Accountability buddy



  • LJRS2019
    LJRS2019 Posts: 66 Member
    jvando74 wrote: »
    Good morning everyone! Well, good morning here in California, not sure where the rest of you are. :)

    @LJRS2019 Keep up the good attitude! It is a new day. The 4 mile walk sounds great. Really good mental health break and great exercise to boot. Also you might try picking a favorite appropriate breakfast and eat that every (or almost every day) so that you start the day off right with little decision making. I do 1/2c 0% plain Greek yogurt, 1/2c berries, 1tbsp sliced almonds, 1tbsp grape nuts cereal (or kashi nuggets when I can get them). This works for me and fuels my run (along with a nonfat latte with honey!). Something else might work well for you.

    Last night I did better, but not great on the after dinner snacking. I ended up ~80 calories under for the day — enough to not keep gaining, but not enough to start losing. I’m aiming for a 200-500 calorie deficit per day for weight loss.

    I’m dressed for my morning run and am determined to get all my core work done today ( I don’t work on Monday’s and the kids are on Spring Break so no home school today so I’m hopeful I can get it all in). I think the gatekeeper to nighttime snacking for me might be not getting enough sleep. I often stay up too late trying to psych myself into finishing the core work I didn’t get to during the day. I think I need to prioritize sleeping more!

    Today’s goals:
    Core work
    Minimal sugar post dinner
    200-500 calorie deficit at end of day

    Let’s do this!!

    Ah well done on you! Yeah my nieces and nephews are on easter holidays now and my sister is struggling to fit things in! It must be doubly hard but sounds like you are doing well. :)
  • LJRS2019
    LJRS2019 Posts: 66 Member
    jvando74 wrote: »
    So far pretty good: done with dinner, had a cookie with the kids and am at a 200 calorie deficit for the day. But now I’m in the danger zone. It’s 7:15pm, the kids are getting ready for bed and this is when I usually start to snack. I’m full from a good dinner right now, but I know the urge to eat those peanut M&Ms my husband bought (thank you???) is going to get really strong after 8pm when the kids are asleep and I’m sitting on the couch. Plus, I’ve only done half my core work for the day. Need some words of encouragement!!

    Hello @jvando74 PLEASE DONT EAT THE M&M'S!!

    Joking obviously. How did you get on? Even if you did eat them that is ok. You just need to think of some strategies with the nighttime snacks. I used to fight against it but i find it easier to realise that I will probably want something so I plan for it. You could get some freezer bags and plan out some snacks that are a certain calorie amount and that is then what you eat while watching Downton Abbey (is it still on?).
  • mnalsa83
    mnalsa83 Posts: 181 Member
    @jvando OH NO don't do it.

    I know how that post 8pm struggle is. Mine is after 9pm. It's usually that 2.5/3 hour mark since my last meal that I start to look for something else and because it's so late, I don't want to make a mess making something, that I grab the bag of tortilla chips. <3 that's my weakness. Thankfully my hubby gives me the side eye, so I don't eat the whole bag.

    Nothing is truely OFF Limits, just need it in moderation.

    @LJRS2019 has a great idea, to split it up into single snack size.

    As for my morning check in... it's my day off from the office. I still have school work with the kids to accomplish. First up... GYM CLASS. I told my daughter I would do it with her for the motivation and hey, it's an extra workout of me. :wink: Then Science class, she's learning about the moon. So we are going to do a video replica of the lunar eclipse using some items from home and tonight is the PINK SUPERMOON, so we're gonna check it out. And then we have a fashion show for Spanish class to do. 3 more classes to complete for today. That'll leave us Chorus, STEM & Social Studies.

    All the other Parents on here, how's your home schooling going?
  • PatriceFitnessPal
    PatriceFitnessPal Posts: 1,343 Member
    edited April 2020
    Wow! I’m so inspired by all the updates for 4/6/20!

    Everyone has shared wonderful ideas and I’m definitely going to try them. @mnalsa83 - I love the way you are bringing learning to life for your daughter while using it to keep yourself active, too! How old is she? I’m sure you are making some fun family memories even if it seems difficult right now.

    I have one high school senior and one college student so I’m mainly just checking in with them to make sure they keep some kind of schedule. My 19 year old works part time for a suicide hotline and has to work an overnight shift every Saturday, which makes it really difficult to find a healthy sleep pattern. By the time his body catches up, it’s time for the 3am shift again. He’s been busy with calls from isolated people who need to talk, so I
    appreciate what he’s doing, but I’ll be glad when the work commitment ends in June! There are other ways he can help while still getting enough sleep and focusing on school... My 18 year old is missing a lot of teenage milestones - such as the prom, graduation and his last year of baseball - but he’s had a good attitude and he’s looking forward to college next year (though unlikely in the Fall, I suppose).

