Accountability buddy



  • Cerizez
    Cerizez Posts: 155 Member
    I need to rediscover my mojo and find a way to get back on track.

    I don't eat ANY junk food, I drink at least 3litres water daily, yet the scales are creeping up.

    Losing weight before Xmas was sooo easy, I don't know why it's different now. And no, these gains are not corona-related.

    It's really getting me down. I've gained 3cm also - even more depressing than the scales gains of 4kg.

    I'm just hungrier than before, and don't know why.

    Any help would be appreciated.
  • Cerizez
    Cerizez Posts: 155 Member
    Cerizez wrote: »
    I need to rediscover my mojo and find a way to get back on track.

    I don't eat ANY junk food, I drink at least 3litres water daily, yet the scales are creeping up.

    Losing weight before Xmas was sooo easy, I don't know why it's different now. And no, these gains are not corona-related.

    It's really getting me down. I've gained 3cm also - even more depressing than the scales gains of 4kg.

    I'm just hungrier than before, and don't know why.

    Any help would be appreciated.

    I guess I just need to have a hungry week and shrink my stomach. There's no other way: I can't eliminate anything as I don't eat any junk food.
  • LJRS2019
    LJRS2019 Posts: 66 Member
    Cerizez wrote: »
    Cerizez wrote: »
    I need to rediscover my mojo and find a way to get back on track.

    I don't eat ANY junk food, I drink at least 3litres water daily, yet the scales are creeping up.

    Losing weight before Xmas was sooo easy, I don't know why it's different now. And no, these gains are not corona-related.

    It's really getting me down. I've gained 3cm also - even more depressing than the scales gains of 4kg.

    I'm just hungrier than before, and don't know why.

    Any help would be appreciated.

    I guess I just need to have a hungry week and shrink my stomach. There's no other way: I can't eliminate anything as I don't eat any junk food.

    Hey, sorry it has taken so long for one of us to respond! I think we span the globe so depends who is up!

    It is hard to say without knowing more information really? even then we can only spout the usual stuff?

    Have you calculated the correct calories and macros that would generate a loss? Are you consistently sticking to it? are you accurate in your logging? It takes time... so much time and we have to motivated. The want to lose weight has to be bigger than the daily grind to keep us going. In terms of hunger... Protein and fat are your friend, make sure you are eating enough of those each day? Yesterday I ate more protein and more fat and i felt so much better for it.

    I have been googling transformation videos and stories. When my head goes to a dark place i have to distract myself because early on in our transformations little things can and will trip us up. When it spirals it is hard to bring it back. Sounds like you are down in the dumps. Why not spend some time researching success stories, working out why this is important to you. Chat to us on here everyday. I genuinely get really excited (haha) when i see people have commented massive amounts on here because it is something to read, shows that im not the only one trying to change.

    Add me if you want as a friend. Happy to have a chat. are you uk based?
  • LJRS2019
    LJRS2019 Posts: 66 Member
    jvando74 wrote: »
    Hi everyone! The super moon was extremely bright last night here in CA. My dad, who passed away a few years back, always loved a full moon, so it was nice to think of him and how much he would have enjoyed last night’s pink moon.

    Yesterday was a wash with the headache, but I started today off with my typical run (4 miles, 5-6 days per week like clockwork), so that was good. @CatieMay123 rest days are hard to take when you’re feeling super motivated. I would run 7 days a week if my knees/body would let me. When my rest day falls on a weekend I try to make it an “active” rest day (gardening, walking, etc.) Right now yoga sounds like the perfect active rest to me...

    Today is hard again with calories b/c I worked. And working for me means pretty unrelieved sitting, and sitting for 5.5 hours straight is not an awesome way to burn calories. Definitely the hardest part of my job. 😜 So now it’s after dinner (broccoli, chicken, quinoa casserole), and 3 Girl Scout cookies later and I’m over my calorie budget. 😩 I still have my PT (for diastasis recti post baby 2) and core work to do, so we’ll see if I can improve upon that a bit.

    Keep up the good work, ladies! Walk those imaginary dogs, do your exercise before work if you can so you don’t run out of time, and don’t forget to tell us how you did!

