South asian gal needs accountability !!!

Hey I'm from Pakistan and every year I join this app to loose like 15lbs and most of the time I do hit the mark.

Anyone wants a friend on this app to keep yourself accountable then hit me up. 🤗


  • Bigchungus2k
    Bigchungus2k Posts: 5 Member
    Hey! A fellow Pakistani here! How is your goal holding up?
  • Desikudinspain
    Desikudinspain Posts: 32 Member
    Hey! Im Indian from Delhi with a lot of love and respect for Pakistan! The zaika of your food, the lehza of your zubaan and the tehzeeb of your culture ! ps- Im Faiz Ahmed Faiz's shero shayri fan with my ancestors from Lahore! Salam walekum !