after you lost weight ?

10 kgs or 20 or even 30 kgs
after you achieved that all
how did you reward yourself ?
coz i wanna reward myself after i achieve that


  • NovusDies
    NovusDies Posts: 8,940 Member
    I have bought new clothes too and not just out of necessity. I look better so I want to dress better. I don't consider it a reward just part of the result. Plus @88olds gets into your head with that tailor story.
  • Onedaywriter
    Onedaywriter Posts: 326 Member
    Along the way I got new clothes And when I hit 100 lbs. I bought a new saddle for my bike!! It’s awesome!! Wish it wasn’t raining today lol!!
  • saynow111
    saynow111 Posts: 125 Member
    I bought things along the way that reflected and rewarded my re-discovered lifestyle. My husband and I bought a canoe. We bought snowshoes. I bought a good backpack for day hikes. And new hiking boots. And comfortable clothes to wear while doing those activities. This is the person I was in my 20's, but she got lost. Ninety pounds later, I have her back. Its nice :)

    Me too I lost 45 KGS until I become very thin then I gained more and more over years about 59 kgs
    I am going to lose them again
    I insist to not to do that mistake again it is horrible
    I am now armed with more knowledge about weight loss
  • Maxxitt
    Maxxitt Posts: 1,281 Member
    I donated every item of clothing that no longer fit. Then I slowly began to get things that did. The biggest reward, really, was going into a department store and being able to choose from among a large number of things that I liked rather than having a very narrow range with the best being "well, I guess this one will do." So I was frugal, and very particular. Not love it? Didn't get it.