    Those damn cookies!! What do you do as a job?
    I wish i could run 4 miles. I have been walking 4 miles and that is a struggle lol. Trying to get my mileage up but i think we are about to enter a non-excersize outside ban because of w@nk3rs who can't follow simple and fair rules.
  • jvando74
    jvando74 Posts: 29 Member
    @LJRS2019 I’m a clinical psychologist (therapist). :) I was never a runner until I had my first son. In fact I hated running! I was always a walker (I still love to walk, but I’m hooked on the quicker nature of the run), but then my little guy didn’t want to sit in the stroller for as long as I wanted to walk. So I slowly taught myself to run. That was 9 years ago! 4 miles works for me b/c I do it in about 32-36 minutes depending upon how good my body feels and how awake I am. 😜 I read somewhere a long time ago that for heart health we should get 30 minutes of cardio exercise a day, so that’s what I shoot for. I am a firm believer that in order to sustain an active, healthy lifestyle we need to find the exercise that speaks to us. Otherwise it’s a daily fight. For instance, I do not love spin classes. I like the idea of them, but I can’t motivate myself to do it. I’d rather run in the rain! I run religiously b/c I know that within a couple of minutes into my run I will feel better. Less stressed, clearer head. The physical benefits are an awesome side effect, but they aren’t what get me out the door every day. So, run, walk, Beach Body, yoga, swim, spin — whatever make you smile, feel better, every day.

    Have a great day everyone! Knowing you are all out there keeps me motivated to not sugar binge at night. Thank you!
  • kiay131982
    kiay131982 Posts: 217 Member
    Hi all, can I join??
    Im a 37 year old Mum of 4, aged between 18years and 4years old :)
    I work from home for a charity, so food is ALWAYS available :)

    Im 5ft 4 and I weigh on Saturday, least week was 160lb, have an initial goal to lose 8lb (trying to keep in acheivable as the amount of times Ive started this journey is unreal). Ideally I would like to get to 140lb.. But I havent been there really since my second child so maybe unrealistic??

    Exercise wise... I have a PT, so do one private weights session with her a week, plus one group class... Although at the moment these are online. Before lockdown I did an aerial class once a week too.. And I run between 4 and 5k three times a week. We have a dog so on non run days I walk her to keep my steps up.

    I still struggle to lose weight, so I think nutrition is my issue... My PT tells me to up protein constantly... But I REALLY struggle and I am sick of eggs.... :)

    Would love to join you on your journeys to keep me accountable and get to know you all :) xxx
  • CatieMay123
    CatieMay123 Posts: 26 Member
    I think I've found my peeps! I started tearing up when I read the posts in this chat group. Please add me! I'd love to be held accountable, support others, and share this journey.

    I am 45 yrs, about 5ft 4.5 inches, and re-started my fitness journey 2 1/2 weeks ago. I started at 165ish lbs (I couldn't bring myself to get on the scale until I had worked out for a few days) and am down 4.5 pounds. I'd love to be in the 120's, but I'm rather curvy and haven't been there since my early 20's. My goal is to get to 130 lbs. I am streaming beachbody on demand. I am doing Morning Meltdown 100. I have been working out every day, and am eating approx. 1200 calories plus whatever additional calories I get for the workouts.

    I am thankful for everything you have shared. Keep up the good work!

    We are here for you girl! That’s a great weight loss you’ve had over the last 2 weeks. Healthy and maintainable! Previously when I’ve attempted to lose weight I’d overdue it and it was not sustainable.

    I just finished week 1 of 80 day obsession and it is my favorite workout ever! I love Beachbody on Demand, there’s so many workouts you can do depending on how you’re feeling and it’s motivating to see even the fitness instructors progress. I’ve never been for at home workouts, but this is the exception. In addition I’ve been doing a short 2-3 mile walk after dinner.

    Let me know how you’re getting along with your program!
  • TeriKollerKaeding
    TeriKollerKaeding Posts: 5 Member
    I think I've found my peeps! I started tearing up when I read the posts in this chat group. Please add me! I'd love to be held accountable, support others, and share this journey.

    I am 45 yrs, about 5ft 4.5 inches, and re-started my fitness journey 2 1/2 weeks ago. I started at 165ish lbs (I couldn't bring myself to get on the scale until I had worked out for a few days) and am down 4.5 pounds. I'd love to be in the 120's, but I'm rather curvy and haven't been there since my early 20's. My goal is to get to 130 lbs. I am streaming beachbody on demand. I am doing Morning Meltdown 100. I have been working out every day, and am eating approx. 1200 calories plus whatever additional calories I get for the workouts.

    I am thankful for everything you have shared. Keep up the good work!

