the room from hell. Covering dark paint to try to get to WHITE and lots of woodwork. I heartily recommend painting as exercise. I have muscles I didn't know I had and you almost get validation from the changing color (slowly) of the room. Friend me if you want to hear more about my painting saga or just want another friend.
  • Sarahb29
    Sarahb29 Posts: 952 Member
    I do, we are in self quarantine and I would like to exercise a lot more indoors if possible!! I still have to work but am taking breaks to do quick little youtube stretches and exercises.
  • Sarahb29
    Sarahb29 Posts: 952 Member
    Katmary71 wrote: »
    You got this! I've been doing work out videos on You Tube, if anything there's so many it's hard to narrow down which to do! The app Fit On is good too, most workouts are anywhere from 5 minutes to 30 minutes. In the last 2 weeks I've done various cardio, strength training like plank challenges and weights, yoga, and short dance routines. The hardest thing right now is keeping busy so I'm not munching but I'm also walking a lot to get my Fitbit steps in. Something like dancing to fun music is a great way to start. I do that every morning when I check in here or at least just stand so I'm not laying around and it gives me more energy for the day.

    Yes I am so overwhelmed with the amounts of workout apps and food tools, omg. Maybe I'll get my fitbit back out and just use that with youtube lol.
  • lemurcat2
    lemurcat2 Posts: 7,885 Member
    Me too. There was another similar stay at home check-in thread, but I haven't seen it in a while.

    This was my first week at home (we can go outside so I have been walking or running daily). I could have, and planned to, do a lot more at home exercise, and am going to try to ramp up this weekend and next week. Main thing is to bring my weights in from the garage and see what weights I actually have and then figure out a routine. In the other thread someone mentioned jump roping and I realized I have a jump rope too.

    I've been eating pretty well this week as I've learned to multi-task cooking and working and it's easier than when I'm not home and can't do longer cooking required options without preplanning. Having to work with what I have til I need to shop again rather than going to the store whimsically also creates a nice structure. (The week before I was in full scale emotional eating to cope mode, so glad that's subsided.)
  • coachchbrown
    coachchbrown Posts: 37 Member
    My biggest struggle is being disciplined with my diet. Worked really hard to get in shape, but the last month been eating way to much. Time to have a healthy diet again to go along with daily exercise
    Hope all are doing well and staying safe
  • MidlifeCrisisFitness
    MidlifeCrisisFitness Posts: 1,106 Member
    Dude you can do this. If. I did it you can do it! FR sent.
  • bertiebassett127
    bertiebassett127 Posts: 2 Member
    I am I the UK too and really need to lose Weight . I am in this too as trying not to eat out of stress .
  • Shadow1974mfp
    Shadow1974mfp Posts: 7 Member
    Hi I am a newbie too. Never done this before but a serial dieter. Tryo g to keep within my 1500 cals. Not a great cook.
  • Eileen21255
    Eileen21255 Posts: 6 Member
    This is exactly what I have decided to do as well. I can really concentrate on me for a change. Trying to get out to walk everyday and should we go on lockdown, I will do indoor walking. But the most important thing I need to do is change my eating. This is a stressful time and I have also been doing a lot of cooking and baking. I actually haven't been overeating as much as I am capable of doing - but I hadn't been losing anything - so I really have to make an effort to watch my calories.
  • Katmary71
    Katmary71 Posts: 6,690 Member
    Sarahb29 wrote: »
    Katmary71 wrote: »
    You got this! I've been doing work out videos on You Tube, if anything there's so many it's hard to narrow down which to do! The app Fit On is good too, most workouts are anywhere from 5 minutes to 30 minutes. In the last 2 weeks I've done various cardio, strength training like plank challenges and weights, yoga, and short dance routines. The hardest thing right now is keeping busy so I'm not munching but I'm also walking a lot to get my Fitbit steps in. Something like dancing to fun music is a great way to start. I do that every morning when I check in here or at least just stand so I'm not laying around and it gives me more energy for the day.

    Yes I am so overwhelmed with the amounts of workout apps and food tools, omg. Maybe I'll get my fitbit back out and just use that with youtube lol.

    Get your Fitbit out and try out this Leslie Sansone one as you'll get a lot of steps, I've done this one often this last week with a bit heavier weights than she suggests. Body Project has good HIIT-based cardio, I usually do one of theirs a day. The Intermediate one for 45 minutes is good. I do upper or lower weights after that the last few times with HASFit videos. If you like to dance Fitness Marshall is fun, I have Alejandro down so far plus the warmup "Buttons" routine. I look like an idiot but it's a blast! I also discovered foam rolling, luckily I have random exercise stuff around the house from back surgery recoveries. Sidney Cummings is great for strength, cardio, and her foam rolling routine is awesome. I've also been doing a 5 minute plank challenge and a 10 minute ab routine. I'm scared to look up other types of workouts, my "workout" playlist is huge from just two weeks!