    Although my ‘children’ are older, I remember that feeling just after they went to bed at night. The parents are exhausted but there is still so much to do!! ... My advice is to plan the snack and make it as healthy, yet satisfying, as possible. That Apple crisp recipe from @CatieMay123 looks like a nice option!! ... or promise to eat a certain number of M&Ms and savor each one? Really being intentional about taking a moment for yourself and replacing the snack with some relaxation or mindfulness activity might also work. Maybe smelling some fragrant essential oils or rubbing lotion on your hands first ... or whatever feels a bit like pampering yourself ... What might work for you? It’s trial and error but you’ll find a way to replace the habit with something positive, @jvando74.

    I didn’t work out much yesterday, because I had too much work, but I did my physical therapy exercises (for an injured shoulder) which I’ve lapsed on lately. So, at least I managed that little bit of stretching and weight training for surrounding muscles. Everyday is a chance to begin! I’ll run today for sure ... and enjoy the plum and cherry trees blooming in the neighborhood!

    Welcome to the new members of this group! We are certainly beginning to emerge as a community!
  • mnalsa83
    mnalsa83 Posts: 181 Member
    @Mikkimomof6 You got this girl!

    @PatriceFitnessPal my youngest is 12 (6th grade). She is not as excited as I am trying to make it. It's now going on 11 and we are working on the final project for the day and we'll be done. leaving us 2 classes left for the rest of the week. (she did chorus). I also have a 17 yo HS Junior who is missing out on Softball. She's been trying to do her college resume for sports but we don't have any video as of now to display on her links. She is also missing Prom and her BF (he's in a different state & they are not allowing state line crossings).
  • CatieMay123
    CatieMay123 Posts: 26 Member
    To all of you moms home with your kiddos and on your way to crushing your fitness goals... I have to give it to you! That’s got to be a lot of juggling and takes a lot of motivation. Keep up the good work!

    I work in healthcare and had to temporarily leave the hospital due to health concerns with the Coronavirus. Finally getting off night shift and having more time at home is the only reason I’ve been able to make time for it. I’m in school part time, and focusing on my fitness goals right now. It’s been stressful not working but also a relief getting on a normal schedule and my life back, and focusing on my health.

    Today has been great so far. I did 30 minutes of cardio in my beach body program. Somehow this cardio workout was the hardest workout I’ve ever done! I’ll be going on my 3 mile walk after dinner, it’s a beautiful day today!
  • LJRS2019
    LJRS2019 Posts: 66 Member
    To all of you moms home with your kiddos and on your way to crushing your fitness goals... I have to give it to you! That’s got to be a lot of juggling and takes a lot of motivation. Keep up the good work!

    I work in healthcare and had to temporarily leave the hospital due to health concerns with the Coronavirus. Finally getting off night shift and having more time at home is the only reason I’ve been able to make time for it. I’m in school part time, and focusing on my fitness goals right now. It’s been stressful not working but also a relief getting on a normal schedule and my life back, and focusing on my health.

    Today has been great so far. I did 30 minutes of cardio in my beach body program. Somehow this cardio workout was the hardest workout I’ve ever done! I’ll be going on my 3 mile walk after dinner, it’s a beautiful day today!

    Well done on your workout and your walk. Do you follow a meal plan with beach body?

    I went for a five mile walk this evening and now i feel my feet are going to fall off!
  • jvando74
    jvando74 Posts: 29 Member
    Hi everyone! Hope your days have gone/are going well. Good news: I didn’t eat the M&Ms! Hooray! Not so great news, didn’t achieve my calorie deficit for 4/6, but I’m kind of okay with it b/c I feel like it was an appropriate day of eating, just more of a maintenance than a loss amount.

    Today is more difficult as I don’t have time to run with my work schedule. Trying to get some steps in throughout the day as I can, and then core work at night.

    Thanks for this community! Just knowing you guys are out there and that I’ll be able to check in on the morning really helps my willpower.

    Hang in there everyone, and keep it up!
  • CatieMay123
    CatieMay123 Posts: 26 Member
    @LJRS2019 I don’t use the beach body meal plan right now, I’m only using the on demand work out videos. I’m aiming for a 1lb/week weight loss by eating six small meals a day high in protein and lower in carbs. I’ve been staying around 1300 calories but I may have to adjust at some point because I’m not sure it’s enough to fuel my body with 45-60 minutes of strength training and a 3 mile walk.