    We are here for you girl! That’s a great weight loss you’ve had over the last 2 weeks. Healthy and maintainable! Previously when I’ve attempted to lose weight I’d overdue it and it was not sustainable.

    I just finished week 1 of 80 day obsession and it is my favorite workout ever! I love Beachbody on Demand, there’s so many workouts you can do depending on how you’re feeling and it’s motivating to see even the fitness instructors progress. I’ve never been for at home workouts, but this is the exception. In addition I’ve been doing a short 2-3 mile walk after dinner.

    Let me know how you’re getting along with your program!

  • As_ve
    As_ve Posts: 19 Member
    Hello everyone and welcome fellow new people. I think I have added everybody, but in case I forgot someone, then do not hesitate to send me a friend request. :)

    @mnalsa83 I am sorry for your loss. I can imagine that it is not as easy to enjoy those walks without your dog. What kind of breed was he/she? My parents' dog will be 15 in July too. Ever since I have moved out, he became very spoiled. These days I can always hear him bark over the phone while my mom is calling me because he'd rather be the center of all the attention. But he is pretty cute so we can deal with it.

    @PatriceFitnessPal My ideal dog is a border collie. But I know myself, once I get to the dog shelter, I won't pay much attention to that anymore. However, I have to take into consideration that I probably won't be able to control a giant dog. It is very good that you are teaching your kids to be responsible for pets.

    The last couple of days went well for me. The weather in Belgium has been nice all week, which doesn't happen very often. This motivates me even more to go walking or jogging outside (while keeping in mind that I should social distance at least 6 feet from other people). I haven't eaten anything unhealthy because I only buy the stuff my boyfriend likes to eat. Whenever I get to close to his chocolate waffles in the cupboard I just trick myself into thinking that he will get angry with me for touching his food. It is the only way to make sure that the reptilian part of my brain will not indulge. :D
  • mnalsa83
    mnalsa83 Posts: 181 Member
    Hi everyone. I feel like I am late to the game, so many inspirational posts to read through and so many New People WELCOME! <3 Sorry this turned out so long, but I didn't want to miss anyone!

    @kiay131982 Welcome! Like you, I struggle to get enough protein as well. I was a vegetarian throughout my junior and high school years and it wasn't until I became pregnant with my eldest that I began having iron issues and I started to add it back in, but it's still challenging to get enough. I am always looking for new recipes to keep it exciting to want to eat more. I can't do just plan blanched protein.

    @TeriKollerKaeding Welcome! Congrats on the loss! That's a great motivational point to keep going.

    @Cerizez Welcome! As for your not losing LJRS as some great points. The other thing to keep in mind is that our bodies will become used to our routine (exercise) which is why we increase weights and reps and sets. Same goes for our intake. Sometimes we have to change things up to keep our bodies on alert. Try different recipes. Cutting out things and slowly adding them back. Sometimes even increasing our intake for a short while to maintenance level & then backing back down.

    @PatriceFitnessPal Those eggrolls sound delicious!

    @jvando74 I feel you... I sit at my desk 7-8 hours a day. I usually find my binges for something to snack on are when I get home and I'm preparing dinner. My latest is making some fresh air popped popcorn. as for sugary snacks, I am trying out different recipes. I found one for pumpkin banana choc. chip bread the other day that was good. 161 calories. and tonight i made oreo protein brownies ( but i didn't have a lot of the ingredients so I subbed (320 calories, which I am sure would be lower if I had the swerve he suggested) but it will still fit into my daily plan tonight.

    @Astrid_Vervoort My baby girls was a Pit Bull. She was a 40# lap dog, who was set in her ways. Stole the covers and took over the couch. I like you trick into saying your boyfriend will be mad if you touch his snacks. If only I could say that about my kids, but I don't care if they get mad. LOL.

    @LJRS2019 Congrats on the loss! That's a great 1st week. When you change a diet, the first week will always be your largest and it will slow down. But you are correct in the fact that as you do more and increase activity in anyway (reps, weight, length) our bodies will need more fuel. Keep up the great work though!

