C25K !!!!!!

I'm so excited to be trying something new! I have always wanted to be a runner but I have always been overweight so that seemed impossible. Thanks to the message board I found C25K, and with a little research I downloaded the phone app which keeps track of my training and times everything for me while allowing me to listen to my own music. I even went to a professional running store today and was sized and fitted for the right kind of shoes. If you can't tell I'm really excited about this whole thing.

So my question for the forum is do you have any advice before I get started? I've literally have not run since I was in elementary school. Any help would be welcomed!


  • BobbyDaniel
    BobbyDaniel Posts: 1,460 Member
    Run at a comfortable pace, even it if it seems like you are only walking really fast...you will build endurance. Repeat workouts if necessary, but don't be afraid of pushing yourself further, you will be surprised by what you can accomplish. Plan on registering for a race in the next couple of months, it will give you a goal to work towards. And the only other thing I can think of is getting the words "I can't" out of your vocabulary if you haven't done that already...you will and you can!
  • leynak
    leynak Posts: 963 Member
    I'm going to do my last day of week 3 tomorrow & I have got to the point where I *want* to go run- I have to make myself take break days. Even when I was a kid I never did a mile under 15 minutes. It has helped me get into running so much.

    I guess I don't have too much advice other than don't try to run too fast in the beginning.

    Good luck doing it. I'm sure you'll do well :smile:
  • acaudill042106
    acaudill042106 Posts: 108 Member
    Just some support from me....Good for you girl! I'm really loving running again....i'm excited for you!
  • AlwaysSarah87
    I love C25K!! I can easily run 3.1 miles now. Its amazing!!
  • HungryMom
    ^ Everything BobbyDaniel said. Don't get intimidated looking ahead at the runs. The programs works; once you get to the those longer runs you will be ready. Happy running!
  • billsica
    billsica Posts: 4,741 Member
    lean forward slightly, and take smaller steps than you think you need to.

    Do not worry if you need to repeat a day, or a week.

    Rest days are important wile ramping up.
  • skinnyjeanzbound
    skinnyjeanzbound Posts: 3,932 Member
    I did the program this summer and am really enjoying being a runner. My advice (which some people have already said) is to run at a very slow pace to start. I kept trying to run @ 5 or 5.5 mph and couldn't last longer than a couple of minutes even 2-3 weeks in. When I slowed way down (4.5 mph) I could run for much longer stints. Once I could run an entire 5k @ that pace, I started increasing my speed. Now I'm up to about 5.5 mph. Good luck and have fun!:smile:
  • Kath712
    Kath712 Posts: 1,263 Member
    Run at a comfortable pace, even it if it seems like you are only walking really fast...you will build endurance. Repeat workouts if necessary, but don't be afraid of pushing yourself further, you will be surprised by what you can accomplish. Plan on registering for a race in the next couple of months, it will give you a goal to work towards. And the only other thing I can think of is getting the words "I can't" out of your vocabulary if you haven't done that already...you will and you can!

    Great advice! Sign up for a 5K around the time you should complete the program. It will give you an incentive to keep going. C25K made a runner out of me, and I never thought I could run more than 100 feet.
  • DRetel
    DRetel Posts: 136 Member
    Get proper shoes!! Fitted at a store, not bought off the shelf cause they look good!

    Be patient, don`t jump ahead even if you feel you can.
  • killagb
    killagb Posts: 3,280 Member
    Stretch before and especially after, try to land on the mid section of your foot rather than the heel, this will save your knees.. Have some protein after your run to help your muscles recover! :bigsmile: And good luck, I am currently done with week 5 day 2, so tomorrow I'm doing my 20 minute run, feel free to add me if you like!
  • dutchess48
    Thanks so much everyone for all the advice and words of encouragement! I can't wait to get started on monday. Keep it coming.