    That’s awesome! Good for you. Make sure you’re wearing some good shoes or 5 miles can be brutal. I hope it’s a good hurt, like worked muscles rather than realizing too late you need some different footwear!
  • mnalsa83
    mnalsa83 Posts: 181 Member
    @LJRS2019 Ouch! but awesome job on the walk.

    @jvando74 congrats on that will power! Hope your day went smoothly.

    I did not get my Beachbody workout in BUT I did get a 2 mile walk in, we finished two school projects (what a fiasco that was), made dinner and was under caloric goal for the day.

    Now gonna spend time with the hubs before heading to bed.

    Good Night All!
  • PatriceFitnessPal
    PatriceFitnessPal Posts: 1,343 Member
    Hi Everyone! It was a neutral day for me. I decided to walk in the evening because I heard the moon would be beautiful tonight ... but it was too cloudy. Oh well, it still got me outside and walking a bit ... and the moon will come up again tomorrow! I stayed just at my 1200 calorie intake and did my PT exercises twice today.

    It would have been better to skip the pineapple and coconut water smoothie calories but I needed to use the pineapple before it went bad. Of course, the main underlying problem is the feeling that I have to be the one to finish it off so it doesn’t go to waste!! ... that’s a childhood guilt behavior that’s been hard to break. I’ve gotten better at storing the leftovers for later, etc but I guess I’m not fully evolved yet :smile:

    It was great to hear about your successes ... walks, healthy eating, projects, putting yourself and health instead of prioritizing work ... I need to build that muscle!! Have a great night/ morning!
  • jvando74
    jvando74 Posts: 29 Member
    You ladies are crushing it! I have to say that 1200 calories most of the time leaves me starving. I probably eat closer to 1800-2000 and burn 400-500 calories on the days I run and do my full core/PT exercises. I’m so impressed with your willpower! No run today and I’m at a bit over 1300 calories with a teeny tiny 65 calorie deficit. I’m going to try not to eat any more tonight, but I’ve got to say I’m feeling vulnerable b/c I have a weird headache. Fingers crossed! I’m going to think of you all for inspiration. The “good” news is that there aren’t any more peanut M&Ms b/c I just killed them. 😳🤦🏽‍♀️
  • As_ve
    As_ve Posts: 19 Member
    Hello everyone! I will need some support too. :) I am very bad at tracking my food on the app, which needs to change. I hope it is okay that I am adding you as a friend. Feel free to add me as well.

    My name is Astrid, I am 24 years old and I live in Belgium. A few years ago (2017), I wanted to lose 14 kg ("my freshman 15" was actually 30 lbs). Although I managed to lose the first 9 kg, I lost motivation to lose the rest of it and I kinda just tried to maintain weight instead.

    A month ago I started to feel motivated again. I don't like to make changes, but when I do it, I reinvent myself usually in spring. I keep thinking of how much I would like to be in shape this summer, as a birthday present to myself. <3 As a teen, I used to be a long-distance runner and I felt so fast and powerful, which I totally took for granted during that time. During uni and while finding my first real job experiences, I always said to myself that weight loss wasn't a priority because I had other goals, looked ok and was often busy. (Sure, I am sooooo busy) However, these days my life is getting pretty stable and I find myself longing for a healthy routine, especially during lockdown for my mental well-being.

    PS: I have another (kinda funny) reason why I want to be more active. In a few months, I will be moving to a house and once settled in, I want to adopt a dog from the shelter. But in order to convince my partner (and myself) that this will be a responsible choice, I will take myself on a walk just like I would do with my puppy. I have been doing this every day for the passed two weeks. I once saw on a show that people shouldn't get an active dog when the animal won't fit their rather lazy life style. Therefore, I am making sure that my future dog will be happy, satisfied and very tired at the end of the day. - And tbh, just the thought of taking these walks every day with my imaginary dog cracks me up, whatever floats my boat, I guess? :D
  • LJRS2019
    LJRS2019 Posts: 66 Member
    @Astrid_Vervoort Haha! That is the best reason to go walking I have ever heard. Sounds like you partner is a lot like my wife. I guess whatever keeps you motivated. Well done for losing 9kg!

    I usually suck at recording my food but I am on day 6 and it is going well actually. Good luck and keep us all posted with what you get up to!
  • mnalsa83
    mnalsa83 Posts: 181 Member
    @PatriceFitnessPal I did the same thing. We're here in Delaware and it was semi cloudy. It was pretty and bright, but not as "super" as I expected. I have seen supermoons a lot bigger. it was still nice getting out though. and I have the same mind set, can't let it go to waste.