    As for me... My lost this week was only 2lbs. The weather here the past few days has been beautiful and in the high 60's, low 70's, that I've been enjoying walks with my hubby after dinner. Today however we had a brief strong rain shower and the winds are now ridiculous. I am debating on what to do as for my workout tonight. I have been doing Beachbody on demand, Slim in 6. I've never been one to work out at home because I squirrel out on the honey do lists, but so far so good. . . EXCEPT that injured my big toe last night and I can't push off. I did my routine last night, except for the lunges and it was so-so, at that time, and then I couldn't sleep last night due to the pain. It's not as bad today, but I haven't been that active, considering I've been at my desk at work, so I am not sure if just ice it or try the routine again tonight.
  • jvando74
    jvando74 Posts: 29 Member
    @LJRS2019 heal that toe! So frustrating to get injured.

    Welcome @TeriKollerKaeding! I’m 45 and about your height as well. Weight loss in your 40s poses its own challenges. Slow and steady lifestyle change I think is the way. You’ve got this!

    I missed the post on challenges getting protein, but I’m intrigued b/c I do find that I am way “over” proteined in the sense that I’m over the recommended amount for women my age. Not worried about it, just interested. Do you know where you all are struggling on this front? Any particular meal? We eat both vegetarian and non-vegetarian meals in our house. Happy to share recipes if folks are interested. Since I’m cooking for two kids under 10, my husband, and myself and working I have developed a stable of easy healthy go-to meals that everyone in our house will eat. That said, tonight is just spaghetti and peas (the peas with the spaghetti make a complete protein!). Nothing fancy, but fast and a crowd pleaser.

    Okay...back to work! More sitting. 😩😜
  • TeriKollerKaeding
    TeriKollerKaeding Posts: 5 Member
    @jvando74 losing weight in 40s is truly a challenge! Regarding protein, I was a vegan for about 3 yrs until very recently. This past January, I added seafood, eggs, and limited dairy (think Mediterranean diet), but i still primarily eat vegan. So overall, I am probably considered as not eating enough protein according to some.

    Cooking is a challenge for me too because hubby is a meat eater (although open to my food too), 13 yr old is a meat and potato eater who refuses to eat veggies, seafood, or any plant based protein sources, 14 yr old is a pescetarian who fights eating veggies, 16 yr old is picky eater who fights veggies, and 18 yr old eats all (yay). I'm also an atty, and life can be insane. I generally batch cook for my week of meals on Sunday, and then cook for rest of family each night. It's exhausting!
  • jvando74
    jvando74 Posts: 29 Member
    @TeriKollerKaeding Oh, my goodness you have your hands full! I only have 2 boys, 5 & 9, and overall they are good eaters. The youngest is a no-go on spinach unless I hide it in stuff and/or call it “herbs”. 😂 On the plus side he loves kale chips. We eat a lot of broccoli, kale, spinach, and salad. Also a lot of beans, lentils, ground turkey and chicken. I think you’re probably correct that you’re under protein due to no dairy. Do you dislike dairy? Yogurt? Greek yogurt has a lot of protein! You’re also nicer to your family than I am. I figure that I’m doing the cooking so they can eat what I put in front of them, or they don’t have to eat.;)
  • PatriceFitnessPal
    PatriceFitnessPal Posts: 1,339 Member
    edited April 2020
    @TerryKollerKaeding - Meal planning sounds challenging, especially with everything else you’re juggling! We have some varying dietary preferences in our house, too. My husband is eating a high protein/low carb diet, one son (19) is vegetarian and the other (18) is vegan. I focus on the common denominator - vegetables - and then build from there. My younger son was quite the meat lover a year ago and then he watched the ‘Game Changer’ documentary on Netflix and adopted a plant-based diet overnight. Now, my diet is mainly plant-based but I sometimes eat fish or meat, and I’ve only reduced dairy (not eliminated). I probably need a little bit more protein (and fewer carbs) so I’ve been adding some chia seeds, nuts, and legumes.

    Since the ‘stay at home’ period we’ve set up a nice system of sharing the cooking. I pair up with one son, the other son, and then my husband, for a total of three nights of cooking. So, we enjoy one-on-one time and then all eat together. Tonight, the two boys were in charge (which often means leftover night! 😀) and they cooked veggie burgers. There are four of us so the pairs rotate cooking and the other pair cleans up. Since one son is in college now and the other one will be entering in the Fall (if not still delayed) so they are honing some independent living skills! For me, the worst part of meal planning is figuring out what to eat so this new structure has reduced that burden considerably. Maybe they’ll get tired of the same old dinners, too, but we haven’t resorted to a box of girl scout cookies, yet. @jvando74 - I don’t know how you stopped at three!! Good for you!! I don’t know if girls scout cookies are ‘a thing’ in the UK or Belgium but I try to keep them out of sight like @Astrid_Vervoort ‘s chocolate waffles!

