How do you find the self discipline and motivation?



  • ladyluck4210
    ladyluck4210 Posts: 107 Member
    At first it was difficult and I still slip up once and a while and buy a milkshake from chick-fil-a lol, but for the most part I've just made eating better a part of my life. I've become more conscious about my food choices as well. I just think to myself, "How much more exercise will I have to do if I eat this thing?" and that usually keeps me on track. I've learned that most things just aren't worth it. Yeah, I may enjoy it at the time. But I have found that since I've been eating better, crappy foods just make me feel awful and I totally regret eating it!

    As far as motivation? I would say that MFP has become a large part of that. But also since my journey I have inspired some family members and a few friends to take this journey with me. And they are working out and learning how to eat better too. I want to inspire people to be the best physically they can be, and I hope that through my story I will be able to do that.

    This is a lifetime commitment and learning to change your way of thinking is going to be the most important thing to accomplish. Realize it's okay if you eat a piece of chocolate or have a piece of pie, but keep the rest of the day light and easy. If you mess up-that's okay too. Just remember that tomorrow is a new day. If you need love and support MFP is here to help you! There are thousands of people here who understand where you are at and many more who are where you want to be.

    I've been kind of in a "funk" the last two weeks and haven't been able to work out that much. I worked out today and feel my body screaming. I've learned to love that feeling...and crave it.

    Keep at it! :)
  • dannylives
    I watch this whole video when im feeling like that, sometimes it works, sometimes it doesnt.
  • stormieweather
    stormieweather Posts: 2,549 Member
    I look in the mirror now and I LIKE what I see. I look gooooooood :bigsmile: . And whenever I am tempted to quit or give up or do "unhealthy" things, I just remember how I feel about myself NOW vs how I felt last year this time. I looked horrible, lumpy, bulgy, and my joints hurt from hauling the weight around. I was tired all the time and hated anything involving exertion. I also hated how I felt after stuffing my face. Now, I only have about 10 pounds or so to go. Feeling like THIS has been worth every ounce of effort and struggle.

    And let me tell you....NOTHING tastes as good as looking fit and trim. Absolutely NOTHING.
  • chrymyrs
    First & foremost I look at myself, I've been overweight my whole life. Then I look at my 5 & 2 yr old. I want to set a good example for them. And I want to keep up with them, run with them, etc...
  • kimberly130
    I put a pic of myself on the fridge, im a "grazer" and that makes me think twice before I eat when im not really hungry :)
  • hewhoiscd
    hewhoiscd Posts: 1,029 Member
    It's not a matter of finding it, it's already there inside of you. You just have to let it do it's thing instead of fighting it ;)
  • Cbandelier
    Cbandelier Posts: 217 Member
    Having a public diary on here and aiming to complete it every day is one huge factor for me. Since I know people will be looking at it, I try not to eat things ( too often anyway) that I don't want to share!
  • servilia
    servilia Posts: 3,452 Member
    I watch Adriana Lima on the catwalk! LOL
  • onmyweightohappiness
    For myself personally it's looking back at pictures. I have taken pictures the day I started my journey and every month after. When I feel discouraged or down I just need to look at those pictures and it snaps me back into reality. Another motivational factor is my son, I love being able to chase him around now vs sitting on the bench watching him play.
  • Kristy144
    By looking in the mirror.. lol. That keeps me on track!
  • MaitreyeeMAYHEM
    MaitreyeeMAYHEM Posts: 559 Member
    I struggle too but I always choose moderation. I find self discipline by guessing about what I will look like tomorrow morning or my mood.
  • Michelle_M2002
    Michelle_M2002 Posts: 301 Member
    For me, I saw a picture of myself and was depressed and disgusted at how big I had gotten. That was it. I got a gym membership. Then to make sure I WENT, I spent the money on a package of personal training sessions. If I dropped all that money on it, I was more likely to go work out.

    I took "before" pictures. After I dropped 20 pounds, I took a new set of pictures, and put them up side by side. The big change in how I looked is my new motivator. Along with the fact that I'm down a size and a half (about) in jeans, I'm down 4% body fat, and I'm down 8 total inches (4 off of my waistline).

    The biggest motivator now, to keep going, is how much better I FEEL. My trainer had me do walking lunges with 20 pounds of weight. Then to compare had me do the walking lunges without any extra weight, so that I could LITERALLY feel the difference in having dropped that 20 pounds!!!

    Good luck and God bless!
  • cervenec
    At the beginning I always had to tell myself "my work out will be over in 20 minutes" or checking the calories/logging everything before I started to change and enjoy exercise more.
    Having close friends also helped me a lot- my boyfriend is also pro-eating healthier choices, and encourages working out.
  • xsargex
    xsargex Posts: 768
    When I go to the gym on the base and see all the Special Forces and Navy Seal doods working out for 3 hours. Its then I realize, I'm a bit behind the power curve.