I am starving!

The worst thing about dieting is that I am so hungry all the time :huh:

Any tips for combatting hunger?



  • frankiesats
    frankiesats Posts: 114 Member
    Firstly, stop thinking of it as a diet and think of it as a life style change.

    You can have all the foods you like and want but in moderation. No binging, no overeating.

    You probably aren't actually hungry, you're dehydrated. Before every meal drink a large glass of water this will stop you over eating.

    If you feel hungry between meals, drink a large glass of water wait half an hour and see if you are still hungry.

    When you feel hungry between meals, distract yourself. Go for a walk, talk to friends, go shopping, play with dog/cat/kids, get a hobby, enjoy sport, socialise, make a phone call.

    Good luck :)
  • Have you tried swapping some food for low calorie options? I'm never filled with physical hunger, only the occasional emotional hunger that I can usually combat by keeping busy.

    I eat lots of fruit and my lunch goods throughout the day so that I never really feel hungry too often.
  • hewhoiscd
    hewhoiscd Posts: 1,029 Member
    First, make sure you have your net calorie goals set correctly and not too low. Assuming that's good...

    As mentioned before, drink LOTS of water. *Always* have water within reach, constantly sip on it all day long.

    Re-calibrate your hunger feelings to differentiate between "not full" and "need fuel now!"

    Always have healthy snacks at hand. I eat all day long, but I eat small healthy snacks between my main meals. It's OK to feel "not full", but try to keep from getting to the "need fuel now!" stage. Once you get too hungry, the risk of binging or making unhealthy choices goes way up.
  • Hello! I get hungry too sometimes.

    You could try what I do to combat it, I pick foods to eat that are high in protein but low in fat (like fat free Greek yoghurt, vegetarian sausages, tofu), or foods that are really low in calories but that still fill you up - or at least curb your hunger until the next meal (try oranges, crudités and low fat hummus, strawberries, apples) and put extra cauliflower, tomato, lettuce or courgette/zuchini in meals as these are low calorie too.

    Also drinking lots of water or herbal tea sometimes helps too, as long as you don't go overboard.

    Hope it helps!
  • Tisha247
    Tisha247 Posts: 849 Member
    Hi, I really don't have any tips for you that you wouldn't have thought of yourself, drink more water, top up your protein. The honest answer is you are going to be feeling hungry because your on a diet! You are eating reduced calories to burn off your excess fat, so you can't really think of it as a lifestyle change. If you were to eat reduced calories your whole life it would be really really bad for you and you'd probably eventually get sick. That's called an eating disorder. Persistance and willpower is what you need and only you can give yourself that, best of luck.
  • KPstartingover
    KPstartingover Posts: 268 Member
    A lot of people also chew gum to keep their mouth busy. You might try that or a sugar-free hard candy. Sometimes drinking a hot drink, like hot tea or decaf coffee will trick your tummy into thinking it's not hungry, too. Just don't add a lot of calories to the drink :drinker:

    Try to have some "go-to" snacks on hand that are healthy and are around 100 calories for when you absolutely need something. A snack that combines protein and carbs is best. Maybe 1/2 an arnold sandwich thin with a wedge of laughing cow light cheese (about 85 cals), or some apple slices with peanut butter. If you have snacks already in mind (and available), you're less likely to go searching through the cabinets and end up eating chips or cheese crackers or cookies, etc.

    Also, if you burn off more calories exercising you get to eat more :laugh:
  • grassette
    grassette Posts: 976 Member
    Eat a big breakfast. Like around 500 calories. What a difference that makes.
  • wadesha
    wadesha Posts: 351 Member
    Eat more fiber! It keeps you full and its healthy. Also i've been telling everybody about fiber one because their just as good as the commercial makes them out to be. You can have it as a snack to get you from after lunch to dinner. Theres also fruits and vegetables that are packed with fiber like broccoli, apples, strawberries, and so many other things.
  • 1a1a
    1a1a Posts: 761 Member
    Sometimes when the hungrys hit (but long before I feel like I'm starving), before indulging in that food, I go for a jog around the block (or a walk, or undertake a short burst of some other cardio). If I'm really feeling up to it I might do a more substantial duration of exercise but the point is to get the heart rate up for a bit. I don't feel like eating after cardio for a little while and once the hunger returns, I have some extra calories earnt and can eat some more food. Feeling hungry sucks (although the need to reassess whether it is hunger or something else can't be stressed enough).
  • MelissaGraham7
    MelissaGraham7 Posts: 406 Member
    Fabulous advice here!!
  • dewpetals
    dewpetals Posts: 68 Member
    Firstly, stop thinking of it as a diet and think of it as a life style change.

    You can have all the foods you like and want but in moderation. No binging, no overeating.

