How it works

Hey team

Just wanted to see if I could get an answer for a simple question about the calories for the app. Okay so I am 5’6 232 pounds and I set up a goal of 1 1/2 pounds a week. Now my question is the total calories it gave me was 1914 a day, does that include the deficit already or do I eat less than that a day? Also how about when I exercise and add calories to it?


  • dorkboy2650
    dorkboy2650 Posts: 8 Member
    Thank you Harper for your reply!

    So if I have a daily calorie intake of 1914 and I go in a two mile run (roughly 230 calories via Apple Watch) in reality I can eat 2144 with the added exercise and still be in a deficit?
  • Lillymoo01
    Lillymoo01 Posts: 2,865 Member
    Thank you Harper for your reply!

    So if I have a daily calorie intake of 1914 and I go in a two mile run (roughly 230 calories via Apple Watch) in reality I can eat 2144 with the added exercise and still be in a deficit?

    Yes, with the proviso that your exercise calorie estimates are valid. 230 cals for a two-mile run for someone who weighs 232 lbs seems reasonable to me. Some people choose to only eat back half or three-quarters of their exercise calories for fear that their exercise calorie estimates may be too high.

    ^^^ this and also to counterbalance underestimates with logging food. The best thing to do is to eat back all the calories given to you and at least half of the exercise calories on top of that for a month or so and compare your actual rate of loss to how much your goals and adjust if necessary.
  • dorkboy2650
    dorkboy2650 Posts: 8 Member
    Thank you so much team! So started today and did my usual routine of 2 miles and 20 minutes of kettle bell training! In total the routine gave me 540 extra calories. So I believe it would be ideal to eat all my calories provided by MyFitnessPal and half of my exercise calories roughly 272. That would still put me at the apps deficit and more correct? This is all of course to see what I need to tweak here and there
  • dorkboy2650
    dorkboy2650 Posts: 8 Member
    Hi team!

    So I just completed my first week of counting and I lost 5 lbs!!! Starting weight was 232 and I am at 227!! I did not do anything different just counted as accurately as possible and kept with my regular exercise routine (usually run 3-4 miles every morning) so happy becaus this is something that I can easily maintain. Just had a quick question for you veteran users. Now that my weight changed do I after to adjust my calories again? Or just stick to it for a month?
  • nutmegoreo
    nutmegoreo Posts: 15,532 Member
    Hi team!

    So I just completed my first week of counting and I lost 5 lbs!!! Starting weight was 232 and I am at 227!! I did not do anything different just counted as accurately as possible and kept with my regular exercise routine (usually run 3-4 miles every morning) so happy becaus this is something that I can easily maintain. Just had a quick question for you veteran users. Now that my weight changed do I after to adjust my calories again? Or just stick to it for a month?

    Your first week will contain some shift in water weight, so don't expect that type of loss every week. There might still be another bigger drop for week 2, but after that it should slow down. As for you question about adjusting calories, MFP should be adjusting them every 10lbs or so, but if it doesn't, you can go back through the set up and it will adjust for your current weight.

    Congrats on a great first week!
  • IWTBF67
    IWTBF67 Posts: 68 Member
    I do not eat back exercise calories but do eat what I want on Sunday within reason. Everyone has their own strategy.
  • Lillymoo01
    Lillymoo01 Posts: 2,865 Member
    IWTBF67 wrote: »
    I do not eat back exercise calories but do eat what I want on Sunday within reason. Everyone has their own strategy.

    Which means you save all your exercise calories for Sunday. A great strategy if it works for you!