Appreciating the Small Weight Loss Victories When Over 100 lbs Overweight

dianastepheny Posts: 648 Member
edited March 2020 in Motivation and Support
To keep me going in this craziness right now ( my husband and I can't work from home, I worry about us and our kids), I've sat down and looked at the positives since I started my weight loss journey. Since there is so much in life I can't control right now, it helps me stay strong and not stress eat by realizing the one thing I can control is my diet. The last straw was when my button on my pants made a sore hole on my stomach and required a band-aid for damage control ( I really can't afford a new larger wardrobe) I'm trying to look at the little things, since I have a lot of weight to get rid of, and weight loss doesn't physically show itself in the mirror much at this weight. So, here's what I came up with. I started out more than 100 pounds overweight ( but that's my ultimate goal, since I don't think I will ( or need to ) drop 125 pounds at this stage of my life. So far, I've gotten rid of 28 pounds. I can't wait to see Onederland, I haven't been there in many years ( maybe by autumn?). What excites me is the new freedom I'm finding. I feel less trapped in my body. I can do stairs and then answer the phone at work without breathing like an obscene phone caller. My neck in the front doesn't feel like it's suffocating me when looking down as much. From the front, my waist goes in again, which looks really promising ( view from the side is another story .... belly still sticks out past the boobs....I think I'll keep looking at the front view for now). I can also tie my shoes now without wondering exactly how long I can hold my breath. So, I'm loving all of the physical benefits so far.

Looking for friends that understand the long road ahead and can appreciate the little changes with great health benefits. (Though I won't lie...I really look forward to wearing the smaller and nicer wardrobe I haven't been able to touch in years.)


  • MaltedTea
    MaltedTea Posts: 6,286 Member
    You forgot to mention that you have a TOP NOTCH sense of humour (albeit the self-deprecating kind. I get it, I'm the same way). From the obscene phone call reference to the current profile pic, I think your humour will get you and your family through a lot.

    I'm friendly but don't "friend" on MFP and our journeys aren't the same but, if it's okay, I'm sending prayers up for you and your situation!
  • pickt9
    pickt9 Posts: 1 Member
    You crack me up! You really get me.
    I have another 150+ to lose, having already lost 53lbs since Mar 29. I’ll be glad when I don’t need a babysitter to go into the shower!
    The thought of a carwash seemed viable at one point in the past. lol
    I am now 2lbs from my being at my 2016 weight. I am cheering you on and sending my prayers. —pickt9
  • dianastepheny
    dianastepheny Posts: 648 Member
    edited May 2020
    It's nice to see others that understand where I'm coming from, and can also approach the issue with humor. You don't have to be serious, to take something seriously!!!!