    @jvando74 well I am glad to hear that those M&M's won't be calling out your name any more. You showed them. LOL

    @Astrid_Vervoort Welcome & I think that's an awesome reason to want to get active. We just lost our 4-foot baby on 3/17. She was 15 1/2 and it's so strange not having her when I go on walks now.

    Well I am back to work today. Getting kids up to start their online classes and then out the door I go. Best of luck to you all with your eating, logging, & workouts!
  • CatieMay123
    CatieMay123 Posts: 26 Member
    Hello everyone! I will need some support too. :) I am very bad at tracking my food on the app, which needs to change. I hope it is okay that I am adding you as a friend. Feel free to add me as well.

    My name is Astrid, I am 24 years old and I live in Belgium. A few years ago (2017), I wanted to lose 14 kg ("my freshman 15" was actually 30 lbs). Although I managed to lose the first 9 kg, I lost motivation to lose the rest of it and I kinda just tried to maintain weight instead.

    A month ago I started to feel motivated again. I don't like to make changes, but when I do it, I reinvent myself usually in spring. I keep thinking of how much I would like to be in shape this summer, as a birthday present to myself. <3 As a teen, I used to be a long-distance runner and I felt so fast and powerful, which I totally took for granted during that time. During uni and while finding my first real job experiences, I always said to myself that weight loss wasn't a priority because I had other goals, looked ok and was often busy. (Sure, I am sooooo busy) However, these days my life is getting pretty stable and I find myself longing for a healthy routine, especially during lockdown for my mental well-being.

    PS: I have another (kinda funny) reason why I want to be more active. In a few months, I will be moving to a house and once settled in, I want to adopt a dog from the shelter. But in order to convince my partner (and myself) that this will be a responsible choice, I will take myself on a walk just like I would do with my puppy. I have been doing this every day for the passed two weeks. I once saw on a show that people shouldn't get an active dog when the animal won't fit their rather lazy life style. Therefore, I am making sure that my future dog will be happy, satisfied and very tired at the end of the day. - And tbh, just the thought of taking these walks every day with my imaginary dog cracks me up, whatever floats my boat, I guess? :D

    Astrid, that’s awesome. I understand your trouble with the freshmen 15. Been there. It really sneaks up on you. The important thing is you are choosing to make a lifestyle change now. I think it’s great you’re out and about as you will be with your dog. Whatever motivates you!

    Today is supposed to be my rest day. I know it’s important to allow your body to rest but I may jump back in it, or go for a longer walk. The program I’m doing requires 6/7 workouts a week and today is the last day of week one. I’m feeling very motivated!
  • PatriceFitnessPal
    PatriceFitnessPal Posts: 1,343 Member
    jvando74 wrote: »
    I’m going to try not to eat any more tonight, but I’ve got to say I’m feeling vulnerable b/c I have a weird headache. Fingers crossed! I’m going to think of you all for inspiration. The “good” news is that there aren’t any more peanut M&Ms b/c I just killed them. 😳🤦🏽‍♀️
  • PatriceFitnessPal
    PatriceFitnessPal Posts: 1,343 Member
    I’m sorry to hear about your headache. It just makes everything a bit more difficult to do and might be just best to rest, if possible, to gather energy for when you feel better. I hope today is better!
  • PatriceFitnessPal
    PatriceFitnessPal Posts: 1,343 Member
    That ^^^ post above was my failed attempt at quoting and posting a response to @jvando74. I’ll get a hang of this, yet!

    @LJRS2019 Good for you on your 6-day streak of using the app. You’ll have a straight week today. I’m sure it will pay off. Keep it up!

    @Astrid_Vervoort - Funny, do you have an image of this imaginary ‘practice’ dog in your mind? Our boys had to demonstrate taking on extra responsibility (at ages 8 & 9) before getting a new dog. They did special chores ... for a year (at ages 9 & 10)! ... Our Boston Terrier is a joy with just the right mix of activity and relaxation time at age 9.
    I’m glad you - and also @CatieMay123 - are feeling extra motivated and sharing your energy with us!

    Today was a beautiful day and I had the windows open while working. It was a successful work day for accomplishing some milestone tasks, but another bust on the workout side. I was eager to run outside but ran out of time... (poor excuse!)

    I was in charge of dinner, which took longer to prepare than I planned. I made Vietnamese spring rolls with vegetables and fresh mint and a nice sauce that everyone enjoyed along with asparagus and Japanese rice. So, it felt good to enjoy dinner together ... 2 positives and 1 negative will do for today!

    I’m thinking of you all today and wishing you the best!