    You probably aren't actually hungry, you're dehydrated. Before every meal drink a large glass of water this will stop you over eating.

    If you feel hungry between meals, drink a large glass of water wait half an hour and see if you are still hungry.

    When you feel hungry between meals, distract yourself. Go for a walk, talk to friends, go shopping, play with dog/cat/kids, get a hobby, enjoy sport, socialise, make a phone call.

    Good luck :)

    Great advice! Gonna do this myself!
  • IronSmasher
    IronSmasher Posts: 3,908 Member
    If you're starving, you're doing it wrong.

    Without even being able to look at your diary, I know it will be full of sugar and carbs, low in vegetables and protein
  • chedges9090
    chedges9090 Posts: 208 Member
    I just started about a week ago. I will say that I am hungry during certain times of the day. But, I have also found that I can deal with it. I used to eat something every time.. and I don't need to. I am finding that I can wait an hour.. or so.. until my next meal/snack. I do think this is a life change for me.. not to eat every single time : ) Also, I love the tip about getting on the phone with someone-- and if I keep busy , the time will pass and the hunger seems to be "forgotten" for awhile :) GOOD LUCK! have and AWESOME day!
  • some great advice here. I plan all my meals out at the beginning of the day, then I know exactly how many calories i have left to fill in any hungry gaps during the day. you have to be strict with yourself to stick to the meals you've planned though.
  • When you do eat a meal use the smallest plate you can get away with. Its looks like you have a mountain of food then and your brain instantly thinks your eating more than you actually are.

    Only have a small amount of the fattening stuff but pile on the veg. My old roast dinners I used to have 4roast spuds and about 100g of veg, now I have one spud and about 300g of veg. I still feel as though i've eaten well but not pile on the pounds in the process

    As you eat, eat slowly...dont put the next mouthful on the fork until you've emptied your mouth. It can take 20mintues (or thereabouts, dont quote me on that lol) for your brain to register that you've eaten and had enough, if you eat slower by the time your brain says your full you're probably only way through a meal. I've served myself the smallest meals I've ever had in my life by doing this, yet once I'm half way through them I'm full up, its quite strange. Good though :wink:

    I've also found for me that by getting up as soon as i've finished and doing the dishes my mind doesn't start thinking about a desert or "whats for afters"
  • CarrieJaneSmith
    CarrieJaneSmith Posts: 19 Member
    Try cutting out all processed foods. When I eat nothing but fruits and veggies, and lean meats, it takes FOREVER to hit my calorie limit and I feel like I've been eating all day! It's a little more work (buying and cutting up veggies beforehand--otherwise they would rot in the veggie bin of my refrigerator) but well worth not having gnawing hunger pangs.
  • KENNY1957
    KENNY1957 Posts: 89 Member
  • lilyinlove
    lilyinlove Posts: 441 Member
    If you're starving, you're doing it wrong.

    Without even being able to look at your diary, I know it will be full of sugar and carbs, low in vegetables and protein

    I have to agree with that.
  • dsjohndrow
    dsjohndrow Posts: 1,820 Member
    I had that too - just all the time! I started to see a nutritionist and she told me that it s a combination of fiber and protein that removes the sense of hunger. I started to have an apple with plain Greek yogurt (you can squirt on some lemon, lime or add some cinnamon) instead of just an apple. I had peanut butter with a banana, almonds and a peach. That worked well for me. I also grille some 3oz chicken breasts and added some sort of microwaveable precooked veggie. These made great snacks. A lot of folks are shooting for 100 cal snack, but you can adjust you daily intake to stay satisfied.

    Like one of the other commenters, I eat all day long. My big meals are morning snack (500 cals), and dinner (600-700 cals). My wife has a big breakfast, and dinner, skipping lunch and snacking a little during the afternoon. We are all different.

    What is important is to identify the time in which you are most likely to fail, and plan for it. I try to pick dinner in the morning and add it to my log. Then I know what I need to do during the day.

    If you just want to eat, there are a few veggies that take more calories to digest then you ingest. Celery, onions, mushrooms, and cucumbers to name a few. The nutritionist said I could pretty much eat this stuff until it came out my ears. Then find some spices, or flavors that make them more tasty. Dill pickles are 0 cals if sodium is not a problem for you!

    I don't do any of the low-cal snack foods, I just use a measuring cup.

    Friend me if you want to look at my food diary.

    Good luck.
  • Linsey1973
    Linsey1973 Posts: 75 Member
    Thanks for the tips. Just had a bowl of fruit and will drink a glass of water too.

    I am trying to plan my meals ahead - and input them on there ahead of the meal so I get a rough idea of what I am going to eat.

    I think I may be bored, which is why I think I am hungry! Hmmmm must try to do something more constructive LOL.

    Thanks you guys are AMAZING!