    Your description of running (@jvando74?) reminded me how I love it ... once I put on my sneakers (running shoes). It’s been so hard to get past that first step BUT I think you might have described it just right ... I’m motivated now. The running vibe and the impressive weight loss numbers are nudging me to do better. I’ve been losing a steady one pound per week but had plateaued for one week. I’ll take the good advice you all gave @Cerizez and mix it up! Thanks @LJRS2019, @CatieMay123 and other ‘accountability buddies.’ I’ve lost 10 pounds (4.5 kilo) as of yesterday and now I’m ready to push forward by getting serious about a new exercise routine!! Enjoy and let us know how you’re doing ...

    Reminder: My short-term goal is to lose 7 pounds by the end of May (from 153 to 146) so I’ll be out of the overweight category in in the normal range.
  • kiay131982
    kiay131982 Posts: 217 Member
    We eat a low meat diet, only very local and sustainably sourced - preferring to have seen the animal happy and well cared for before we are prepared to eat it. This means at max we have meat twice a week usually. We also don't buy any food packaged in plastic (although with the food and shopping restrictions in place at the minute we have had to relax that a bit on some essentials, but we are trying to maintain the lifestyle we have had for the past few years!).
    My PT convinced me to try a protein powder, it does help, but it comes in a giant (although reusable) plastic tub so Im reluctant to do it again.

    Todays goal is a weight session, hit my steps by walking the dog and to stay in calorie limits :) I Also need to clean my house but thats a whole different thing!! :)
  • Cerizez
    Cerizez Posts: 155 Member
    I guess I just need to have a hungry week and shrink my stomach. There's no other way: I can't eliminate anything as I don't eat any junk food. [/quote]

    Hey, sorry it has taken so long for one of us to respond! I think we span the globe so depends who is up!

    It is hard to say without knowing more information really? even then we can only spout the usual stuff?

    Have you calculated the correct calories and macros that would generate a loss? Are you consistently sticking to it? are you accurate in your logging? It takes time... so much time and we have to motivated. The want to lose weight has to be bigger than the daily grind to keep us going. In terms of hunger... Protein and fat are your friend, make sure you are eating enough of those each day? Yesterday I ate more protein and more fat and i felt so much better for it.

    I have been googling transformation videos and stories. When my head goes to a dark place i have to distract myself because early on in our transformations little things can and will trip us up. When it spirals it is hard to bring it back. Sounds like you are down in the dumps. Why not spend some time researching success stories, working out why this is important to you. Chat to us on here everyday. I genuinely get really excited (haha) when i see people have commented massive amounts on here because it is something to read, shows that im not the only one trying to change.

    Add me if you want as a friend. Happy to have a chat. are you uk based?[/quote]

    Thanks so much! yes, I guess down in the corona dumps. It will pass: perseverance pays off. I did some fridge charts for accountability - back to strict CICO with green and red pens. Nothing like visible accountability as an aid to discipline.

    I saw your post about your loss!! Absolutely awesome. Well done.
  • jvando74
    jvando74 Posts: 29 Member
    Hi everyone! West coast having a slow start to the day here. No breakfast yet, getting ready to run. Scratch that. I’m hungry, breakfast first. So, I feel like maybe some folks are feeling a little down? Motivation waning as COVID lockdown saps our emotional reserves? As @Cerizez said, find your mood boost. Doesn’t have to be diet related. Watch kitten videos, whatever gives you good feelings. Then, do not beat yourself up. This is a lifestyle change. Change takes time. I have been failing miserably to get in bed at an appropriate time, this causes sugar cravings for me. Yesterday was not horrible (I have for sure been known to consume 500-800 calories in chocolate covered almonds post dinner), but not ideal. But that was yesterday. Moving on!

    We are barreling into Easter weekend here and I love to bake. I will bake, and I will eat cake, but I am already making a plan to make sure Sunday is not an over the top sugar binge. I don’t have a scale (haven’t for 10+ years), but I know how my clothes fit, and they are snug. Maybe not as snug as last week. Ok. I’ll take it. Baby steps. Manage stress. Give yourself lots of love — you deserve it!

    Have/hope you had a wonderful day everyone. We’ve got this — how could we not, we have each other! 😊